One of the biggest mistakes people make on social media, and also when they share their story in presentations is that they spend more time talking about the solution than the problem.
Your prospects don’t relate well to the solution. They relate better to your problems and your struggles.
- Relatability is what gets your prospects to connect with and trust you.
Share your journey. It’s inspiring
Talk more about the problem.
- It increases the person’s pain.
- They can relate to you more.
- It gives them the room to share their own problems.
- If they are unaware, talking more about your problem may help them realize their own.
Focus on stories. The best storytellers make the most money in network marketing.
Pick the best stories you can use and determine how you can create a vivid picture of it to best share your story and pain.
If you spend more time talking about the problem, people will be more interested in the solution
What Subject Should You Use to Position Yourself When It Comes To Branding
Biggest Mistake On Branding
The mistake that people make when it comes to branding is that they try to position themselves in a certain way. Instead, you should talk about what you are most passionate about.
Branding is about creating a following. And if you aren’t passionate about it, it’s going to be difficult to get the following.
- You’re not going to do it consistently
- You’re not going to do it long term.
Finding Your Passions
If you didn’t have to work, what would you spend your time doing? This is a good place to start to determine what it is that you are passionate about.
Sharing Your Passions Builds Trust
When you are passionate, people will follow you. Trust is created, and they will be interested in what else you do.
This is how celebrity endorsements work. For example, Michael Jordan and Hanes products. People trusted him because of his career, which made him a good brand ambassador.
Should You Brand Social Media Posts
If you want to stand out, you definitely should brand your posts.
If you’re going to do this, don’t do it at the expense of not doing it
- It’s something you should do in addition to, not instead of, your income-producing activities. Â
Top Mistake I See People Make
People want to get it right, but it holds them back, and they end up not posting at all.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio