It's Independence Day in America today and I'm super grateful to live in USA
but today we will talk about a different type of freedom
as entrepreneurs,
we have a DIFFERENT day of freedom…
—– Lesson of the Day —–
Your Independence Day
Do you really want to live a life on your terms?
Some time ago, you said Yes!
You declared enough was enough and made a decision to become a MLM distributor.
You chose freedom and chose to be an entrepreneur.
That was YOUR Independence Day.
I’m not sure how long ago it was for you but do you still remember that day?
I do
I still remember exactly where I was
Go here to read more
Never Quit On Pursuing Freedom
Remember that you’ve declared your Independence already and there is no turning back.
There is NO quitting!
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Stop Keeping It To Yourself
It’s not about you.
→ It’s about helping others and letting them know how your product/service and business can help them.
If what you have is so great, why do you let your selfishness and pride prevent you from changing someone’s life for the better⁉️
Your job is not to convince everyone.
→ It’s simply to let them know how you can help them and to collect a decision.
If they say “No”, that’s ok.
→ But it’s NOT OK NOT to tell them.
“If any man, for any reason has any right to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself”
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
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I will CREATE social media content for you,
PROSPECT with You and
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