Stormy Wellington shares how to build confidence, being authentic and how to build a 7 figure network marketing business
Who is Stormy Wellington
Stormy Wellington came from humble beginnings and had to overcome numerous challenges in her life. She came from foster care, stripped and also got into scams.
She eventually worked in corporate America before she got involved with network marketing.
Today, Stormy is an international speaker, wellness guru, a network marketing leader who has a team of over 45,000 distributors and 75,000 customers and is a 7 figure earner.
Not only that, she is one of the top income earners in the entire network marketing profession.
One of her personal goals is to help 1,000 families become millionaires and to date, she has helped 36 families achieve that already
Favorite Quote
Money loves speed. Go fast!
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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson
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Contact Info
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