Learn Simon Chan’s tips on being a powerful online communicator and quickly inviting prospects to grow your network marketing business.
You can use this to better connect with prospects, and it can be implemented in warm markets or cold markets, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn, or whatever platform you use.
Principles of communication
- Keep your message short and brief, 1-2 sentences
- Common Mistake: people type too much. You want to keep it simple.
- Always want to end with a question to keep the conversation flowing and take an action.
- For example: “I had an awesome day. How is your day?”
- When you start the message, start with commonality.
- Example: Mention a post they shared or a sports team you both have in common.
How to avoid the mistake of waiting too long to invite your prospect
We all get stuck in that “building rapport” stage, especially when you are building online. For offline team building, you may invite them the second or third time you talk to them. But for online team building, you need to invite right away. People are used to quick messages online.
How to meet friends online:
- C – Comment
- L – Like
- A – Add them as a friend
- M – Message them
When you are messaging them, invite them directly on the first interaction.
The reason why people get stuck in the rapport building phase and how to overcome it.
You’re afraid of rejection and you feel like you’re using people.
- Know that most people will say no. If you are expecting that “no” you won’t be afraid of rejection.
- Your goal is to collect friends.
- Give people a way out.
- Follow up six months later
Powerful networking tip
Make a list of every new friend you’ve made this year. At the end of each year, review that list to see how many relationships you created that year and you will see how your network has grown.
How to follow up after rejection
Start a conversation. Give them a win and an update, and see if they’re open.
“By the way, I know it wasn’t for you 6 months ago. Things have been rocking for me, and I wanted you be open to the video I talked about. It really made a difference in my life. Would you want to take a look?”
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio