Deadly Prospecting Mistake #3
If you are stuck, and not doing your daily 3-5-5-5-3, it is probably because you are thinking the reason why this person is not fit or that person is fit for your business.
Never prejudge a prospect online or offline. The only thing you should look out for is negativity.
The people you reach out to may not join your business but they may give you referrals.
Deadly Prospecting Mistake #4
When you talk too much to a prospect two things will happen:
#1. You will do terrible in your presentation and people will ask you how much money you are making. If you get stuck in answering that question, people will instantly know you are not doing well and they will not join you.
#2. People will think they can not do what you just did to them and they will not join.
Deadly Prospecting Mistake #5
You can approach everyone the same way, but an advanced prospecting strategy that is most effective is to approach people based on the type of prospects they are. And there are three types of prospects; the “S”, the “O”, and the “W”.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio