You Must Talk to the 3 Types of Prospects Differently
The THE S.O.W. SPONSORING SYSTEM is a prospecting system for distributors in network marketing who don't have sales experience.
It teaches you the 3 Types of Prospects and they are:
1) S: People who are more Successful than you
2) O: People who are your peers or On the Same Level as You
3) W: People who look up to you and Want to be like you or Worse than you
Today I'm going to share a part of the THE S.O.W. SPONSORING SYSTEM and teach you how to talk to your O Contacts. (your peers)
If you've exhausted your contact list and need more prospects go get my free book on 71 different ways to find more prospects
The O are “On the same level” as you are and are people that know you the best.
They can be your peers, childhood friends, roommates, etc.
They are normally the toughest people to “impress” because they know you too well.
They have seen the less impressive parts of you and that can cloud their judgement when evaluating a great business opportunity from you.
I had a friend John that was an O .
John and I were good buddies from college and he knew me too well. John trusted me but the problem was that even though he respected me, I could never be respected to make a good business decision because in the back of his mind, he always remembered when I was a bad student back in college and would cut class or copy his homework.
It is hard for some people to forget the past and in my case, John always remembered how I never studied and got a C+ in physics. (By the way, I studied my butt of and aced the final and that was the only reason I got a C+ and not a F for that class. But John only remembers the C+ and cutting class and not how hard I studied for the final.)
So regardless of what I say to John, he would have doubts about my decision to join my network marketing company.
That is why edifying and using the upline is MORE important than ever when you prospect your O prospects.
John did eventually join my network marketing business but only after I invited him to talk to my upline and my upline presented to him.
IMPORTANT: Some of your O may be S
Don’t forget that some of your O may actually S prospects because they are successful but they have been categorized as O because they either know you too well or you are on the same level as them.
So the ranking of S, O or W is all relative to your relationship with that prospect
Sample Approach to Your O Prospects
Here is how a conversation should be when you talk to your O prospects.
Remember you don’t need to use the exact words but you need to communicate with confidence, enthusiasm, urgency and promote your upline leader.
Phone rings
John: Hello?
You: Hi John, this is Simon.
John: Hey, how you doing?!
You: How’s everything going? (This is where you talk to him like the way you normally would. For example, you may talk about family, job, hobbies, etc.)
Let him talk and then you transition by saying this:
You: Things have been going great for me and I’ve been working with this guy named Dave Johnson who is very successful and has built global businesses. You're one of my good friends and I want your advice and opinion. You don't need to buy anything. I'm just interested in what you think. Can you please do me a favor and talk to him and let me know what you think?
3 Lines You Can Use if They Refuse
If they offer some resistance, you can use these 3 lines. And, remember you can do this because these are your peers and your close friends.
You can say:
John, can you do me a favor and just take this quick call? My job is to set up quick phone call meetings for Dave and I really want to impress Dave and show him I am working hard. Can you please just take a quick 2 minute call and talk to him?
You can say the following if you have never done network marketing before.
John, you know I am very picky about what opportunities I get involved in or what I do with my time. But this time… this is the real deal. You got to check this out!
I’ve never ever have asked you do to something like this before right?
If they ask you “tell me more about it”, you use the EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION FORMULA and answer the same way as if a S asked you (covered before).
You: We are a 20 year old publicly traded company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. We are in the health industry and market products that over 50% of Americans use. We provide training and for people with your successful background, you can earn up to $10,000 to $30,000 a month… BUT it is NOT my job to tell you what it is about. You have to talk to the guy Dave Johnson
who is the head of the marketing and he can give you the details and answer all your questions. I’m just a headhunter to find some successful people like you. Can you take the quick 2 minute call?
Make sure you don’t commit Deadly Mistake #4 and try to sell your friend.
The more you talk the more you lose.
If you try to sell him, they think they will have to sell too and they hate that. But everyone can just make a few phone calls to setup meetings.
Setting up phone call meetings is simple and is someone everyone can do. Your prospect immediately feels they can be successful and if they feel this way, they will join.
Selling is difficult and no one wants to sell.
So keep it simple!
Review: What to Say to the 3 Types of Prospects
Here are Additional training that teaches you how to Approach and What to Say to the 3 Types of Prospects
Approaching the S Prospects and What to Say to Them
Approaching the O Prospects and What to Say to Them
Approaching the W Prospects and What to Say to Them
Make sure you always approach these 3 types of prospects differently.
Remember to Use Your Upline
The key to a successful Invite is to use your upline or team to help you.
Your O prospects know you too well and may not listen to you. But they will listen to a stranger who they don't know.
What you just learned is part of the THE S.O.W. SPONSORING SYSTEM and will help you successfully approach your contacts that are your peers or on the same level as you.
Apply this training and let me know how this helps you!
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio