Kids and I
I have a confession to make.
I love Ethan and cherish every moment that I spend with him, but I am not someone that is crazy about kids. Now, don’t get me wrong. I REALLY LOVE Ethan and especially can’t wait for him to grow older so that I can teach him to ride a bike, play sports or play Legos with him.
I just don’t particularly love kids in general.
I Can’t Stand Kids that Don’t Behave!
There are some people that love all types of kids, but somehow I have never been like that. One of my pet peeves is kids that just don’t behave. I just can’t stand them.
It doesn’t matter how cute or innocent they are. If they don’t behave, it just drives me nuts, and I can’t stand them.
The other day I was at a restaurant that was half empty and this group of adults was still eating and talking. The problem was their kids were running around thinking the restaurant was a playground and playing tag! It was pathetic and so annoying. If I hadn’t been so hungry and with Ethan, I would have gone up to the table to yell at and scold the parents. I’m sure the rest of the restaurant’s customers would have cheered me on.
Three Special Kids
That is what makes Steve and Myrna’s kids extra special.
Steve is a good friend and one of my former mentors in network marketing. He taught me the importance of consistency when I first started my MLM business over a decade ago.
Recently his family visited, and we had a good time catching up. In the past, his kids were the BEST behaved kids that I’ve ever met, and nothing has changed since the last time I saw them. The last time I was with them, we were shopping at Santa Monica’s Promenade and while other kids were running around and making their parents worried, Steve’s kids were always with Myrna and well behaved. They always held each other’s hands and were always next to their mommy. Myrna never had to worry about losing the 3 kids.
Now that I have Ethan, I admire that even more ‘cause I find myself worried about where Ethan is at all times. And I only have to deal with Ethan while Myrna had to deal with 3 kids at the same time!
The 3 kids, Samantha, Tyler and Annabelle are a little older now, but still so well behaved. During lunch while the adults would catch up, the kids were NEVER playing any video games or using ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) inducing gadgets. They would eat and talk among themselves and not disturb us. Occasionally we would ask how they were doing, and they were able to carry a conversation with us. When I saw that, I said to myself, “Wow! I need to learn from Myrna about how to be a good parent!”
Benefits of a Home Based Business
Mynra has an advantage that most moms don’t have.
Her husband Steve has earned over $2 million USD in network marketing, and their home business allows both of them to stay at home and be with the kids.
While Steve does do some traveling occasionally, Myrna is a stay-at-home mom and spends not just quality time but quantity time with her 3 kids.
Steve started his network marketing business career over a decade ago, and one of his motivations was to make sure that Myrna could stay home so that they would not need to send Samantha (their only kid at the time) to day care.
Every time Steve was tired from his job at Dell Computer and didn’t feel like working his MLM business, he would think of Myrna and Samantha.
The motivation to provide for your family can be huge, and it pushed Steve through the challenging times to achieve success.
If you ever talk to Steve, he is always proud to say that since he started MLM, Myrna never had to work a day in her life again.
If you ever meet their wonderful 3 kids, you will see the benefits of a home business immediately.
2 Lessons I Learned from Myrna
I’m always on the lookout for good parenting tips and asked Myrna for some advice. Here are 2 tips that I learned:
1) Immediate Feedback
Always give quick feedback when the behavior is wrong. They shared a story where Tyler was not behaving one day at a restaurant, and they immediately took Tyler to the parking lot and asked him why he was acting the way he was. Afterwards they gave him 2 options. Either behave so that he can go back to the restaurant and eat, or he can stay out in the parking lot by himself. Tyler quickly obeyed and learned his lesson.
2) Consistent Feedback
The feedback and behavior has to be consistent. It can’t be one day you can do this and the next day you can do that. It has to be consistent or else the kids will get confused. By the way, this sounds exactly like dog training!
A Working Parent is NOT a Bad Parent
I am not saying that all working parents are bad. Obviously some parents enjoy work and their careers, and there is nothing wrong with that.
But if you prefer to replace your full time job with a home based business, or you simply want to have the option to spend time with your kids and not work, then you should seriously consider starting a network marketing home business. If you are interested, I can give you some advice on what to look for. Contact Me Here
If you have started a home business already, then use your family and kids as extra motivation to stay focused and work the 5 Core Production Activities daily.
Let me know your thoughts. And if you have any parenting advice, feel free to comment and share!
Simon Chan
P.S. Don’t have time to start or commit to your network marketing home business? Time is never a problem. It is YOUR TIME MANAGEMENT that is a problem.
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Deb says
It’s wonderful to read about your friends’ kids and how well behaved they are. However, you seem to have a bit of a critical spirit toward other children. I believe every child is precious and made in the image of God.
While I’m not condoning the behavior of the children or saying it was right for them to annoy others, I was surprised to read that you might go and yell at the parents and expect others in the restaurant might cheer you on (except you had Ethan and you were hungry.)
Actually another possibility would be to complain to the restaurant staff that the children are disturbing you and let them speak to the parents. This would be more of a win-win. I feel if you were to directly confront the parents in this situation in public, they might become defensive and it could start an argument.
simonwchan says
Thanks for commenting and I appreciate your feedback!
Yes. You are correct. It would be better to talk to the restaurant owners.. but then the parents probably won’t get the message cause owners wouldn’t be telling the parents what they “need to hear”. When kids behave badly, it is not their fault. It is the PARENT’s fault and poor parenting. That is why my wife and I put so much pressure on ourselves to raise Ethan the right way…
and I guess I do not have the most diplomatic style. The parents need to hear it from someone and know they have to shape up!!! I guess that is my strength and weakness. I don’t like to beat around the bush and give all the bs. I just give straight forward advice. Whether you like it or not, you must hear the truth. That is my style. You need to hear what you need to hear. It’s something that has helped me become successful.. but it does have its weaknesses and like you said, it can start confrontations.