MLM Motivational Quotes To Help Guide You
Success starts with your Attitude.
Attitude determines your Thoughts…
and Thoughts create your Routines…
and Routines determine what daily Actions you take
and your Actions determine Success.
Attitude → Thoughts → Routine → Action → Success
But it all starts with Attitude first.
Your Attitude is like a computer’s operating system.
If your computer has a virus, it is useless. All the hardware and software can’t save it.
If you have the wrong Attitude, you will always fail.
In order to become successful, you must learn how to think like a successful person first.
This post will highlight my most popular fundamental principles for MLM success that I’ve written.
But before I share, I’d love to start with gratitude.
I’m grateful and happy for the sky above. It’s a little cloudy today and the sun is working hard to break through.
How does it look like where you are now?
11 MLM Motivational Quotes
All Leaders are Learners.
The reason you haven’t reached your success yet is because you haven’t “learned it all.”
If You are Not Earning Make Sure You are Learning
As long as you stay consistent and keep learning every day, sooner or later you will make good money.
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Your past does NOT determine your future.
Difference Between Employees and Entrepreneurs
You are overpaid at your job in the beginning because you are given a full salary even when you don’t know what to do in your first few days on the job.
But once you work at the company for awhile, you’ll be underpaid for the rest of the your time there because you’ll be making the company a lot more money than you are getting paid.
The reverse is true for MLM entrepreneurs. We work hard in the beginning and may earn very little but we hit the big payday later on.
Are You Problem Oriented or Solution Oriented?
Complaining and whining will get you nowhere!
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It's All About Our Perception
The solution is almost always right in front of our eyes but we just need to look at it from a different perspective.
We Are Being Programmed Every Second
Just like how our bodies become what we eat… our minds become what we watch and listen to.
Success is Doing the Opposite of What Everyone Else Does
If you want to “fit in” and do what everyone else is doing, you will get the financially stressed out life that everyone else has.
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Be Careful Of Who You Listen To
Make sure you get advice from people who have achieved success already!
It's All About the Followup!
If someone doesn’t want to join, it’s not the end of the world. The timing is just not right for them. Move on and come back to them later.
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Be Grateful and Give Back
Gratitude and Giving makes us happier and happiness makes us more productive and successful. Go share this and motivate someone today because inspiration is one of the best gifts you can give.
Your Attitude Determines Your Success
If you want to make big money, you must learn how wealthy people think.
Everyone has the problems but some solve them and some can’t.
It all begins with your Attitude and how you see things.
A poor broke person will complain that MLM doesn’t work while a successful leader will ask himself “How can it work?”
Please share these quotes with others and comment below and let me know which one had the biggest impact on you.
Simon Chan
P.S. If you need to be more consistent or feel stuck and not sure how to recruit using social media, this will help you out.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio