Network marketing videos are very important prospecting tools.
You send them after you have invited your prospects using this network marketing approach script.
Often the best network marketing video to send is a video that your company has made.
An effective video should be short (under 5 minutes) and just reveal enough information to get your prospect curious to learn more.
If your company doesn't have a good network marketing video, today's training will give you a simple 5 step template for you to easily create your own.
You don't need any fancy editing or graphics.
You just need your smart phone and record yourself.
Your story is the reason why you started your business and it's what makes you relatable to others.
As they say, facts tell and stories sell.
Watch this video or read more below.
Your Network Marketing Video Features Your Story
Sharing your story is one of the most powerful tools you have in MLM.
It allows your audience to connect with you on a deeper level, building trust and increasing their likelihood of buying from you.
Here are some reasons why you should share your story in a network marketing video you create
Your Story Builds relatability:
Your story makes you more relatable to your audience, allowing them to connect with you on a personal level.
Your Story Increases trust:
When people feel like they know you and your story, they are more likely to trust you.
More effective than pitching:
Instead of pitching your product or service, sharing your story is a more effective way to get people interested in what you have to offer.
Using your story instead of a long teaser video can be a great way to engage your audience and get them interested in learning more.
It can also be used during different parts of a presentation or as a standalone introduction.
The 5 Part Template for Sharing Your Story in Your Network Marketing Video
Part 1: Life Before Your MLM Business
In the first part of your network marketing video, in 20 – 30 seconds, describe what your life was like before you discovered your business.
Share your pains and struggles. because this helps your audience connect with you on a personal level.
Remember, the more authentic and relatable your story is, the more likely it is to resonate with your audience.
Part 2: How You Discovered Your Business, Product, or Service
This part of your network marketing video is where you talk about how you discovered your business.
For example,
Did a colleague tell you about a product at work
A friend invited you a home party
You saw a social media post from one of your friends and was curious.
Part 3: Your Initial Reaction to the Business
In this part of your network marketing video, you share your initial reaction when someone first told you about your business.
Here are some examples:
Were you skeptical?
Were you excited and joined ASAP?!
did you just want to be a customer first
Share why you did what you did.
Was it because you trusted a friend?!
or maybe you were “sick and tired of being sick and tired?”
Part 4: How Has Your Life Changed
In this part of your network marketing video, you're going to share how your life has changed
You can talk about how the product has helped you and more importantly, how the business has helped you in your story
Be specific about the positive changes you've experienced.
Remember that the benefits don't need to be just financial changes.
Here are some positive changes you can talk about:
— How you've grown personally
— The new excitement you have in having something worthy to pursue
— The fulfillment you get
— The new friendship you've made
— How much fun your team is
Sharing your transformation story in your network marketing video is a powerful way to inspire and motivate your prospects to make positive changes in their own lives.
Part 5: Your Purpose and Vision
The last part of your network marketing video covers your purpose and vision.
Now that you've experienced all these positive changes, what motivates you to do what you do?!
Share why you're doing what you're doing.
This is a great opportunity to connect with your audience and let them know that's it's not just about money that motivates you.
You do what you do because you want to help others.
Including a Call to Action at the End of Your Network Marketing Video
Always end your network marketing video with a call to action. Invite others to learn more about what you do.
A simple call to action should include a gentle take away so that you have sales posture
Here's an example:
If you're interested to be earn some part time income from home like the way I do, please message me back and we'll see if you're the right person we're looking for.
You can also say “to see if this will be a good fit for you”
No one likes things forced on them but people are always curious when you dangle something in front of them and then tell them they may not be qualified for it.
This will want them to learn more and prove to you they are a good fit!
Next Steps After You Shared Your Network Marketing Video
If your prospect watches your network marketing video and wants to learn more, this is the time to followup with them and you either send them a longer company video or have them attend a full presentation (either face to face or online)
Sample Script to a Sharing Your Story
Here's a sample script using the 5 part template to share your story in a network marketing video.
You can simply record this using your phone.
Part 1: Life Before Your MLM Business
5 years ago I was at a part time that barely paid the bills and I felt I was stuck in life. I couldn't get full time work because of my 2 young kids and was really frustrated.
Part 2: How You Discovered Your Business, Product, or Service
A friend of mine told me what she was doing that helped her pay the bills and she could do this while her kids were at school. I was interested and met up with her and she explained what she was doing.
Part 3: Your Initial Reaction to the Business
I was initially very skeptical because I had heard of these work at home things before and none of them seemed to work but after 3 weeks I decided to join her because of my friend's excitement and because I trusted her.
Part 4: How Has Your Life Changed
I'm so grateful I'm doing what I'm doing now because this has been so much fun! I've met new friends and learned so many things that has helped other areas in my life. On top of that, I've also been able to generate extra income to help pay for groceries each month.
Part 5: Your Purpose and Vision
I've realized that there are so many people out there just like me that need help. Happiness in life is more than just about money. It's about helping others and the satisfaction you get when you make someone's life better. That's why I'm fully committed to my. business and to help others earn a few hundred dollars each month so they don't have to stress about their bills.
Call to Action
If you're interested to be earn some part time income from home like the way I do, please message me back and we'll see if you're the right person we're looking for.
Summary on Creating Your Network Marketing Video
Remember that your best videos are often your company video. It's already available and a great tool to use.
However if your company video is too long or doesn't have one,
you now know how you can share Your Story and create a simple network marketing video you can share to prospects
A few final points
— Don't just randomly spam and send this video to everyone. Use this network marketing script first and send your network marketing video ONLY to people who reply back to y ou after you've used the invite script
— Share your story from the heart and use personal anecdoates and experiences to make it relatable and engaging.
— You can use your story as a testimonial during presentations or as a teaser video to attract potential customers.
Most importantly, be authentic and connect with your audience on a personal level.
By following this 5-part template, you can create a powerful and effective network marketing story that inspires and motivates others to join your business.
This video summarizes what you just learned.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio