Network marketing presentations are the last part of the recruiting process and is what will get your prospect to buy or join your MLM business.
There are many different types of MLM presentations such as:
— Online Video
— Zoom Meeting (1 on 1)
— Face to Face (1 on 1)
— Group Meetings on Zoom
— Group Meetings in Person (hotel or home meetings)
Each of these have its own advantages and disadvantages and if your current company doesn't have a good MLM presentation PDF, you can use my network marketing presentation template called The Effective Presentation Formula.
Outline: Mastering Network Marketing Presentations
5 Simple Rules to a Good Network Marketing Presentation
1 ) Be Confident
People are always buying you and unless you sound confident, no one will be interested in whatever you are doing.
Ask yourself, when was the last time you bought something when the person sounded scared or lacked confidence?
2 ) Slides Must Short and Quick
Don't put too much words or pictures on your presentation slides or else your prospect will be bored.
A good rule to follow is no more than 6 words per slide
and no more than 1 picture per slide
It has to be move fast like a slide show
In fact,
It should be like a Tiktok video or Instagram Reel
where things are moving fast.
If your MLM presentation is slow,
then you're prospect will be bored or feel they must go home and take time to study everything and definitely won't' join.
It's way better to have a 300 page MLM presentation PDF that goes by quickly then 30 slides where you have to spend 3 minutes on each slide
3 ) Don't Be Boring
Your prospect won't pay attention and definitely won't want to join your business if you're boring during your presentation in network marketing.
That's why you must short tons of slides and keep the moving fast.
Just give a quick summary of each slide and move on
How Long Should Presentation Be?
Most network marketing presentation PDF are way too long and cover too many details.
The best network marketing meetings are short and sweet and your MLM presentation should be under 30 minutes.
You can spend 20 – 30 minutes and then leave the rest to questions.
You don't have to cover everything. Just the basics and you can always fill in missing info from the questions that your prospect asks.
It's better to share less and answer more questions than to talk about everything and bore your prospect during your presentation in network marketing.
4 ) Don't Go Into Details
A good rule to remember to prevent you being boring and sounding like a salesperson is to NOT TALK TOO MUCH!
The more you talk, the more you will sound like a salesperson and you will lose your prospects.
Or worse, you will bore your prospects and lose them forever.
I know… I know… you are excited about your MLM opportunity and you love your products.
But for a few minutes, keep your enthusiasm in check and do NOT talk too much!
Your prospect won't remember the details from your MLM meeting anyway and it'll make them think there's too much to learn and they won't be able to do it or they'll give you the “I've got to think about it' objection
5 ) Use Tons of Stories
The most important part in your MLM presentation and the only thing your prospect will really remember when they go home are the stories!
And that's because…
Facts Tell Stories Sell
Your network marketing presentation should have tons of stories from beginning to end
Use stories to share testimonials and also to answer objections
2 Parts Where You Must Use Stories
There are 3 times in your MLM presentation that you must use stories
1 ) During the Opening
This reminds people of why your prospect is there and also why you're doing what you're doing.
Here is a more detailed training on how to share your story but as a reminder, it has 5 parts
1 ) Your Life Before
2 ) How You Discovered Your Business
3 ) Your Initial Reaction
4 ) How Your Life Has Changed
5 ) Your Purpose and Mission
2 ) After You Presented the Packages
Remember that you're selling The Dream and the most disappointing part of your presentation in network marketing for your prospect is when they hear they have to pay to join.
All of a sudden, the objections and fear of losing money becomes greater than the Dream and living the life they want.
This is why you must get them excited and Dreaming again by sharing testimonials of what life can be like or else they'll bring up objections such as “No Money” or “No Time”
Throughout the MLM meeting you want them to think about the Dream and not about the obstacles.
3 ) At the End of the Presentation When You Close
Unless your prospect is excited, they won't join after your MLM presentation is over and that's why it's so important to share stories at the end.
Get them excited and they will join so make sure you always end your presentation with an inspiring story.
Creating Your Own Network Marketing Presentation
If you company doesn't have a good network marketing presentation PDF, you can use my simple MLM presentation template called The Effective Presentation Formula
The Effective Presentation Formula
This MLM presentation template covers the only 5 things that a prospect wants to know
1) The Industry
By industry, it means the industry your product/service is in.
For example, health, beauty, travel, insurance, etc.
2) Your Company Name
This is simple. Name of your company and where it's based out of.
3) The Products / Services You Sell
The most important part your prospect wants to know is whether they can sell it!
This answers their doubt “Can I do this”
If you don't address this doubt, then they'll come up with all types of objections in the end.
4) The Training Provided
Let them know how you'll help them so they feel they can do it and be successful.
5) How Much Money They can Make
Don't overwhelm, confuse or bore them by explaining your pay plan.
Instead just simply share they can earn anywhere from
a ) $100 – $200 per month: Part time and not that serious
b ) $300 – $2,000 per month: Part time and more committed
c ) $2,000 – $20,000 per month: Want to make it a full time career
That’s all they want to know!
Use The Effective Presentation for Different Formats
Everything falls into these 5 categories and this network marketing presentation template works for all types of network marketing presentation formats whether it's for an in person face to face, Zoom or home meeting.
The only difference is how much time you spend on each category depending on the amount of time you have.
You can also use this network marketing presentation template as a short 45 second MLM pitch
Simple MLM Pitch
This is basically a short network marketing presentation or quick MLM pitch when someone asks you…
How to Answer “What Do You Do?”
There is 1 question that sounds so easy and but is the question that most distributors are scared to hear.
And that question is:
“What do you do?”
Other variations of it include
“What is your business about?
“What is this about?”
You can use The Effective Presentation Formula to give an effective MLM pitch
How to Present Your Business in 30 Seconds
Let's get back to how to answer the question “What do you do?”
Using the 5 parts of the network marketing presentation template that I showed you earlier
- Industry
- Company Name
- Products
- Training Provided
- Money They Can Make
So if someone asks me “What do you do?”
I would say, “We are in the (nutrition or whatever products your company sells) business. Our company is Company ABC. We market (your category of products for ie. “nutritional and weight loss”) products and you can make anywhere from $100 to $200 a month part-time to anywhere from $300 to $2,000 a month or anywhere from $2,000 to $20,000 a month. For training, we provide optional classroom Webinar trainings or we do on-the-job trainings. Is this something you would be interested in learning more about?”
That’s it!
You don’t talk anymore.
Isn't that simple?!
What I just taught you is the foundation for the Effective Presentation Formula.
This MLM presentation template is short, concise and is an effective network marketing pitch you can use the next time someone asks you, “What type of work do you do?”
Just remember that when someone asks you that,
You DO NOT start talking about the products nor how great the products are.
This makes you salesy and people run away.
You now have a simple and easily duplicatable MLM pitch format for doing presentations and for answering the dreaded question, “What do you do?”
Which Type of MLM Presentation is the Best?
There are many different formats that you can do in your presentation in network marketing such as:
— Online Video
— Zoom Meeting (1 on 1)
— Face to Face (1 on 1)
— Group Meetings on Zoom
— Group Meetings in Person (hotel or home meetings)
Which one is best?
Each has their own advantages and disadvantages but let's talk about an important concept and the order of escalation for presentations and meetings.
Order of Escalation
Order of escalation means every interaction with your prospect should lead to a bigger interaction that requires more time commitment.
For example, if you haven't communicated with a friend for over 10 years, it would be awkward to just reach out to have coffee.
The order would be like this:
Text -> Phone Call or Video call -> Meet Up for Coffee
The same rule applies to your presentations in network marketing.
No prospect will just jump onto a Zoom meeting without first knowing what it is about.
The order would be like this:
Text -> Invite -> Online Video -> Zoom
Your MLM Presentation is NOT FREE
A common mistake is thinking that it's free to watch a network marketing presentation or attend a home meeting.
They are NOT FREE because it costs your prospect time that they'll never get back.
They have at least 10 of other things that they could be doing instead of attending your MLM presentation!
Audio and Visual Clues
Generally the more you can “read someone” with audio and visual clues that better.
That's why a phone call is always better than text and a video call is better than a phone call because you can see if a prospect is paying attention and their facial expressions.
Audio and visual clues will give you a better idea of what makes your prospect interested and help you close better and get someone to join.
So face to face presentation is always better than a Zoom (where prospect can temporarily turn off camera and not even paying attention)
and a phone call is always better than just sending and having prospect watch an online video (that they may skip around or not even watch entire thing)
Group Presentations Versus 1 on 1 Presentations
Examples of Group Presentation are hotel meetings, a Team Zoom, home meeting, etc.
Examples of 1 on 1 Presentation is anytime there you are presenting to only 1 person.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these MLM presentation formats
Group Presentations Pros and Cons
- Have energy and social proof of other people being on
- More exciting
- Can't customize and may not be relatable to the prospect.
For i.e. if your presentation is done by Gen X and all the attendees are over 50, your 20 year old prospect will feel out of place and also not be able to relate to the stories and testimonials.
- May lose respect and credibility if there is a low turnout
- Can't pay full attention to your prospect especially if you have negative prospects that distract you
- Comments from negative prospects may scare away interested people from joining
Generally the power of the social proof is greater than the disadvantages
1 on 1 Presentations Pros and Cons
- You can customize your MLM presentation to include only stories that are relatable to your prospect
- You can also customize different products or services that your prospect would be interested in and take out things that would bore him
- You can give full attention to your prospect and their needs and interests
- You can control the environment and don't have to worry about negative prospects
- Your prospect misses the energy and social proof that so many other people are interested
I personally prefer 1 on 1 presentations because I feel I can fully focus on every detail of the prospect (his facial gestures, etc) and that allows me to ask better questions and close better.
MLM Presentation Videos
Network marketing videos are useful first interaction where the prospect can just get a quick MLM pitch and they can decide whether they want to learn more.
You usually send these videos out after you send out your invitational message and these need to be short and under 2 minutes
Big mistake that people make is use a company video that is longer than 2 minutes because they're too long, boring and no one will watch anything longer than 2 minutes now.
Never send out a long company video!
If you want your prospect to watch your company video, it's better to setup a Zoom call and then play the video during the Zoom and watch it together w your prospect so this way you know your prospect is paying attention.
If you don't have a good company video, you can learn to make one here or simply share your story.
How to Close Your Prospect and Get Them to Sign Up
The key to closing prospects is to pay attention to your prospect during your MLM presentation and then asking open ended questions that will get your prospect to convince themselves.
Go here to learn how to Master the Art of Closing in Network Marketing
How to Confirm So People Show Up for Meeting
Tired of prospects not showing up for your network marketing presentations?
Here’s a proven script to confirm meetings that’ll get your prospects to show up.
“I’m just confirming our meeting scheduled for ________. If I don’t hear back from you by noon tomorrow, our meeting is canceled.”
You can read below why this works so well or just skip to this short video.
How to Use This Script to Get Prospect to Show UP
You’re going to discover why it’s important to confirm meetings and the magic words you can use to get your prospect to show up for presentations.
Confirming a meeting can be applied to:
– Online Meeting (Zoom, FaceTime, etc.)
– Offline Meeting (1 on 1, home meeting, hotel presentations, etc.)
It's Better to Know They Won't Show Up Then Unexpected Surprise
If you’re in sales, sooner or later you’ll always going to have prospects that don’t show up but if you use the right words, you can save yourself a lot of wasted time and money by confirming the meeting in advance.
If you’re not confirming meetings in advance, it’s because of your fear of rejection.
You don’t reach out to them because you’re afraid they will tell you they’r not interested or they have to cancel, so instead you hope that they’ll show up.
But think about this…
If they’re not going to be interested or can’t make it,
isn’t it better that they tell you in advance instead of you just hopelessly waiting for them and they just don’t show up?!
If they’re not going to show up anyway, it’s way better for them to tell you instead of you finding out the hard way.
It’ll also save you a lot of stress and anxiety.
Confirm the Night Before
You can send a text message the day before and say,
“I’m just confirming our meeting scheduled for ________. If I don’t hear back from you by noon tomorrow, our meeting is canceled.”
Did I just tell you to CANCEL the meeting if your prospect doesn’t get back to you?!
But why?
This works really well because it gives you posture and is a form of the “Take away.”
Most people don’t like things taken away from them and they definitely don’t like to be canceled.
This script also positions you with authority because you let them know you have the power and can cancel on them anytime.
Most of the time they will show up after you send this message out.
It's a Win Win because
1 ) Prospect will show up
2 ) Prospect will let you know they can't make it and you'll save time
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio