If you want to succeed in network marketing, you must work on the income producing activities and follow a Network Marketing DMO (Daily Method of Operation) that gets you into consistent daily action.
Many distributors waste time on things that don’t grow their business, but when you stick to a proven MLM DMO, you’ll see achieve network marketing success.
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Contents: Network Marketing Daily Method of Operation
Why You Need a MLM Daily Method of Operation
It's easy to “be busy” and spend your time such as going through network marketing trainings, listening to podcasts, reading MLM books and attending events.
Those are important but they only serve to help you get better at the network marketing income producing activities.
They don't replace them!
The income producing activities are the ONLY THING that makes you money in MLM and must be part of your routine; or what people call, The Network Marketing Daily Method of Operation (DMO)
Most people in MLM fail because they lack a clear daily system and a DMO allows you to focus on what's important.
5 Benefits of a Network Marketing Daily Method of Operation
1 ) ✅ Helps you Stay Focused
A Daily Method of Operation gives you the routine to avoid distractions and focus on what increases income
We are more productive when we have a checklist (think of how you run errands) and the DMO is that checklist of income producing activities.
2 ) ✅ Create Duplication
Downlines don't take action when they're not clear on what they have to do.
A simple DMO makes it easy for them to copy what you do.
3 ) ✅ Get More Done in Less Time
When you have a checklist and a plan, it prevents you from wasting time to think about what to do or on things that don't matter (like random social media scrolling)
4 ) ✅ Prevent Overwhelm
A DMO breaks tasks into small, manageable steps which makes network marketing feel simpler and easier
5 ) ✅ Creates Momentum
When you show up consistently, you will start getting interested prospects which will turn into sales.
Your MLM business will start growing.
What Are the Network Marketing Income Producing Activities?
Until you're consistently earning $10k USD a month, 90% of your time needs to be spent on these 5 activities.
There are only 5 network marketing income producing activities that directly make you money.
1 ) Post on Social Media
Posting on social media is very important because it:
1 ) Helps you meet new people online
2 ) Creates curiosity with your current contacts
3 ) Attracts higher quality people to you
2 ) Meet New Contacts Everyday
You must meet new people either offline or online and expand your network everyday
Most people fail because they run out of people to talk to.
3 ) Approach or Invite People and See If They're Be Interested
You have to send out the network marketing invitation script and see if someone would be interested to look at your business or products / service
4 ) Follow Up With People
The fortune is in the network marketing follow up so you have to follow up everyday without being annoying.
As you connect and meet new people, send out invites…
The next important step is to follow up!
Types of Network Marketing Follow Ups could be with:
1 ) People that you've sent the invitation script to and waiting to hear back
2 ) People that have watched a video or attended a presentation
3 ) People in your network who you haven't talked to in awhile
If you need help, I've created network marketing follow up scripts for these different scenarios.
If you have been consistently meeting new people and sending out invites, you should have plenty of people to follow up with everyday
5 ) Get Prospects to Watch a Video, Attend a Presentation or do a 3 Way Call
If you consistently send out invites and follow ups, then you'll be able to get people who are willing to receive a video or attend a presentation or do a 3 way call with your upline leader.
These 5 network marketing income producing activities form the foundation of a successful MLM business.
If you consistently focus on these, you’ll be a top recruiter.
Targets for Each Network Marketing Income Producing Activity
Here's a proven Network Marketing Daily Method of Operation that I used to build a 7 figure MLM business that I started in 2023 and still pays me a residual income as of 2025.
It's called the:
Here is what each number and letter stands for
5 → Invite 5 People to Look at a Presentation
5 → Follow-Up With 5 Prospects that You Sent Invites To
3 → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call
Video: Network Marketing Daily Method of Operation Training
Time Management Tips for The MLM DMO
When you see this list of network marketing income producing activities, you may say you don’t have the time.
Of course you won't have the time to do all of them at one time!
But you do have the time!
Here are some tips to fit this network marketing daily method of operation into your busy schedule;
Work in 5 – 15 Minute Chunks of Time
You don't need much time to build a successful network marketing business but you do need to consistently use small blocks of time
If you set asides 60 minutes, you'll end up wasting a lot of that valuable time such as overthinking on who to reach out to or mindless scrolling on the newsfeed.
You solve this by working in small blocks of time.
You can get a lot done in 5 minutes such as copying and pasting the invitation script to 5 people in 10 minutes
Or post a story on Facebook in 5 minutes while you're waiting to pick up your children from school.
Choose Your Chunks of Time
You have time throughout the day. Here are some examples of what you can do:
- Meet new contacts during your coffee break
- Send out invitation messages during your lunch break
- Post on social media while waiting in line at the store
Batch Your Type of Activity
Batching means doing the same type of activity.
An example is when you run errands.
You do your errands all at once instead of do 1 thing and then go back home and then go back out again because that would be wasting time.
The same applies when you work your network marketing income producing activity.
Focus on ONE activity during that short block of time.
For ie. if you have 15 minutes, just spend the entire 15 minutes of sending out initial invite messages and don't mix it up by doing follow ups or posting on social media.
You can do those later.
Focus on 1 activity at a time and you'll get more done.
Create a Routine and Schedule
Without a routine, there is no consistency.
Go to your calendar and block out the small chunks of time and then treat your business like a job and show up everyday during the time you allocated to do your network marketing income producing activities
Do The MLM DMO With Someone Else
We tend to procrastinate or let fear stop us when we do things alone.
One of the ways to get more done in less time is to work on these network marketing income producing activities together with someone else or with your team.
You can do it in person, or on Zoom.
You can even make it a friendly competition and see who can get more messages out in the 15 minute time frame.
We get more done when we work together and it's also more fun.
Most people that I coach find it difficult to do the MLM DMO in the beginning but after they start using these 2 time management tips, they'll able to do the full DMO in 45 minutes.
Focus On Activity and Not Results
A common mistake that many distributors make is they do this network marketing daily method of operation for a few days and then quit because of the lack of results.
Results in MLM take time!
You’re not into get rich quick right?!
So be patient and give it time.
You have to give it time for you to get good and also for your prospects to warm up and get used to your new commitment.
If you focus on just doing this Network Marketing DMO everyday, in 21 days you’ll see massive results.
Just make sure you don’t quit on the first week.
Some Resources to Help You in the MLM DMO
If you need help with any these activities, The Network Marketing Training Hub has a complete library of resources to help you including
How to Use Social Media for Network Marketing
Easiest Type of Content to Post
How to use the CLAM Formula to Meet New Prospects on Social Media
The Invitation Script that Gets People Interested
Network Marketing Follow Up Scripts
Closing Scripts for Presentations
Commit to this MLM DMO and Your Life Will Change
I admit that at first this Network Marketing Daily Method of Operation may not be easy.
But once you schedule things in and consciously make an effort to work on your MLM DMO in every free second of your life, you’ll soon discover it’s not only doable but it gives you tremendous satisfaction and happiness.
You’ll feel fulfilled because you’re finally doing the actions that grow your income.
And before you know it, the happiness and success compounds exponentially because you’ll be getting the results that you wanted.
Do these network marketing income producing activities for 21 days and your business and life will change.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio