Network Marketing Coaching is important if you want to achieve MLM success faster but what type of coaching is best for you?
I've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on coaching and will share with you whether you should consider network marketing coaching and the different types of MLM coaching
In this article, when I use the term “coaching” we are NOT referring to any training you receive from your upline, sponsor or someone in your company.
Coaching means someone you hire and get training or feedback on a scheduled basis.
Table of Contents on Network Marketing Coaching
Do You Really Need Network Marketing Coaching?
The answer is No and Yes.
When MLM Coaching May Be Unnecessary
Chances are you don't really need coaching when you first start because your team has some basic training.
The exceptions are if you feel your team is inexperienced or you want to achieve network marketing success faster.
When MLM Coaching is a MUST
1) Outgrow Your Upline
Network marketing coaching becomes a “must have” when you have outgrown your mentor.
You feel you can no longer learn anything new or that person can't help you achieve your goals
2) Upline Lacks Experience in Specific Skill
You need to learn something that your upline and teams isn't experienced at
Some examples are how to use social media for network marketing
3) Need Tough Love and Accountability
You get too close to your upline and and doesn't give you the hard talk that you need to hear.
The relationship becomes more of a friendship and less of a coach and mentorship.
At this point, you need someone that pushes you hard and also holds you accountable.
Free versus Paid MLM Coaching
The word “coaching” is used loosely and often this includes Free network marketing coaching versus Paid.
Benefits of Free Coaching
It's Free!
Easy to get started
Disadvantages of Free Coaching
You always get what you pay for.
Free network marketing coaching is usually very general and broad and not specific enough to help you.
You waste tremendous amounts of time learning things that may not give you the result you want now.
Even if the free coaching sessions are good, the coach will eventually lose interest to devote time, attention and give you the accountability that is necessary for you to succeed because of the lack of compensation.
Benefits of Paid Coaching
The MLM Coach has a financial interest in you because he wants you to achieve network marketing success so that you can give testimonials and help the coach get more coaching clients.
You also get what you pay for.
5 Types of Network Marketing Coaching
Now we will go into the 5 types of MLM coaching that you may have seen
1 ) Group Coaching
A MLM coach trains multiple people at the same time on a consistent scheduled (weekly or monthly) Zoom call.
The size of these group coaching calls can vary from small network marketing group coaching sessions with 5 people to 500+ people.
Obviously the smaller the better since it's hard to get individual attention when the group calls are so large.
Advantages of Group Coaching
Usually much cheaper and affordable
Better than not having any type of coaching
Usually allows you to ask the coach questions either in a Facebook group, Discord channel, membership site, etc.
Disadvantages of Group Coaching
As mentioned, some of these group coaching sessions are so large that you get lost and it becomes less of coaching and just another training.
You don't get individual attention. At best, you get to ask 1 – 2 questions a month especially if the group is large
Recommendation for Group Coaching
If you do choose network marketing group coaching, make sure you choose ones that have just a handful people on the calls and also allow you to speak and ask questions every week such as in my Consistency Champions Club.
2) 1 on 1 Network Marketing Coaching
Another type of MLM coaching that is more intense is 1 on 1 coaching.
Advantages of 1 on 1 MLM Coaching
This is the ultimate form of coaching that will get you the fastest results because you get individual attention and accountability.
Usually includes 1 on 1 calls and / or group calls and sometimes in person coaching.
Disadvantages of 1 on 1 MLM Coaching
Requires biggest investment
You can't hide behind others and will have to be truly coachable.
3) Mastermind Group MLM Coaching
The last type is Mastermind coaching which is a form of group coaching that has limited number of people (usually anywhere from 5 – 30) but the difference is that the members are expected to contribute to the call
Advantages of Mastermind Coaching
Usually include group training calls
Often includes a physical event that you can attend.
Not only are you learning from the coach but you get to learn from others as well.
It is a great form of accountability because you actually have to do something and share what you've done or learned.
Masterminds are a way to network with other successful and motivated distributors because the people who join these things are usually go getters.
Depending on the size of the group, the coach may give Voxer access where you can send in questions on a daily basis.
Many of my lifelong friends that have become very successful were met at Masterminds
Disadvantages of Mastermind Coaching
Usually require higher investment
Cost of the event is usually added to the price so if you can't make the event, then you lose out
You don't really get daily 1 on 1 individual attention
4) Income Based Network Marketing Coaching
This is actually a type of Mastermind coaching which requires you to be at a certain rank or income level in order to qualify to join.
An example is Rob Sperry and Coach Fryer's Elite Leaders Lab where you have to be a certified 6 figure income to apply.
5 ) Mastermind Group Coaching Hybrid
If you're not sure about whether to do Group Coaching or Mastermind, I created a hybrid form that has been very popular called our Consistency Championship Club that will give you coaching and accountability.
What's Best Type of Network Marketing Coaching For You?
I've been in the direct sales profession since 2003 and I made of the costliest mistakes in 2005 when I expanded my business internationally without getting any coaching.
Fortunately I avoided the same mistake and had a coach 3 years later and that helped me build a team of over 80,000 people in the Philippines.
Network marketing coaching is a must if you want to achieve lifelong success and residual income in MLM.
Now the question for you is which type of MLM coaching is best for you?
1 ) MLM Group Coaching
2) 1 on 1 Network Marketing Coaching
3) Mastermind Group MLM Coaching
4) Income Based Network Marketing Coaching
5 ) Mastermind Group Coaching Hybrid
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio