Network marketing follow up scripts play a huge part of your MLM success and is part of the 5 incoming producing activities you must do everyday.
Prospecting is about timing and most people aren't ready to buy nor join your team when you first use the network marketing invitation script.
Successful recruiting is about finding the right person at the right time and that's why you never stop follow ups in network marketing.
You keep following up and you'll eventually get your prospect to join or buy when the timing is right but you have to do it in a way that's not annoying.
The fortune is in the followup!
You're going to discover MLM follow up scripts that work because they're not annoying nor pushy.
Table of Contents: Network Marketing Follow Up
Easiest Network Marketing Follow up Script and Template
Here's an easy MLM follow up template to followup
1 ) Share a win or update
The wins and updates do NOT need to necessarily come from you.
It can come from your team and the more specific and relatable the update is, the better
2 ) Ask them if they know anyone that wants to earn an extra $500 – $1,000 a month
Here's an example of how to use this MLM follow up script
“Things have been really fun and I'm growing a lot in my business. In fact, our team had over 10 promotions last month including this stay at home mom that reminded me of you.
Do you know anyone that would be interested to earn an extra $200 to $500 a month?”
5 Different Scripts for Different Follow Up Scenarios
Here are network marketing follow up scripts for 5 different situations:
Scenario 1: The First Follow Up After Sending a Video
What do you say when someone watches your presentation?
It’s simple.
Ask them:
“What did you like best about the video?”
This keeps the conversation positive.
If they respond, dig deeper by asking,
“Why did you like that?”
This helps them sell themselves on the opportunity!
Scenario 2: You Sent the Video, but They Didn’t Reply
They didn’t ghost you—they just got busy!
Instead of sounding desperate, send this message:
“Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch! I’ve been busy growing my business and helping new customers. How have things been with you?”
This keeps the conversation open and reminds them you’re still moving forward.
Scenario 3: You Haven’t Contacted Them in a While
Find an excuse to follow up! Share an update that reminds you of them. For example:
“Hey, I was just at an event this weekend and met someone from your city. It made me think of you! How have things been?”
Keep it casual—no pressure!]
Scenario 4: They Said No Before
A ‘no’ doesn’t mean ‘never’—it just means ‘not now.’ Try this approach:
“Hey, I know you weren’t interested before, but things have been going great, and my team is growing fast! I know this isn’t for you, but do you know anyone who might want to earn an extra $1,000–$2,000 a month?”
This makes it easy for them to refer someone to you (or reconsider for themselves)!
Watch the video below for more examples on how to use it
Scenario 5: MLM Follow up Script for Those that Ghost You
Here's how to follow up w prospects that disappear and ghost you!
What Do You Mean by Ghost?
Maybe you've called them or messaged them, but they don't reply back to you at all!
It's like they're hiding but you go on Facebook and you know they exist, they are right there…
But nope, they’re not replying back to your messages.
And maybe you're hesitant to Follow Up because you fear:
-Coming off as pushy or desperate
-Losing the relationship
One of the important thing as a networker is you want to collect friends and expand your network, you don't want to lose friends.
Reason They Are Ghosting You
1) They’re not interested but feel bad saying “No.”
2) They’re too busy to check out what you sent.
That just means right now isn’t the right time for them.
But that doesn’t mean they’ll never be interested!
Your job is to keep the relationship strong so when the timing is right, they’ll think of you first.
You never want to lose a relationship. You always want to expand your network
These are the 4 parts to this MLM Follow Up Script
1) Our relationship means more than anything in the world, I don’t want the business to get in the way.
2) It’s ok if you don’t join my business nor buy my products.
3) I promise to not to bring it up again.
4) Can we still be friends and stay in touch?
In this You never never stop your network marketing follow up activities unless your prospects tells you to never contact them again but that doesn't mean you follow up with them 10 times in a one day! You become annoying if you MLM follow up TOO FREQUENTLY at a short time frame For example. Don't followup 10 times in 5 days! nor do you send 5 text messages within 24 hours! The key to successful MLM follow up is the frequency. Follow up twice in the first 7 days. If no response, check in again after 90 days. Keep following up every 3–6 months until they say, “Stop messaging me.” Just don't go crazy and followup 10 times in 10 days and then stop. Here's how to follow up with your network marketing prospects without being annoying. After the first week is over, you should set a goal to follow up with the prospect FOREVER but these network marketing follow ups can be spaced out every few months. Here is more detailed schedule on how to follow up in network marketing. Group 1: You just sent video or presented to Group 2: Prospect never replied back after initial 7 days Group 3: Prospect was Not Interested or Never Replied Back Here's a followup schedule and scripts for each Group Within 24 hours: 1st followup Script: What did you like best about the video? if they don't reply back then… 2 more times in next 7 days Script: I've been busy but haven't forgotten about you. How did you like the video I sent? If they still don't reply back… then these prospects go into Group 2 Followup 1 more time in next 30 days You give a friendly take away and often this gets people to take action. Script: I know you're super busy so don't worry about the video. This isn't for you right now and you're not the person we're looking for. We'll stay in touch If they still don't reply back then… they go to Group 3 Followup every 6 months You share a Win or Update and ask them how they're doing. The more specific the Win/Example, the better Here's an example: Script: I know you were busy and not interested in the business before but things have been awesome in our business and we just had 3 stay at home moms earn their first check. Do you know anyone that wants to earn an extra $500 – $1000 a month You must learn how to use social media for network marketing because it helps you find new people online and your social media posts are a type of network marketing follow up. It's also a way to follow up without being annoying People might ignore your messages, but they’re still watching you! That’s why posting on social media is a form of follow-up. The key is to sell your 3 Cs: Even if someone ignores your messages, your posts will keep you on their radar. And when they’re ready, they’ll reach out! Remember to always followup, followup and followup! Remember to use this follow up schedule so you won't be annoying to people. 80% of sales is done after the 5th MLM followup! For additional resources you can access the Complete Guide to Training in Network Marketing Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bioSchedule for Follow Ups in Network Marketing
Simple MLM Follow Up Schedule
There are 3 Groups of Prospects for Followup.
Followup Group 1: You just sent video or presented to
Followup Group 2: Prospect never replied back after initial 7 days
Followup Group 3: Prospect was Not Interested or Never Replied Back
Use Social Media as Way to Follow Up in Network Marketing
The Fortune is In the Network Marketing Follow Up!