Kira Westwick shares her journey of transforming from a shy, unsupportive spouse to a confident influencer in network marketing.
“Be so loud, they can’t ignore you!” Kira shows us the mindset of rising to your confidence. And also, the vital steps to accomplishing any goal.
Top performers in all professions have coaches. Whether you’re an actor like Tom Cruise… an athlete like Tiger Woods… an entertainer like Beyonce… Or a top earner in MLM. They all have coaches to continually improve their performance
Who is Kira Westwick?
Kira Westwick was a stay at home mum for 8 years before she reluctantly got involved in network marketing 2 years ago. She didn’t have much confidence and didn’t think she could really become successful in MLM.
Despite these challenges, she and her husband Adam became six-figure earners and the fastest distributorship to reach the top position of their company in Australia. In 2016, they won the Franchisee of the Year Award and are now top income earners.
Thanks to network marketing, in just 9 months, her husband Adam was able to close their traditional business that took 70 hours a week away from their family.
Kira and her husband Adam live in Gold Coast, Australia.
Favorite Quote
“I can do this… I can do this!” (Deanna Waters)
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Contact Info
Facebook – Kira’s wholesome kitchen
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio