I'm in middle of a 3 week vacation now in northeast and visiting one of my best friends in Philadelphia.
So things are good! 🙂
Anyway, Amanda Pucket asked me last week
How to be accountable but not beat yourself up if you have a bad day?
Accountability is important but being too hard on yourself is also critical or else you lose motivation
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Hold Yourself Accountable Without Being Too Hard On Yourself
Accountability plays a big role in your success because it creates consistency and focus.
In fact, Accountability is the 7th and most important component of The Consistency System
But we can often get too hard on ourselves.
Here are a few helpful tips
1 ) Get an Accountability Partner
Find someone else to hold you accountable because we are our biggest enemy and critic.
It's too easy for us to be too critical and hard on ourselves and this just makes us feel worse.
We lose our self esteem and confidence.
A good accountability partner will be tough on you but also give you the grace and mentally motivate and support you.
That's much harder to do when the only accountability partner is ourselves.
2 ) Take a Daily EQ Quiz
I talked about this in my best selling book, The Consistency Pill and encourage you to take a daily EQ Quiz.
Do this every night before you go to bed, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how you’ll be able to stay more emotionally consistent.
I want you to recap your day and list these things:
What are three wins you had today?
Just writing this down will help you because it’ll make you feel better.
We tend to be our biggest critics and beat ourselves down and forget the things we accomplish.
What are three areas you need to get better in?
This alerts you to things you need to improve on.
You can dive deeper into this in The Consistency Pill
This video below shares a good routine that leaders do
Accountability is important but make sure you're aware of your “Wins” and how you're growing each day
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
What People Remember
What People Remember
If you want to build influence, gain credibility and have better relationships
remember that
“People don’t always remember what you say, but they’ll always remember how you made them feel”
So how can you make someone feel better today
One of the simple ways to make someone feel better and brand yourself at the same time is with your social media content.
Post things that
1 ) Inspires
2 ) Educates
3 ) Entertains
Make people feel smarter
Make people laugh more
Make people happier
Do this and you’ll start gaining influence and respect
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
Let's Work Together and Get Results
I will CREATE social media content for you,
Join me at my BYOB Online Workshop

How did you like today's edition? Let me know

Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio