Joel Calendrillo talks about how to be the leader that attracts people into your network marketing business.
Who is Joel Calendrillo?
Joel Calendrillo has had a very colorful background before network marketing. He’s never had a corporate job and always had to hustle.
He has been an actor, freelance catering manager, snowboard and rollerblade instructor and also a coordinator for the NY International Film and Video Festival.
Today he’s a multiple 6 figure earner and has a team of over 66,000 distributors and customers. Joel credits his success to persistence and his ability to motivate others.
Favorite Quote
If it's meant to be, it's up to me.
Recommended Books by Joel Calendrillo
Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill
Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Recommended Online App
Company App
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Phone and calling peopleÂ
Contact Info
Joel Calendrillo on Facebook and Instagram
phone: 917-677-8888
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio