Is your lack of Consistency holding you back?!

—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Only One Choice
The FIRST step towards making your goals happen
is realizing that you have a choice to make
You can either make excuses or make money but you can’t make both.
It’s your choice?
1) Do you want to make money or make excuses?
2) What excuse are you going to stop making?
3) What’s the first action step you’re going to take?
→ You can either make excuses or make money but you can’t make both.
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Lesson of the Day —–
7 Components of the Consistency System
One of the MAIN reasons why Goals fail in network marketing is because there’s no Consistency System supporting that goal
If you want to stay Consistent and reach your business sales goals
You have to apply all 7 Components of the Consistency System
Component 1: Checklist
You must know exactly what you need to do in order to accomplish your goal.
Component 2: Create and Schedule the Time calendar
How will you have the time to work on the checklist?
When will you take action each day?
Ideally, you should schedule the same time each day.
Component 3: Determine the Strategy
How will you work on each step of the checklist?
Component 4: Choose Your Environment Where will you take action?
Where will you take action?
Does the place help you or distract you from working on your checklist?
Component 5: Tracking
How will you measure your progress and know if you’re on track?
Component 6: Your Consistency Toolbox
What tools will you be using that’ll help you be more efficient with your action steps?
Component 7: Accountability
Who is going to make sure you stay focused and consistent in your network marketing business?
Watch the video below to learn more
—– Toolbox —–
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio