Can you believe it’s July already!
The good news about living in Southern California is you have great weather all year around.
The bad news is that there are no seasons and you don’t realize it’s summer already!
Not bad news if you really enjoy summer weather:)
For me, that means more outdoors time and play time with my 3 boys!
Back to you…
Your MLM Independence Day
Don’t lie.
Do you really want to live a life on your terms?
Some time ago, you said Yes!
You declared enough was enough and made a decision to become a MLM distributor.
You chose freedom and chose to be an entrepreneur.
That was YOUR Independence Day.
I’m not sure how long ago it was for you but do you still remember that day?
For me…
Nov. 14 is a special day.
It is the anniversary of my Independence Day.
Nov. 14, 2003 was the day that I couldn’t take it anymore.
I had it.
I was sick of my boss…
Sick of working hard but getting nowhere in life.
Tired of feeling trapped in a job that would lead to nowhere.
I was tired of the daily grind and living a life that others told me how I had to live.
Scared of following my dad’s footsteps of working hard but never had time for his kids.
I declared my Independence and became a MLM distributor.
I signed the official application and decided to pursue my own dreams instead of helping someone else build their dream.
Nov. 14 was the day that I made the decision to FIGHT for my freedom.
To fight for a life that I wanted to live.
On my own terms.
Looking back it was one of the top 3 most important decisions that I have ever made.
I’m grateful every second for declaring my independence.
Every day, I get to take time out and spend with my eldest boy ‘mini me' practice baseball.
Or have the time freedom to be there when the boys are done from school:)
Those, or any other precious family moments would have not happened if I didn’t declare my Independence.
I’m thankful I declared my Independence or else I wouldn’t have the time to share these special moments with you.
If I was still a corporate slave I wouldn’t be able to make the impact to help other MLM distributors become successful.
Don’t Be Trapped Like Others
Sadly, most people don’t have an Independence Day.
They just complain about their situation in life but don’t do anything about it.
They don’t realize that things won’t change unless they change.
Perhaps they are scared like the way I was.
I do admit I was afraid to sign that form and become an entrepreneur because I knew my life would change forever.
But what was even scarier was to live another year of my life on someone else terms.
I had to do something.
And that’s why I declared my Independence.
Don’t Let Your Lack of Success Discourage You
Don’t be discouraged if you have declared your Independence and haven’t had the success you want.
Things take time.
Just remember this…
If you are not earning, make sure you are learning.
Cause as long as you are consistent with your MLM DMO, sooner or later you will earn.
It took me about 2 months to get going but once I committed to the 5 things every network marketer must do everyday, I started to see success and earn weekly commission checks.
So hang in there…
Never Quit On Pursuing Freedom
You’ve declared your Independence already and there is no turning back.
There is NO quitting.
Have you ever heard of a country that declared its Independence and then quit once they started to fight?
Heck no.
So you shouldn’t quit either.
Your life is precious and you only get live once.
Live the life that you WANT and not the life that others tell you to live.
So choose freedom.
Stay consistent and never give up because Independence is not free nor easy.
But it is so worth it.
Life is a journey so enjoy every second as you fight for freedom.
I’m proud to announce that Nov. 14 was my Independence Day.
It was the day I decided to live life on my own terms.
I’d like you to 2 things now:
1) Go help someone and share this post with a friend that deserves freedom
2) Comment below and let me know when your Independence Day was
Simon Chan
P.S. Remember, success lies outside the comfort zone! Good news is… You don't have to go at it alone. Here's a short clip on how some of today's NM leaders have made the decision to not go at it alone, and fight towards their independence.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio