Karin G. asked me
What is important with live video and what is important to talk about?
Live videos are a great way to grow your business
and today you're going to learn why and what to talk about.
—– Lesson of the Day —–
Why You Should Consider Doing Live Videos
Live videos are a very important way to build your business
Almost all top leaders featured on MLM Nation podcast do live videos
but why?
Live Videos Allow Others to Get to Know You Better
People buy from only those they know, like and trust.
And live videos allow people to get to know you.
Instead of posting just a text or image
they actually get to hear your voice and see how you act.
This builds connection with your audience
and when people feel connected,
that increases the change they will buy from you.
Increases Your Engagement and Reach on Social Media
People love things that happen live.
That's why live events are always more popular than recorded ones
and with live videos,
you're more real and it's happening right at that moment!
More people will watch a live video than an uploaded video
so this increases your engagement on social media
Gives People a Chance for Live Interaction
People will also get a chance to interact with you.
And the more interaction you have,
the more people will feel connected to you and like you.
You can also make people feel special by greeting them
or even giving them the opportunity to ask you questions.
What To Say on Live Videos
Technically you can do whatever you want on a live video.
Some people just do a live video while they work out and they talk to the camera as if you're there working out with them.
Again… the personal touch and interaction!
but the easiest thing to say on a live video is to share something you've learned or what's on your mind.
Focus on helping others by teaching them something you've learned.
That's the easiest type of content for live videos
However… doing live videos can be scary!
so here's
How to Overcome the Fear of Doing Live Videos
1 ) Focus on Others
If you're worried about what others think, what you'll say or how well you do, then you'll get scared.
Shift your focus to HELPING OTHERS instead
The fear is created because our attention is focused inwards
Change the focus to others
2 ) Think and Focus on ONE Person You're Helping
If you visualize yourself speaking to dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people, then that will get you nervous and scared.
Instead, imagine yourself speaking to your best friend or biggest supporter.
This will remove a lot of the fear.
I've done over 10,000 presentations in my life and have spoken at packed stadiums before but I still get scared.
Every time I'm about go speak, I just visualize myself speaking and helping one person and that removes the fear.
Watch this video below for more tips on doing live videos
Live videos are a great way to build your business.
If you find this helpful, please share this with others
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
A Way or An Excuse
If you really want it, go find a way to make it happen‼️
Be resourceful
Be resilient
Be bold
→ Go find a way or else you’ll find an excuse
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio