I wrote a consistency book, The Consistency Pill for small businesses because it's the “missing supplement” for success especially for professions like network marketing.
Consistency is the key to success in MLM and direct selling, and it’s what prevents most people from reaching their full potential.
Attending all the trainings in network marketing, reading all the important MLM books or attending events won’t work unless you stay consistent with your daily income producing activities.
Here is a summary of my consistency book, The Consistency Pill
Consistency Book Summary: The Consistency Pill
Chapter 1: The One Thing All Leaders Agree On
My consistency book starts off with a story between my oldest son and I and how he's been able to excel in baseball because of consistency.
The same relates to business.
Most people have big goals but are still stuck because they lack consistency.
Consistency is the mother of all skills because if you can stay consistent, you will eventually be good at whatever you want to do.
Consistency is a skill and not something you are born with.
Personal growth and “real learning” happens when you do the same thing over and over again.
Personal development without action hurts you more than helps you because it creates overwhelm.
Chapter 2: People Buy Your Three C’s
You do not need results to convince people to buy from you because people ultimately buy your 3 C's:
- Change
- Commitment
- Consistency
Change can mean your attitude, habits, lifestyle, a positive result you have gotten from what you are selling, or anything else caused by your consistency in action.
Commitment means the extra time and effort that you are putting into your business even on days you do not feel like it.
Consistency means showing up and doing what you are supposed to do every single day.
Every potential buyer has 3 doubts.
- Is this for real?
- Can I do this?
- Will you help me?
If you are not consistent, it will increase their fears and doubts.
Most people will not buy from you the first time you approach them.
You convince and outlast their skepticism with your consistency and follow ups.
Nowadays, it's more important than ever to stay consistent because of social media.
Chapter 3: Lucky Dave and How Success Starts
In this chapter of the consistency book, I share my personal journey and how I struggled when I first became an entrepeneur.
No one is born consistent nor successful.
They all have to go through a process and turning point that turns failure into success.
Success only happens after a change in attitude and habits that create consistency.
Success can be achieved when you find the tiny nooks and crannies of the day (5 to 15 minutes here and there) to focus on what you should be doing.
Chapter 4: The Mind Tricks That Work
You always act the way you see yourself.
Let go of the past.
Yesterday is history, today is a mystery and tomorrow is your legacy.
Bury past pains and failures with new mental images of your future success.
Change the vision of yourself by seeing yourself as your best future self and you will start acting that way.
Thoughts lead to words and words lead to action. you say to yourself.
Be careful of the words
How to Change Your Self Concept
Step 1: Say to yourself throughout the day,
“I’m a consistent person.”
Step 2: Find examples in your life where you are consistent.
Step 3: Stop seeing yourself as struggling.
Step 4: Do 1 small thing each day that you didn’t really want to do
Everyone has been successful at something in their lives. Remember your past successes.
Adopt the mantra,
“I always find a way”
Focus on activity instead of results
Chapter 5: Consistency Beats Intensity
First step to creating consistency is to start with a small action step.
If you lead a sales team, make sure you do not create a contest where only the top salespeople will win.
Success is rarely one big hit.
Instead, it is about consistently doing small things over and over again.
Small actions will lead to lifelong changes.
Everything is a muscle. Staying focused and consistent is also a muscle you have to develop each day.
Focus on activity and not the results when you get started.
Sales is a numbers game and most salespeople struggle because they do not talk to enough people. A common mistake is looking for a perfect prospect.
Frequency of doing something is more important than how long you do something for.
Do not let the small details stop you from taking small actions every day.
Your goal for your first 30 days on social media is to develop your voice and style.
Chapter 6: The Experience Formula
If you want to be consistent in your actions, you have to be consistent with your emotions!
Experience = Event + Reaction
Event is something that happened to us
Reaction is how you respond to what happened
Experience is the outcome you have in your life.
The key to happiness and success is realizing you can’t control Events.
You can only control your Reaction.
If you want better Experiences in life, you must React better to what happens.
5 Tips to Reacting Better
1) Accept that Events happen in life
2) Always be grateful for what you have
3) Never criticize, complain nor condemn
4) Stop and think before you React
5) Always look for the lesson
Chapter 7: How to Change the Outcome of Events
If you want to have better Reactions then you have to realize there’s always two ways to look at things.
Create the habit of looking at the positive behind every Event that happens to you.
Chapter 8: The Rejection Killer
Many readers have told me this is one of the most helpful part of the consistency book.
Every business goes through rejection and unless you can stay emotionally consistent, you’ll get derailed and you’ll never become successful.
Here is a summary of how to overcome rejection
10 Steps to The Rejection Killer
1) People are not rejecting you
2) It’s their loss and not yours
3) You don’t need them but they need you!
4) Prospect is not doing you a favor when they watch your presentation
5) Visualize success before your presentation
6) Go for high numbers and talk to as many people as possible
7) You get paid for every “no”
8) Track your numbers
9) Meet new contacts everyday
10) Play the 10% off rejection game
Chapter 9: Unlock the Power of Emotional Consistency
Just as IQ stands for intelligence quotient, EQ stands for Emotional
Quotient and measures your ability to manage your emotions in a positive way so that you react better to what happens
Don’t get too low when things are bad and don’t get too high when things are good.
Daily EQ Quiz
1) What are 3 wins you had today?
2) What are 3 areas you need to get better in?
3) What was your highest high?
4) What was your lowest low?
5) What was your best emotion of the day?
6) What was your worst emotion of the day?
Chapter 10: The Consistency System
In my opinion, this is the most important part of my consistency book.
These are the 7 steps that help you stay consistent.
For every new goal you set, you need a Consistency System to support it.
7 Components of The Consistency System
Component 1: Checklist
Component 2: Create and Schedule the Time
Component 3: Determine the Strategy
Component 4: Choose Your Environment
Component 5: Tracking
Component 6: Your Consistency Toolbox
Component 7: Accountability
Chapter 11: The Forgotten Soy Sauce
Many readers laughed at my soy sauce story that I shared in The Consistency Pill.
Note that I start almost every chapter in the consistency book with a story because that's how people learn and remember things.
The first component of The Consistency System is the Checklist.
For every new goal you set, you must have a checklist that makes it very clear what the exact activity you need to do each day or else you will lose focus.
Be on the offense instead of defense in the morning.
Leaders always work on their checklist first thing in the morning.
Prevent discouragement by focusing on the activity instead of the results
Increase your sales team’s productivity and scale your business by having your team use a checklist everyday
Most people are not productive if they don’t have a checklist to follow
The concept of a vision is often hard to teach and difficult for new entrepreneurs to understand.
Checklists help your team to
– Stay focused
– Create consistency
– Get more done in less time
– Avoid info overwhelm
– Grow your business exponentiallyThe first component of The Consistency System is the Checklist.
Here is the consistency book summary on the 5 income producing activities.
The DMO: 3-5-5-5-3 Daily Checklist for home based businesses
3 – Post 3 pieces of content on social media
5 – Meet 5 new contacts a day
5 – Invite 5 people to see if they’re interested
5 – Followup w 5 prospects
3 – Send a presentation to 3 people
Chapter 12: Create and Schedule the Time
The second component of The Consistency System is to Create and Schedule the Time.
Entrepreneurs have unlimited ambitions but limited time. You don’t get any extra minutes to work on new things you want to accomplish.
It’s easy to set goals but difficult to create the time to work on each goal.
You create the time by saying “no” to things more often.
You must either do less of what you’re currently doing or stop doing something altogether.
You don’t need hours. You just need short bursts of 15 minutes of focus where you’re not multitasking.
Go “Watch a TV Episode!” means you set aside 30 minutes to work on a task without interruption.
Schedule a set time each day for the same task
Treat your part time business like a job
Chapter 13: 10 Rules of the Consistency Productivity Regimen
Time management is an issue for most people in network marketing and that's why I include this section on productivity in my consistency book.
Most people don’t treat money as real cash.
10 Rules of the Consistency Productivity Regimen
Rule 1: Be a Defender of Your Time
Rule 2: 95% of Time Management is Attitude
Rule 3: Plan Your Week
Step 1: Make a list of things you’d like to accomplish
Step 2: Choose the 3 most important things from Step 1 and eliminate the rest
Step 3: Rank the 3 items in priority
Step 4: Schedule the top 3 tasks into your calendar
Rule 4: Plan Your Day the Night Before
Rule 5: Plan Out Your Prospects
Every second of your time should be spent on sales-generating activities on your checklist
Rule 6: Always Have an End Time to Every Task
Rule 7: Two-Second Rule
Rule 8: Avoid Multitasking
Rule 9: Batching
Rule 10: Learn to Say “No” More Often
Chapter 14: The Game Plan
The third component of The Consistency System is Determine the Strategy.
You must have a strategy and exact steps that will help you take action ASAP
You create momentum by taking small, easy action steps.
Keep things simple
Make it quick. You don’t need long working sessions
3 Rules to Getting started
These 3 rules from the consistency book is taking from Atomic Habits by James Clear
Rule 1: Start with one
Rule 2: Add one each day
Rule 3: Divide into 2 parts
Chapter 15: Surrounds for Success
Component 4 of The Consistency System is Choose Your Environment
Your environment is your mental trigger that can either help you or hurt you.
3 ways to change your environment
1) Change the people
2) Use a unique location
3) Play the same song
The people around you will either lift you up or bring you down.
We tend to lose focus when we’re in the same environment for a long period of time
Music is a great emotional trigger that’ll help you achieve your goal
Chapter 16: Get 1% Better Each Day with This Tip
The fifth component of The Consistency System is Tracking
Tracking can makes things into a game and easier for you to stay consistent
Tracking is important because it reveals how you’re doing and what you need to work on.
3 things You Must Track Everyday
1) How many people did you have to talk to before you got a salespresentation?
2) How many sales presentations did you have to do before you got a sale?
3) How many people purchased?
Importance of tracking your time
Tracking your time is very important.
Take a break each day and take a Consistency Huddle to see how you’re doing on that day’s goals
We all get side tracked and once you realize you’re off track, your very next action determines your future success.
Always recap your day and focus on getting 1% better
Chapter 17: Your Consistency Toolbox
The sixth component of The Consistency System is the Checklist.
Will power is not enough to keep you consistent. You must take advantage of tools to help you.
9 Tools That'll Help You Stay Consistent
1) Journal
2) Calendar
3) Timer
4) Time Tracker
5) Your Checklist
6) Prospect List
7) Reading Apps
8) Gamification
9) Rewarding Activity
Chapter 18: Action Through Accountability
The seventh and final component of The Consistency System is Accountability
Accountability is the most important component because we’re all human and easily get sidetracked. Accountability keeps us focused.
Whether you realize it or not, you already have something holding you accountable for anything you currently do consistently.
Accountability is the major part of the environment that helps us become successful.
You can have different levels of accountability but the important thing is that you never miss a session.
Format for Accountability Calls
1) Share a win and update
2) What challenges are you currently facing?
3) Ask questions and get help
Chapter 19: Singing Happy Birthday Everyday
I wanted to share how I apply what I wrote in my consistency book to how I was able to write my consistency book and also stay consistent with my daily birthday routine.
Singing happy birthday to someone is one of the best fulfilling things you can do on a daily basis. It’s also great for networking.
Detailed analysis of how Simon applies The Consistency System to his singing birthday song routine.
When situations change, make sure you update the components to The Consistency System otherwise you become like me and let travel mess up my consistency!
Chapter 20: Winning the Daily War
This is my favorite chapter in my consistency book because this is what separates the winners and losers.
No matter how consistent you are, there will be days where life will hit you and you’ll get knocked off track
Aim and expect to be consistent, but don’t be surprised if you slack off or have unproductive moments.
95% of success comes from your mindset.
There is the Angel and Devil inside of you that is constantly battling.
One is your biggest supporter while the other is your biggest enemy.
The Angel and Devil are in a constant battle and you have to approach each day as a war. It’s that intense!
You must make a conscious effort to beat the Devil each day.
Sometimes the Devil wins and you get knocked off course. Remember that you may have lost the battle but don’t lose the war.
Take a Consistency Huddle and get back on track.
5 Traps that Destroy Consistency
1) Feeling Defeated When You Get Off Track
2) Not Doing at Least One Thing Every Day
3) Missing Two Days in a Row
4) Bad Environments
5) Negative People
How to Get Back On Track
1) Let it Go
2) Focus on Activity and Not Results
3) Do Something Small
4) Focus on Getting 1% Better
5) Plan the Day Before
6) Take a Consistency Huddle
7) Get Accountability
8) Do Short Spurts and then Reward Yourself
Chapter 21: Take The Consistency Pill
I end The Consistency Pill with an inspiring story of how an acquaintance became one of my best friends.
Most prospects will not purchase from you because the timing isn’t right for them.
People are always buying your Change, Commitment and Consistency.
6 Figure Close
1) Do you want to earn extra income?
2) Do you see how our company can help you earn extra income?
3) When’s the best time to start earning extra income?
To have a successful business, you must focus on helping others
Consistency Book Summary
Consistency is the #1 skill and you must apply the 7 Components of The Consistency System if you want to stay on track and achieve your goals in network marketing.
If you liked the consistency book summary, you can read the stories and examples in the book.
You can grab a copy of The Consistency Pill book on Amazon or from your favorite book seller.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio