Frustrated with your downlines?
You're not the only one!
Terri H asked me
“How to best handle teammates who sign up and then you have to be the one to keep calling/texting to keep them engaged.”
Today you're going to learn the smart way to lead your team
Hint: Keep checking in on them everyday is NOT the smart way to do it!!
Let's first talk about the 4 types of downlines you have
—– Lesson of the Day —–
4 Types of Downlines
There are basically 4 types of people in your team
1) Whiners
These people just complain and whine.
They make up only 27% of your team
No matter how much you help them, they always quit anyway
2) Followers
These teammates do a little but very little.
They may get 1 or 2 customers a year but they show up to trainings
This group makes up 65% of your team
The smartest way to support them is to have them attend the weekly team trainings.
3) Supporters
These are the future leaders that produce.
They enroll customers and also signup team members.
They also step up to help out anytime you need help
They make up 5% of your organization
You should be spending the majority of your 1 on 1 time with these people to develop them into leaders
4) Leaders
Only 3% of your team are real leaders.
True leaders are ones that take action on their own and don't need you to remind them to do things
Often, they're even better than you
Work with People that Deserve Your Time
Most people make the mistake and spend most of their time with the Whiners when they should be spending time with the Supporters instead
How to Lead these 4 Groups
Quick rundown on what you should do
Whiners – don't waste time on them since they quit anyway
Followers – Don't waste 1 on 1 time with them but make sure they attend the weekly trainings.
You support this group by big group team meetings.
Supporters – Spend quality 1 on 1 time to develop them into leaders
Leaders – Check in on them daily to see if they need help
Here is old coaching call I did that goes into detail of these 4 types of downlines.
You can skip to the 22 min mark
Your BIG take away should be
Work with people that DESERVE your time and not need your time!
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
This Affects Other Disciplines
Success begins with the small things
→ How you do something is how you do everything
Every discipline affects every other discipline
→ and one of the disciplines you must develop is delayed gratification
If you learn to just wait, it’ll help you on the right path to success.
→ Never sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio