I’m going to share with you a proven network marketing script that’ll get people interested
It’s called the Magic Script.
You can use this to start a conversation about your MLM business.
or to transition a conversation from small talk to business.
Watch the video below or read more below
The Magic Script for Network Marketing
“I’m working on something exciting. It may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
It’s simple and has been proven to work for many of the people I’ve coached and our Purpose Driven Networkers
Why Does This Network Marketing Script Work?
There are 3 reasons why this network marketing script works well
1 ) It Creates Curiosity
People will be intrigued and want to know more because everyone loves to be in the loop.
2 ) It triggers FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
They’ll wonder why it may or may not be for them.
People wanna know more!
3 ) It’s not pushy and gives people a way out
By asking
“Would you be open to taking a look?” i
You give them a chance to say “No” and people appreciate that
Don’t Ruin The Magic By Doing This
Here’s the key
Only use these three exact sentences.
Trying to “customize” it will just ruin the magic.
People like simple texts that are easy to read and understand.
If they’re not interested, no biggie – you’ll move on to the next person.
Remember, it’s all about sorting, not convincing.
If they say “Yes”, then send them a company video explaining everything.
Your Action Steps
Use this network marketing script anytime and anywhere,
even in casual conversations.
Remember, the goal isn’t to convince anyone.
You’re simply getting people interested and allowing them to choose whether or not they’re open to learning more.
So, give it a try!
Just copy and paste this network marketing script five people today and see how it goes.
“I’m working on something exciting. It may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
Trust me, it’s magic, and it works!
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