You're going to learn what network marketing professionals do and common mistakes to avoid so that you can achieve the success that millions have experienced in the direct selling profession.
I cover many important parts of being a network marketing profession but feel free to skip around.
Table of Contents
My Background as a Network Marketing Professional
I got started as a network marketing professional in 2003 and it's been one of the best decisions in my life.
I've built a 7 figure business that continues to pay me a 6 figure residual even though I retired from building over 12 years ago in 2013.
The residual income is real and can happen to network marketing profession but it requires commitment and hard work
I made a ton of mistakes and it wasn't easy but definitely worth it as it has given me the flexibility and lifestyle to do the things I want to do when I want to do them.
What you're going to learn today is based on my 23 years of experience in network marketing.
What is a Network Marketing Professional?
The term “network marketing professional” was first used and defined by a well known trainer, Eric Worre in the late 2000s.
Here's Eric Worre's definition:
A network marketing professional is someone who is an expert at building a large and successful network marketing business.
The term is often used to differentiate those who are serious and committed to their MLM business and those people who just join network marketing but don't do much.
A Hobbyist or a Network Marketing Professional?
Most people dabble in network marketing and don't treat it seriously.
A network marketing professional treats their MLM business like a job and shows up every single day
5 Things Network Marketing Professionals Do Everyday
In simple terms, a network marketing professional is going out there everyday to market and promote a business and product/service.
In order to get people to buy or join their MLM business, here are 5 income producing activities and their Daily Method of Operation (DMO)
3 ) Send out invitation messages
4 ) Follow up with prospects
5 ) Send people a video or get them to attend a presentation
Those 5 things are the most important things that a network marketing professional must do everyday.
That's why they're called the income producing activities.
In fact, until you're making $10k a month, 90% of your time needs to be spend on those 5 things and in your own personal sales production.
All personal development whether it's reading books, attending events, listening to podcasts or going through network marketing training videos are designed to help you get better at those 5 things.
3 Big that Network Marketing Professionals Never Make
Here are the 3 biggest mistakes made in the MLM and direct selling profession.
Mistake 1: Quitting Too Early
You can never be successful if you quit in anything.
Many people who think they're network marketing professionals quit way too early and sadly they quit right before they're about to have a major breakthrough
Mistake 2: Get Into Management Mode
The second biggest mistake that most distributors make is they get into management mode too early which means they stop focusing their time on the 5 income producing activities we talked about.
This is usually happens after they enroll a person and they shift their time to training their new downline instead of working on their own personal sales production.
They spend hours training someone 1 on 1 or waste countless hours making the perfect powerpoint slides for a team training.
The result of this mistake is usually huge disappointment and failure because most downlines don't do much and you just took the top producer (which is you) out of your business.
Remember the rule that until you make $10k a month, 90% of your time needs to be spent on the income producing activities and not on training your team.
Mistake 3: Going Full Time Too Early
The last mistake that most distributors make is they quit their full time jobs way too early.
Here is why this is a mistake:
The Income is Not Stable Income
Just because you earned $3,000 in a month doesn't mean that income is consistent especially if a big part comes from bonuses.
It's not until you make that same amount for 6 straight months until you can maybe say that income is stable.
Don't Need More Time, Need Better Time Management
Most distributors think they will earn more if they have more time but the reality is if you're just making $3,000 a month, more time isn't going to make that much of a difference because there's not that much stuff you can do in a full 12 hours!
For example, you're not going to be doing recruiting or doing presentations at 10am while your prospects are working!
You don't need more time.
You need better time management so that you can have more time to work on the income producing activities.
You Lose More than Income
You also lose your benefits so the real cost of giving up your job is more than just the income and this adds financial stress.
Recruiting Becomes Hard Because You Become Desperate
Network marketing professionals know that one of the principles of being a top recruiter is to have posture and you lose that when you need the income and become financially stressed.
Your prospects can sense it and you also become more annoying and desperate with your network marketing follow ups.
The more you chase people and want them to join, the more they're run away from you.
You Lose a Good Story
Making $3,000 a month part time is a great story you can share and helps you recruit people but making $3,000 a month full time is a NIGHTMARE (especially if you live in the United States or in a country that is expensive)
No prospect will want to join someone that is earning only $3,000 a month full time!
10 Tips to Boost Your Income from Network Marketing Professionals
Here's a list of things that network marketing professionals do differently and 10 tips to boost your income so that you achieve network marketing success.
1 ) They invest time to attend trainings
2 ) They invest their time and money to attend network marketing events
3 ) They don't spend all their time on training mode and never take action
4 ) They read all the top network marketing books and implement what they learn
5 ) They know that they get paid for what they produce and NOT on how much time they spend on something
6 ) Network marketing professionals know things are not get rich quick.
7 ) They know it's unwise to compare yourself to others. They focus on their own journey
8 ) They have good time management skills and create a daily routine so that they get the income producing activities done everyday.
9 ) They know the proper way to set goals for network marketing and think about their goals all the time
10 ) They invest in themselves and constantly thrive to get better
11 ) They don't let the fear of rejection stop them from doing the income producing activities
12 ) They embrace new challenges and don't let age, ethnicity nor geography stop them
13 ) They don't let the opinions of others stop them from living the life they want.
14 ) They treat the business like a job and show up everyday
15 ) Network marketing professionals spend time each day expanding their network
16 ) They embrace personal branding and constantly learn how to use social media for network marketing
17 ) They focus on their Vision and Dream and think about them nonstop
18 ) They're constant givers and always looking for ways to add value to others
Simple Online System for Network Marketing Professionals
All network marketing professions follow my Simple Online System.
Whether they're aware of of my Simple Online System or not, they're actively plugged in and implement these 6 steps everyday
1) Lead Yourself
We are our own biggest enemy and network marketing professionals know it's a constant fight.
Network marketing professionals have many of the fears, emotions and don't like to do many of the things that most people don't like to do, but they do them anyway!
2) Sell Your 3 C’s
They're constantly selling their Change, Commitment and Consistency because they know that eventually attracts people to them.
3) Work THE DMO
They work on the 5 income producing activities everyday.
4) Consistency
They have routines that make them consistent
5) Staying Connected
They know you cant do this business alone so that's why they're in constant communication with their team, company and never miss any events.
They also know accountability is a requirement for success.
6) Purpose Driven Leadership
Network marketing professionals know that it's not about them making money but about their ability to help others is what creates long term network marketing success.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio