Stand out by doing things differently. Be a resource to teach people about the industry. Melissa Fietsam shows us how to simply focus on helping people. Also how to build communities using your customer groups.
If you want to learn tips and strategies on how to invite more prospects and sponsor more distributors you’re invited to check out my FREE Sponsoring Workshop Webinar.
Who is Melissa Fietsam?
Melissa Fietsam dropped out of high school, found herself on WIC (a kind of welfare) until one day a social worker inspired her to do something with her life. Within 1 week of that conversation, she decided to make a difference and enrolled in school.
Melissa eventually graduated from nursing school and became a registered nurse and a mother to 5 kids. Her nursing career was going great until she found herself working 60 plus hours a week and having no life. It was at this point that she had discovered direct selling.
Today, Melissa is a top recruiter and a leader for her company.
Favorite Quote
“You are not a product of your circumstances, you are a product of your decisions”
Must Read Book
The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Contact Info
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio