Bel Broad shares the technique of habit stacking, and how she uses it to create new routines and maintain consistency. She and Simon also discuss the importance of accountability and how crucial it can be to take breaks in order to be successful.
DMO stands for Daily Method of Operation and is a checklist of what you need to do every day to build a successful MLM business online.
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Who is Belinda Broad?
Belinda Broad is married to Nathan and has 3 beautiful kids. She was a health and physical ed teacher and got started in network marketing in April 2016 because she saw it as an opportunity to work from home and be with her kids while still challenging herself.
Best Advice
I encourage you guys to have faith in the journey because it’s not about the endpoint. Your goals at the end will constantly change. As the journey occurs, you develop and you grow and that’s the exciting thing. Don’t focus on the endpoint. Still, have your vision, but enable it to change as you grow and develop.
Show Ambassador
Mercy Itepu
Contact Info
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio