Future of network marketing is still good despite recent companies such as Colored Street changing its compensation plan, and Epicure shutting down in 2025.
In 2024, we saw Rodan and Fields, Seint and BeachBody giving up on the MLM model and Tupperware declaring bankruptcy but succeeding in network marketing is going to be much harder because of our environment and the constant distractions.
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Future of MLM After Major Changes
The future of network marketing is changing.
Over the past year, some big companies have moved away from the MLM model, and this has left many leaders scrambling and dreams vanished.
Companies that were once seen as rock-solid have abandoned the network marketing structure, taking away downlines and residual incomes.
But fortunately the future of MLM is always going to be good and here are 5 reasons why.
5️⃣ Reasons Why the Future of MLM Is Still Good
Despite the negative news, the future of network marketing is still bright and the profession will last.
Here are reasons why.
1 ) New Network Marketing Companies are Launched Every Week
The future of network marketing has been in doubt for the last 50 years and numerous of books and people have talked about how it will die.
But MLM is still alive and doing well worldwide!
New companies are still being launched every month despite the current setbacks.
2 ) 💥Why Network Marketing Will Always Exist
People will always want more freedom, money, and more time with their families.
Network marketing gives everyday people a chance to dream bigger and people will always want more in life so in this is the reason why the future of network marketing is good.
Human desire is the MAIN REASON why MLM will always exist and the future of network marketing is good.
3) The General Public is More Open to Alternative Ways to Earn Income
The benefit of the gig economy is that people are MORE open to doing something outside of a job.
They're open minded and interested in other options such as network marketing.
A new survey said that the #1 dream job for a teenager today is to be an online influencer.
People 20 years ago would say you're crazy and unrealistic if you told them you wanted to work for yourself from home.
All these trends make it more acceptable for people to join a network marketing business.
Advantages of MLM Over Affiliate Income or Other Side Hustles
If you read the news too much it may seem that affiliate income is the way to go but it has severe disadvantages compared to network marketing.
You basically have a job when you do affiliate income because you get paid when you promote but don't get paid if you stop promoting.
It's not a business and definitely not something you can pass to your kids.
The same applies for other side gigs like driving Uber, freelancer, etc.
Network marketing gives the average person with no startup money nor following a chance to build a business that can pay you even when you're not working and is something you can pass to your next of kin.
That's a HUGE advantage that no other job can offer.
If it wasn't for network marketing, I would still be at a job and never have the chance to do the youth sports with my kids.
Network marketing allows us not only to dream but gives us a chance to make that dream a reality and is the reason why the future of MLM is always good.
4) Success Stories Are Everywhere
Social media has also made people aware that you can be successful in network marketing.
Everyone has seen or know of someone that has done well in our profession and this helps the future of MLM.
20 years ago it was very difficult to know of someone that was successful outside your company.
The success stories are everywhere now online and make people more open to the profession.
5) Network Marketing Has Always Adapted and Thrived
People have been predicting the future of MLM forever and always say it will die.
They say the internet will destroy network marketing or the pandemic and the lack of face to face meetings will kill MLM.
But they have not.
Network marketing has adapted and grown… and it will adapt again in 2025
As long as humans have a dream to become and have more, the future of MLM is bright.
Why the Future of MLM Will Be Harder
Now that we talked about why MLM will never go away, let's talk about the challenges.
Here is why it's going to be harder.
1. More Distractions Than Ever
We have way more more tools to help you succeed in network marketing than 20 years ago but it's has also made things harder.
For example, social media has made things easier if you know how to use social media for network marketing or it can create major distractions and and overwhelm.
That’s why staying focused and developing the right mindset is more important than ever in the near future.
2. The Instant Gratification Trap
We live in a world where everything is immediate but success in network marketing takes time.
If you’re looking for quick results, MLM will feel harder than ever.
3. Self-Doubt and Fear of the Wrong Choice
Many people switch strategies too soon because they think they’re doing something wrong.
The reality is that success comes from staying consistent, even when it feels like nothing is happening.
5 Keys to Success in Your Future in Network Marketing
Here are some tips to help you grow your business, even when things get tough:
1. Focus on One Thing at a Time
Stop doing everything all at once.
Whether it’s Instagram, TikTok, or another platform, pick one and stick with it for at least six months otherwise you'll never the momentum and experience to achieve success in network marketing.
2. Stick to the Income Producing Activities
Achieving success in the future in network marketing doesn’t require fancy tools but does require you to focus on The DMO (Daily Method of Operation) and list of income producing activities.
Post on social media, meet new people, send invitations, follow-up and do presentations.
Here are complete details of these 5 income producing activities
3. Lead Yourself First
The 1st step in the Simple Online System in network marketing is to Lead Yourself.
Network marketing success starts with you!
Build network marketing habits that keep you consistent, like waking up earlier to work on your business or setting a timer to stay on track.
The more disciplined you are, the better results you’ll see.
4. Delay Gratification
Instead of looking for quick wins, focus on the long game and long term future.
Succeeding in network marketing might take months or even years, but the rewards will be worth it.
5. Stay Connected to MLM Community
You'll never be successful if you do network marketing alone because it can get very discouraging.
You must stay connected with others so make sure you attend every future team training, go to network marketing events, join coaching groups, read the books, listen to the podcasts, etc.
Network marketing can feel isolating, but staying connected will keep you inspired and focused.
Secret to Network Marketing Success: A Winning Mindset
Most people fail in network marketing because they don’t have the right mindset.
They think MLM success is about learning new skills, but it’s really about how you think and approach challenges.
Here are examples of how top leaders think.
Focus on Activity, Not Results
Instead of worrying about how many people say “yes,” in the future, track how many people you’re reaching out to. Celebrate your consistency and you'll event get the results you want in the future.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Don't let someone's highlight reel on social media compare to your reality because what you see is just the highlights and not their real life!
Stay in your lane and focus on your own journey.
Embrace Mistakes
Making mistakes isn’t bad because it's how you learn.
The more mistakes you make, the faster you grow.
Recap on The Future of Network Marketing in 2025
The future of network marketing is bright, but it’s going to be hard but so worth it.
Network marketing gives you the chance to build residual income, connect with amazing people, and change lives.
If you want to succeed in network marketing, remember to stay focused on the income producing activities.
Keep it simple, stay focused and take consistent action!
Helpful MLM Resources
Network Marketing Training Hub
Goal Setting in Network Marketing Guide
Consistency Champions Club Coaching
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio