Learn to create 2 more hours in your day using my Extreme MLM Productivity regimen so that you can work on your business and still have time for your friends and family.
Welcome to a special episode where you get to hear what’s going on Behind the Scenes at MLM Nation and get a close up view of the life of an entrepreneur.
This is where you’ll get not only the latest news about MLM Nation, but a sneak peek inside the life of Simon Chan…
Learn about the latest adventures that Simon is going through…
His journey as a husband and father…
His wins and losses…
His reflections and deep thoughts…
What Simon is currently reading and learning …
In this Episode You’ll Learn:
Why you should attend generic MLM events
How to overcome fear
What it means to really focus
The one tool and routine that will develop your mental toughness
The power of visualization
Recommended Resources Mentioned On Show
ANMP Event
NO BS NO HYPE Australia
11 Brain Hacks to Help You Overcome Your Fear Of Prospecting
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio