MLM Motivational quotes and getting constant network marketing motivation are important because you face endless rejection and disappointment in network marketing.
You must stay motivated and consistent if you want to succeed in network marketing.
I'm going to share with you how to stay positive and overcome challenges in this Guide but here's 11 network marketing quotes to help you get started.
MLM Quotes and Network Marketing Motivation Tips
11 MLM Motivational Quotes
All Leaders are Learners
The reason you haven’t reached your success yet is because you haven’t “learned it all.”
Network Marketing Quote on Earning and Learning
As long as you stay consistent and keep learning every day, sooner or later you will make good money.
Difference Between Employees and Entrepreneurs
This network marketing inspirational quote reminds of why we joined network marketing and the difference between a job and a business.
You are overpaid at your job in the beginning because you are given a full salary even when you don’t know what to do in your first few days on the job.
But once you work at the company for awhile, you’ll be underpaid for the rest of the your time there because you’ll be making the company a lot more money than you are getting paid.
The reverse is true for MLM entrepreneurs.
We work hard in the beginning and may earn very little but we hit the big payday later on.
Best Network Marketing Quotes on Seeing Things Differently
Are you problem oriented or solution oriented?!
Complaining and whining will get you nowhere!
MLM Quote on Solving Problems
The solution is almost always right in front of our eyes but we just need to look at it from a different perspective.
Network Marketing Quotes on Success Habits
We are being programmed every second by what we see, hear and feel.
Just like how our bodies become what we eat… our minds become what we watch and listen to.
Network Marketing Quote on Being Different
It's okay to be weird and different!
If you want to “fit in” and do what everyone else is doing, you will get the financially stressed out life that everyone else has.
MLM Motivation on Dealing with Negative Opinions
Make sure you get advice from people who have achieved success already!
MLM Quote on Importance of Follow Ups!
If someone doesn’t want to join, it’s not the end of the world.
The timing is just not right for them. Move on and come back to them later.
The fortune is in the network marketing follow up.
Gratitude Keeps Us Motivated and Going
Gratitude and Giving makes us happier and happiness makes us more productive and successful.
Go share this and motivate someone today because inspiration is one of the best gifts you can give.
7 Ways to Stay Motivated In Network Marketing
Network marketing motivation is extremely important since we face rejection and challenges everyday
95% of Network Marketing Motivation is Mindset
All the network marketing quotes or MLM motivational messages won't work if you don't have the correct attitude and mindset.
Here are 7 keys to network marketing motivation
1) Your Personal Development
What books and audios are you listening to?
Reading is important and you don't need to read much.
Just read for 5 minutes a day
If you feed your mind with positivity, you'll stay positive.
Here is a list of must read books for network marketers
You can also listen to audios.
I make it a habit to listen to a business podcast or get a quick does of network marketing motivation everyday.
2) The People You Spend Time With
The people you talk can decrease or increase your MLM motivation.
Talking to leaders and spending time with entrepreneurs will help you stay positive and focused.
The opposite is also true.
Just like no one can give up drinking if they only spend time with friends that drink.
You can't stay positive if the people you surround yourself with don't think like you.
3) The Places You Go To
One of the best places to spend time with leaders are at events
You must attend your company and generic industry events especially if you're new or not making much money.
Events inspire, give you the network marketing motivation you need to stay focused on working your income producing activities everyday.
What makes events special are the emotions and atmosphere that you can't get anywhere else.
Visualize Yourself In These Situations and Ask…
4 ) What Would Your Mentor Would Do
Ask yourself,
“What would your mentor (or someone you look up) do in this situation?”
5 ) If Your Mentor Was Watching You
Another good question to help you stay motivated is,
“What would you do if your mentor (or someone you look up) was right next to you this second and watching you?
You wouldn't want to disappoint them so you would take action!
6 ) If Your Loved Ones Were Watching You
Being a father to 3 boys, this is one of my favorite MLM motivational questions I ask myself all the time,
“What would you do if your loved ones (for i.e. your children) were watching you?
7 ) If Your Someone That Looks Up To You Was Watching You
This next question is helpful especially if you have a team already.
The network marketing motivation question is,
“What would you do if someone that looks up to was watching you?
Those are 7 network marketing tips you can apply today.
Of course, the opposite is true.
If you're spending your time doing things that are NOT related to your goals, then you will lose MLM motivation fast!
In this network marketing motivational video taken from a John Maxwell Leadership event in Atlanta in 2016, I share my daily routine that keeps me inspired
95% of network marketing motivation comes from how you think!
If you want to learn how top earners think, listen to them share their routines on MLM Nation's podcast.
How to Stay Positive In Negative Situations
Staying positive is a big part of your daily network marketing motivation.
Positivity doesn't guarantee success but negativity definitely guarantees failure because it makes you lose all your MLM motivation.
Here are a few tips
1 ) Gratitude
Despite the challenges you face, you still have a lot of things going for you
A good daily routine is to randomly list out 10 things you're grateful for everyday when you wake up and then list out another 10 things before you go to bed
This state of gratitude makes you aware of what's working well instead of being focused on the negative
2 ) List out 3 Wins
At the end of each day, list out 3 wins you had and this inspires you and motivates you.
They don't need to be a big win. It can be small and simple.
Don't compare your wins to what you see others are doing on social media.
These can be 3 things that went well or helped you grow in the future.
I often like to list out the the lessons that I learned from the challenges I'm going through
3) We Always Act the Way We See Ourselves
The first step is understanding that we always act the way we see ourselves.
How we view ourselves is called your self-concept.
If you see yourself not doing well, you won't have any network marketing motivation.
Examples of Your Self Concept
If you see yourself as a good mother, you’ll want to do everything you can to be a good mother.
If you consider yourself physically fit, you’re going to exercise even on the days when you don’t feel like it.
If you feel like you’re a healthy eater, you’ll do your best to eat healthily.
If you view yourself as someone who is not really into healthy eating, you’ll find yourself eating a lot of junk food.
How to Use Your Self Concept for MLM Motivation
Since you always act according to the way that you see yourself, you have to stop seeing yourself as someone who is not doing well.
If you see yourself getting better each day, you'll be inspired and do more of the income producing activities and eventually become successful in MLM
Your Vision of Yourself Keeps You Motivated
Your vision is what keeps you going.
It's your vision of YOURSELF
How do you see yourself?
Do you see yourself as a Leader or a Follower?
Leaders stay consistent and keep going regardless of what happens
while Followers get distracted and influenced easily.
If you're reading this, you are ALREADY a Leader!
Even if you don't have any followers right now,
you'll eventually be that Leader (going back to your Vision again)
The first person you have to Lead is YOURSELF
Stop giving reasons why you can't do it
Give 10 reasons why you ARE the leader and will make it!
So be that Leader today that the world needs today.
This MLM Motivational video will help you
Take 1 Small Action Step Today
If you're in a tough situation and need a massive dose of network marketing motivation, the easiest way to bounce back is to take 1 small action step today.
If you don't know what to do, then work on income producing activities.
We feel terrible when we don't do what we know we should do but taking action makes us feel good and motivated us.
This MLM Motivational video will help you
How to Be Mentally Tough
You can’t start seeing yourself as mentally tough and consistent if you allow your past to hold you back.
Learn to Let Go Of Your Past
I’m always teach my coaching clients that you must let the past go and remind yourself each day that:
This network marketing motivational quote will help:
Yesterday is history, today is a mystery, and tomorrow is my legacy.
If you focus on the past you'll always be stuck and discouraged.
Get excited about your vision and future instead.
Step Into the New You
Did you know you’re already changing?
Just by reading this, you’re evolving into a new version of yourself.
Every idea you take in, every lesson you absorb, is shaping you into someone better.
I want you to start recognizing yourself as this improved version
You are someone who is getting more consistent, more disciplined, and more unstoppable each day!
And here’s the secret,
When you see yourself this way, you will take more action and work the income producing activities.
Because the way you see yourself determines how you show up in the world!
The best part?
You’re in control.
No one gets to define who you are or who you’ll become.
Only you do!
Growth and staying motivated is always a choice, and you can make that choice right now.
Network Marketing Motivation Comes From Your Attitude
If you want to make big money, you must learn how wealthy people think.
Everyone has the problems but some solve them and some can’t.
It all begins with your Attitude and how you see things.
A poor broke person will complain that MLM doesn’t work while a successful leader will ask himself “How can it work?”
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio