In this Founder Friday Episode, we bring you training on how to talk about your products effectively, how buying decision is made, and how to get prospects interested in the solution you are offering.
Why You Should Talk About “What Your Product DOES” and Not “What It Is”
An effective branding and marketing message is not about features of the product or what product does. Most people don't care about features.
Scientifically, talking about features is about the right brain (logical brain). Talking about benefits is about the left brain (emotional brain).
Since buying decisions is made based on emotions, your message will not be effective by telling your prospects how good the product is and the great things it does.
How To Get More People To Reach Out To You From Your Social Media Posts
The biggest mistake people make is spending most of their time talking about ‘the solution' instead of ‘the problem.'
People do not relate to your solutions, they relate to your problems. And reliability is what makes people connect with you and they want to know more.
When you share your struggles, it reminds the prospects of their problems and increases their awareness of their pain.
One thing you must do is have an inventory of stories you can use to share with your prospects because stories make them relate with your problem and they will be interested in your solution.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio