Darren H asked me today
“How to just get on with it?'
Network marketing is hard because we have to stay confident and consistent even when we don't get any results
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Keep Going and Stay Focused
The easiest way to bounce back is to take 1 small action step today.
If you don't know what to do, then work on THE DMO (income producing activities)
Your vision is what keeps you going.
It's your vision of YOURSELF
How do you see yourself?
Do you see yourself as a Leader or a Follower?
Leaders stay consistent and keep going regardless of what happens
while Followers get distracted and influenced easily.
If you're reading this, you are ALREADY a Leader!
Even if you don't have any followers right now,
you'll eventually be that Leader (going back to your Vision again)
The first person you have to Lead is YOURSELF
Stop giving reasons why you can't do it
Give 10 reasons why you ARE the leader and will make it!
So be that Leader today that the world needs today.
This video below will be helpful
Remember that you always act CONSISTENT to how you see yourself
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Enjoy This
Enjoy your journey because
→ Success is a letdown, the thrill is in the pursuit!
You’ll never be satisfied if you let your goals and results determine your happiness.
Be hungry but also be grateful for what you have
→ True fulfillment comes from enjoying the journey and realizing who you’re becoming everyday.
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram