Your network marketing leadership skills will determine your long term MLM success.
Leadership is a skill that you have to work on daily and you're going to learn 5 steps to help you become a better network marketing leader.
In this MLM Leadership training guide, you're going to discover 2 things:
1 ) The First Person You Must Lead ASAP
2 ) 5 Steps to Become a Better MLM Leader
Outline: How to Become a Better Network Marketing Leader
Leading Yourself is the 1st Part of Network Marketing Leadership
I put this section first because many distributors wait till they get their first signup before they even think of their mlm leadership skills.
You don't become a leader when you finally recruit your first person or if someone calls you a leader.
The reality is you ARE A LEADER ALREADY!
You became a leader the day you got started in network marketing and the first person you must lead is yourself.
What Does It Mean to Lead Yourself?
Show Up Everyday!
Leading yourself means you're going to show up everyday and do income producing activities even if they're scary and when you don't feel like doing them.
Successful People Do Things That Unsuccessful People Don't Do
But how do you actually change yourself so that you do it?!
You're going to learn…
How Network Marketing Leaders Motivate Themselves
Here are 3 tips to help work on the income producing activities when you don't feel like it
1) Spend Time With Successful People
The people you hang out with will influence you.
If they're lazy and make excuses, then you'll do the same
If they must suck it up and make it happen,
then you'll do the same
2) Go to Events
Events are great place to meet successful people
Just spend 5 minutes around them will have a positive impact on you
It'll inspire you to do what you need to do even if you don't feel like it
3 ) Listen to MLM Nation Podcast
If you don't know anyone successful or can't go to an event right now
you can simply listen to MLM Nation podcast and have access to over 800 top leaders
When you listen to podcasts, it's almost the same as spending time with a successful person
Most people spend more time listening to podcasts than they talk to their parents or spouses each day
By hearing successful people talk over and over again,
you'll start changing your thinking and beliefs
and start becoming like them and do things even when you d
Work on the income producing activities
MLM Leaders Don't Make Excuses!
You can make money or you can make excuses but you can't make both!
When I first started my journey as an entrepreneur back in 2003
I had TONS of reasons why things were “hard”
Reasons such as
“I'm busy at my job”
“I'm not good at talking to people”
“I don't have a big network”
“None of my friends want to do this”
etc etc.
And then my mentor taught me that these reasons were all just EXCUSES!
You see…
these are all excuses because for every reason you give,
there's always a SOLUTION to that reason.
You're never permanently stuck so those reasons are just excuses
It's not your lack of resources…
For example,
If you're “busy at your job”,
then you can make it happen if you have better time management.
Or… go get another job!
If you're “not good at talking to people”…
then attend some trainings and read a book on how to communicate better
If you “don't have a big network”
then go learn how to CLAM and meet endless prospects online!
If “None of your friends want to do this”,
then go to your community and meet new friends
For every reason, there's always a solution
so that's why those reasons are just excuses!
When you understand that concept,
that's when you take the real first step towards success.
and finally
Never forget that…
You can make money or make excuses but you can't make both!
I want you to be honest with yourself today what excuses or reasons are you giving yourself to justify your lack of success?
Network Marketing Leaders are Change Catalysts
Understand that your current situation is a result of YOU and how you are!
No one else gets the credit nor the blame.
Give yourself credit to all the good things that you have in your life.
You attracted them.
It also applies to the not desirable things as well.
You attracted those as well and you must take responsibility for it. ☹️
→ If you don’t like something, you have to change it.
You did it… you change it!
→ The good thing about change is that it gets people’s attention.
People always buy your 3 C's
1 ) Change
2 ) Commitment
3 ) Consistency
The best way to let people know you’re changing is with your social media content
Let people know about your change in habits…
and your change in attitude
Change creates curiosity and conversations
and conversations creates prospects.
so make sure you stay consistent and let people know how you’re changing
Act and Do What Top MLM Leaders Do
Leading yourself means you must BE the leader before you become the leader!
Start acting like the top leader
That doesn't mean you lie.
It just means you work on the income producing activities and also think like a top leader.
3️⃣ 3 Tips to Help You Get Outside Your Comfort Zone
Taking action won't be easy but all your dreams and goals are OUTSIDE your comfort zone so it's important to do things that make you uncomfortable.
Here are 3 tips to help you increase your MLM leadership and get outside your comfort zone.
1 ) Having a Big Vision
There's a saying that if your dream is big enough, then the obstacles become small.
If your dream is small, then the obstacles become HUGE
How big is your dream?!
2) Overcome the Fear of Rejection
The main reason why you're scared to do something uncomfortable is because of your fear of rejection.
10 Step Rejection Killer
Here is the 10 Step Rejection Killer that you can use so that you won't let rejection hold you back from prospecting
1. They’re Not Rejecting You
They’re saying “No” to the message, not to you.
2. Change Your Mindset About Who Loses
Your prospect loses out, not you.
3. Change Your Self-Talk
You don’t need them, but they need you!
4. They Are NOT Doing You a Favor
You are doing them a favor by sharing something life-changing.
5. Visualize Success Before You Reach Out
Assume people will want to buy instead of assuming negative
6. Talk to As Many People As Possible
The more people you talk to, the less rejection affects you.
7. You Get Paid for Every “No”
Every “No” gets you closer to a “Yes.”
8. Track Your Numbers
You can’t improve what you don’t track.
9. Meet New Contacts All The Time
Consistently add new people to your network.
10. Play the 10% Game
Fun game that will numb you to rejection. Ask for 10% off your bill the next time you buy something.
Additional Tips to Help You Overcome Rejection
→ Here are some additional network marketing leadership tips that’ll help you overcome your fears of getting started
1️⃣ ) Remind yourself that all your dreams and goals are outside your comfort zone
2️⃣ ) People are NOT thinking about you!
3️⃣ ) If you buy someone’s opinions, you’re buying their lifestyle
4️⃣ ) It’s much easier to get things done when you’re working together with others
5️⃣ ) If you do it consistently every day, you’re going to get good very fast
→ Stop overthinking and get started today‼️
3 ) Get Accountability
We do better when we do things with others or have someone holding us accountable and that's why having an accountability partner is so important
Accountability is the most important piece of the 7 Components of The Consistency System
Quickest Way to Grow Your Network Marketing Leadership
One of the quickest ways to develop your network marketing leadership is to copy how MLM leaders THINK.
If you ever have a chance to be with a leader, the most important question you can ask is also my favorite question that I ask on MLM Nation's podcast
I've asked it over 800 times and still can't wait to hear the answer each time and the queston is,
What was your WORSE moment in the business to the point where you almost wanted to quit, but didn't?
Why This Question is Important
Your MLM leadership skills are developed during the tough times and you'll learn that every MLM leader has gone through challenges.
When things don't go well, always ask yourself what are the lessons you're learning?
The one thing that network marketing leaders don't do is … quit!
They don't quit.
But instead they take time to analyze the lessons they're learning.
The toughest moments gives you the lessons that make you a network marketing leader.
Copy How MLM Leaders Think
Go ahead and ask that question to a top leader today
→ If you don't have anyone to ask, you can simply listen to MLM Nation podcast
That question is included in every interview I've done
Ask yourself today
In what ways do you have to CHANGE the way you THINK?!
How to Overcome Procrastination
Stop procrastinating and take action today because
→ “Hesitation never cashed a check”
We have all distractions and personal issues
Here are a few simple tips to help you stay consistent
1 ) Always Do Something (Even if it's just 1 thing) Everyday
You may not be productive every moment but never have an unproductive day
Do something everyday that moves you closer to your goal.
Even if it’s just for 15 minutes
2 ) Win the Next 15 minutes
Instead of waiting to tomorrow,
focus on winning the next 15 minutes you have.
Take action and win the day by winning 15 minutes at a time.
Good Question to Ask Yourself
A great MLM leadership question is to ask yourself,
Would you follow yourself?
If not, then you start acting and do what leaders do now!
You must be the person that people want to join if you want to be able to recruit people to your team.
Why would someone follow you if you can't lead yourself?
Take Small Actions Daily
MLM leadership skills are developed gradually and this change won't happen overnight.
Just take small actions daily and you'll find find that your consistency will make you grow as a network market leader and you'll be able to lead yourself and others better.
If you struggle to see yourself as successful, these 2 videos will help you develop your vision and MLM leadership skills.
Video: How to Sell the Vision When You're New or Struggling and Never Led Before
Video: How to Create the Vision of Yourself as a Network Marketing Leader
12 Habits that My Mom Taught Me That Grows Your Leadership
Habits determine our actions and ultimately decides what type of MLM leader we will be.
If you want to be able to lead yourself, you must have good habits.
Fortunately I have an awesome mom and she has had a huge impact on my success as an entrepreneur, MLM distributor and as a coach trainer.
Success is all about habits and my mom taught me early on what it took to be successful.
As a kid I hated many of the things my mom made or not allowed me to do but as I got older, I appreciate my mom’s wisdom and I’m grateful for the success habits she taught me.
Your Habits Determine Your Success
The Habits I learned from my mom helped me:
1) Built a 7 figure MLM business and also was the #1 fastest growing distributor in North America for my company
2) Become a successful coach, speaker, best selling author and podcaster
3) Launch the #1 MLM podcast show
If you’re a parent, you may want to consider teaching these valuable 11 habits that my mom taught me.
Habit 1: Don’t Try To Fit In
I hated my mom for not letting me be like the other kids. She never wanted me to fit in and do what everyone else was doing but instead would push me to do things that others wouldn’t do.
A good example was instead of watching NFL football on Sundays, we had to go to Chinese school.
Years later I realized my mom’s wisdom.
Most people who have “normal lives” are frustrated and struggling.
If you want to be successful and have what others don’t have, you must be different.
You have to be the Purple Cow.
Habit 2: Always Compare Yourself with the Best
As a kid I always wanted to let my mom know that I did better in school than many kids. It was my way to get my mom off my back so I can have it easy.
My mom never cared about the ones that I was better. She would always point to someone better.
This habit programmed me later to have ambition and pursue greatness instead of mediocrity
Habit 3: Never Be Satisfied
Even if I got an A on a test, my mom would challenge me to see if I could get another A.
I also couldn’t stand it when my mom would keep pushing me but I realized her wisdom years later when I realized that I had the stamina and work ethic that is required to be successful in business.
She taught me the attitude and heart of a champion because Champions never rest and are always striving to be better.
Habit 4: Importance Of Networking and People Skills
My dad was a doctor (general surgery) and had his own private practice. It was a mom and pop setup with my dad being the doctor in the back room while my mom worked the reception and the billing.
I realized early on that even though my dad was a great doctor but he wasn’t the one driving the practice.
It was my mom’s networking skills that got the steady flow of patients coming in every day.
Without my mom’s people skills, no one would know about my dad and the practice would have been a bust.
Habit 5: No TV Allowed
We weren’t really allowed to watch TV as kids and I couldn’t understand why.
All the other kids could watch shows and I was totally clueless what Different Strokes, The Cosby Show, etc. were about.
Years later I came to appreciate this strict discipline.
In order to be successful in building any type of business and especially network marketing, you have to be focused and can’t waste your time sitting in front of a television.
While I’ve seen many MLM distributors struggle to “give up TV” it was easy for me because I never developed a habit of having a TV on in the house.
We did own a TV to watch occasional big sporting events but other than that, we never turned it on.
As I got older, I became super grateful for my mom for this as I studied the harmful effects of TV on our minds.
Today we do NOT have a working TV in my house.
Habit 6: Reading and Books
Instead of TV, we had books and magazines EVERYWHERE in the house.
My mom may have been frugal in many areas but she was always generous when it came to buying books and magazines.
As early as 3 – 4 years old, I would remember flipping through Newsweek magazines so that I could look at pictures of cars, tanks and planes. I couldn’t read but it got me the habit of picking up things to look at pictures.
And I guess, since the TV was never on and there were no video games, reading was the only thing to do cause there wasn’t anything else to do!
I started subscribing to Sports Illustrated when I was around 11 years old and would read it cover to cover and by the age of 16, I read almost every Stephen King and Agatha Christie novel.
If you have kids, I highly recommend you to read this book, The Read-Aloud Handbook on the importance of reading and what to read to your kids.
Habit 7: Be Generous
My mom was frugal to herself but ALWAYS generous to others. I saw the generosity can go a long way and I applied it to my business.
When I developed my first 2 full time leaders in my MLM business I surprised both of them by buying them brand new Apple MacBooks.
Nothing makes you happier than giving unexpected surprises.
Money comes and goes but the joy of giving lasts forever.
Habit 8: The Power of Self Education
My mom became a successful stock investor through self education.
She never took a business course in school but she would read relentless in understanding how stock investing works.
I learned that it’s the self education that would make you a fortune and that anyone can learn ANYTHING as long as they are willing to stay focused and invest time to learn.
Habit 9: Focus on Business and Investing and Not on a Job
Robert Kiyosaki in his book, the Cashflow Quadrant talks about if you want to achieve wealth you can’t be an employee or self employed.
You must be a business owner and an investor.
My mom knew that wisdom way before Kiyosaki wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad and ventured into stock investing in the 90s even though she never had any formal education in business.
My dad was a medical doctor with all the fancy degrees but years later my mom was able to help my dad retire 10 years EARLY because of the money made from investments outgrew the income my dad made as a doctor.
I realized that I’d rather be like my mom and work smart for 10 years than be my dad who worked hard for 30 years.
If it wasn’t for my mom, my dad would have had to work an extra 10 years!
Habit 10: Failure is Path to Success
Before stock investing, my mom tried out real estate investment and that became a nightmare.
She was easily conned out of $100,000 (this was a lot of money in the 80s) and I still remember her crying at home.
But she never quit.
She took the lessons she learned and never gave up her dreams of being a good investor.
She got back on her feet and saved up money and began investing in stocks.
If she dwelled on her real estate disaster my parents would never have the lifestyle they have today.
Habit 11: Use Emotions to Motivate You and Not Hold You Back
I remember my mom cry a lot after the real estate deal but instead of giving up or having a pity party, she used that as fuel to motivate herself to become successful and prove that conman that nothing could stop her.
I really came to appreciate this later on in my entrepreneur journey.
Never let negative people or haters distract you. Use them as motivation to prove them wrong.
Habit 12: Do The Things You Hate To Do but Know You Must Do
This was the WORST part of my childhood and in many ways made me miserable as a kid.
I was forced to do a lot of things that I hated to do but were good for me.
Things like going to Chinese school on Sundays while other kids watched NFL or played outside…
Or having to practice playing piano when I hated music lessons. I had to practice for an hour and even if I didn’t feel like it, I had to practice an hour a day with no exceptions.
Or going to extra summer school even though I was one of the top kids in my class…
It really made me miserable for years but later on I really appreciate this because it helped me become successful in business.
Success is simply doing things that people don’t like to do and my mom trained me well to do the things you hate to do but know you should do.
How many of these habits do you have and are you teaching them to your kids?
How to Break Bad Habits
What if you have bad habits?
Here are 2 simple steps on how to break bad habits
1 ) Prevent Forming Bad Habits
Easiest way to break bad habits is to prevent them in the first place!
Bad habits come from excuses and “exceptions”.
What starts out small often can easily become a bad habit.
So just don't even start doing it.
2) Start a New Habit that is Related to the Bad Habit
And over time, that new habit will replace the bad habit
Here is an example,
Say you spend an hour of watching TV every night
Giving that up may be hard
This will be much easier
Start a new habit of reading for 5 minutes and STILL watch your TV
Over time,
You’ll get used to reading and will read more and more and eventually watch less and less TV
Here’s another example
Say you eat junk food everyday
Giving that up is hard
You can still eat your junk food but create a new habit of eating something healthy along with the junk
And within weeks,
you’ll slowly get used to eating healthy and will naturally want to give up the junk food
5️⃣ Steps to Become a Better Network Marketing Leader
1) Never Criticize, Complain nor Condemn
You first have to accept full responsibility for your current situation.
Everything is your fault!
Accepting responsibility allows you to look inward and find areas for improvement
If you keep blaming others, then you'll never be able to become a better leader
2 ) Stay Consistent
No one will follow anyone that is not consistent.
3) Lead by Example
If you want your team to grow fast, you must go fast!
The faster and harder you work your business, the more your team will work.
No one is motivated by a leader that does nothing!
If you want your team to be more committed, then YOU first be committed!
That will inspire them!
If you want your team members to sponsor more, then YOU go out and sponsor more.
That will motivate them!
4) Attend Events
Leaders do all they can to get your team to attend events.
The more events you and your team goes to,
the more your business will grow.
It is simple as that
5) Build on the 4 Beliefs
Your training topics for your team should always focus on building the 4 important beliefs:
1) Belief in the company
2) Belief in the products
3) Belief in the profession
4) Belief in themselves
The best ways to build on these 4 Beliefs is through self development and going to Events.
How to Overcome The Fear of Failure and Fear of Success
There are 2 types of Fears that hold you back from taking action and achieving success in network marketing.
1 ) Fear of Failure
Everyone knows about this one.
This is when you're scared of failure such as rejection, not doing well, etc. and this prevents you from taking action
The best way to overcome this fear is to visualize success and then just do it immediately before fear talks you out of it
2) Fear of Success
The fear of success is something I never really understood at first but it's important for you to understand it or else you'll never be successful when it hits you.
When I first heard this term I didn't understand what it was.
I asked myself
Why would someone be scared to be successful?
You fear that you won't live up to expectations because of your lack of experience in a situation so you rather stay where you're at instead of making an effort to be successful.
I finally understood this when I stepped outside my comfort zone for the first time.
I was driving to recruit a big time leader and then I found myself not wanting to go meet this person.
I started to say things like…
What if he actually joins and then how would I train him?
I never trained someone smarter than me so how will I be able to do it?
How would I support and lead his team?
I have a busy schedule and I won't be able to support him!
I may have to do 3 way calls for him and I never even did one myself?!!
If he does really well and I rank advance, I'll have to share on the larger team call and I wouldn't know what to say!
I may even have to accept an award on stage and that would make me too nervous!!
I may even have to give a training at our company event and that would be too scary for me. I can't speak in public.
I have to accept an award and I may not even be able to go because of my schedule
People may want to take pictures with me and I hate taking pictures!
etc., etc., etc.
All this negative self talk and questions prevents you from taking any action to succeed.
How to Overcome The Fear of Success
1) Visualize Success
The way to overcome your fear of success is to visualize yourself doing well!
Things always happen twice
First in the mind and then in reality
If you think about not living up to expectations, then that's what you're going to get!
Thinking positive is the only chance you've got!
Here's a helpful video on the first thing you must do when you have fear
Give Reasons Why You Can Do It
Give yourself reasons why you can do it.
If you have learned something new before, then you can do it again
List out 10 reasons why you can do it.
This video will be helpful in helping you create the vision of you as a leader.
False Expectations
Understand that most of those fears and imaginary situations are all fantasy
Here's a great acronym for F.E.A.R.
F – False
E – Expectations
A – Appearing
R – Real
All those fears you have are just FAKE IMAGINATION!
The fact is NO ONE really knows what exactly will happen and what to do
Successful leaders know that visualizing success gives them the confidence and helps them overcome their fears
How to Hold Yourself Accountable Without Being Too Hard On Yourself
Accountability plays a big role in your network marketing success because it creates consistency and focus.
In fact, Accountability is the 7th and most important component of The Consistency System
But you can often get too hard on ourselves if you're just holding ourselves accountable and you lose motivation
Here are a few helpful tips
1 ) Get an Accountability Partner
Find someone else to hold you accountable because we are our biggest enemy and critic.
It's too easy for us to be too critical and hard on ourselves and this just makes us feel worse.
We lose our self esteem and confidence.
A good accountability partner will be tough on you but also give you the grace and mentally motivate and support you.
That's much harder to do when the only accountability partner is ourselves.
2 ) Take a Daily EQ Quiz
I talked about this in my best selling book, The Consistency Pill and encourage you to take a daily EQ Quiz.
Do this every night before you go to bed, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how you’ll be able to stay more emotionally consistent.
I want you to recap your day and list these things:
What are three wins you had today?
Just writing this down will help you because it’ll make you feel better.
We tend to be our biggest critics and beat ourselves down and forget the things we accomplish.
What are three areas you need to get better in?
This alerts you to things you need to improve on a few helpful tips
I go deeper into this in my book and also in this video of a leadership training I did at a John Maxwell event
Accountability is important but make sure you're aware of your “Wins” and how you're growing each day
How to Get Help When You Have No MLM Upline Support
A common question I get is,
“What can I do is my upline isn't active anymore?”
Having a team is very important for your success.
But what if you don’t have any MLM upline support?
It’s an unfortunate situation but it’s not the end of the world.
You can always go get a new network marketing mentor and this next section will teach you how to get help if you have no upline support
How to Get a Network Marketing Mentor
One of the keys to success is network marketing mentorship and getting help from different people.
It's always good to have different MLM mentors because there's never just one person that can help you with everything.
Your first “network marketing mentor” is probably your upline or whoever sponsored you.
But before you know it,
You'll Need To Find a New MLM Mentor if:
a) Your sponsor isn't very active
b) You have outgrown your upline
c) Your upline is too busy
As you grow, the key to success is to get MLM mentorship from someone other than your original upline.
How to Find Different MLM Mentors and Support
These new network marketing mentors can be crossline, an upline mentor or a coach
Here are a few things you must do if you want others to help you
1 ) Visualize and Ask, Ask and Ask!
Never talk yourself out of asking someone for help.
Instead of giving reasons why that mentor won't help you
come up with reasons why they will help you!
Just ask, ask and ask!
As my mentor Steve once taught me,
if you don't A-S-K, you'll never G-E-T
2 ) Provide Value to That Mentor
Everyone is busy so why should someone offer you network marketing mentorship?!
The only way they'll help you is if you provide value to this person
Ask yourself what ways can you help them?
Don't just think about the pay plan (if you do well, they'll make more money)
Here are some ways to add value.
Ways to Offer Value In Exchange for MLM Mentorship
Offer to do 3 way calls/ texts for their prospects
Help them with Admin work
Setup the Zoom, make promotional images on social media to promote trainings, etc.
Offer to train and motivate their teams
This is one of the ways I got support from a top income earner when I expanded my team in Singapore back in mid 2005.
I offered to train another team and in return I got to leverage off this team’s training and resources.
Share Your Story on a Training Call
Leaders know that the more stories the better.
You can share your testimonial and inspire others.
Do Technical Work
Help setup registration and the projector at meetings
Help them with event planning
Those are just some ideas on how to provide value so that someone new will mentor you
3 ) Make Sure You Take Action On What This Mentor Teaches You
As a full time coach since April 2013, I must admit that it's very discouraging and demotivating when someone doesn't take action on what you taught them
so make sure you take action on the advice your mentor gives you
otherwise they'll stop working with you
4 ) Get An Accountability Partner
You also don't always need someone more successful than you.
It's important to have an accountability partner and someone at your level that can offer support and help
You'll Get the Mentor You Want if You Provide Value
Remember that everyone is busy!
If you want someone to mentor you, make sure you always provide value!
Personal Development
Personal development play a very important part of your network marketing success.
Here is a list of recommended books that every leader should read and also other network marketing personal development resources that will help you
The more you grow your mind, the more you will grow your leadership!
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio