Stormy Wellington shares how to build confidence, being authentic and how to build a 7 figure network marketing business
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Who is Stormy Wellington
Stormy Wellington came from humble beginnings and had to overcome numerous challenges in her life. She came from foster care, stripped and also got into scams.
She eventually worked in corporate America before she got involved with network marketing.
Today, Stormy is an international speaker, wellness guru, a network marketing leader who has a team of over 45,000 distributors and 75,000 customers and is a 7 figure earner.
Not only that, she is one of the top income earners in the entire network marketing profession.
One of her personal goals is to help 1,000 families become millionaires and to date, she has helped 36 families achieve that already
Video Podcast with Stormy Wellington
How Stormy Wellington Got Started in Network Marketing
Stormy Wellington had a tough upbringing. She grew up in a world of hustle, where her family was involved in the streets.
She did not have the typical childhood with family dinners or church on Sundays. Instead, she had to figure things out on her own.
At just 15, she became a mother. She had to work nights while taking care of her baby.
She even worked in strip clubs to survive. But when she had her second child, she knew she wanted a different life.
She got into real estate and even worked as a TSA agent. But she realized that if she stayed in the same cycle, she would never experience true success.
That was when she moved to Atlanta and got introduced to network marketing.
At first, she thought MLM was a scam. But one powerful pitch changed her mind.
A contractor who came to her home asked, “What if you could lose 10 dress sizes in 10 minutes without diet, exercise, or surgery?”
That got her attention. She joined her first MLM company selling garments and weight loss products.
Turning Point in the Business for Stormy Wellington
Stormy followed the traditional steps in MLM. She made a list of family and friends.
But they all discouraged her. They told her MLM was a waste of time.
That was when she decided to take a different approach. She created her own system.
She used the “Three-Foot Rule.” If someone was within three feet of her, she would start a conversation.
She talked to people at Target, Walmart, beauty salons, and daycares.
Instead of waiting for people to come to her, she went out and made things happen.
This strategy helped her grow her business fast.
Worst Moment in Network Marketing for Stormy Wellington
Stormy had two painful moments that almost made her quit.
The first was at a big meeting with 1,000 people. She borrowed a leader’s laptop to play a company video.
But instead of the opportunity video, a porn video started playing on the big screen.
Everyone was shocked, and people started calling her “Stormy the Porn Star.”
She was embarrassed, but she did not let it stop her.
The second tough moment was betrayal. She helped a team member make $4 million in two years.
But instead of gratitude, that person turned on her.
They created a “We Hate Stormy” campaign and tried to take her down.
It hurt deeply, but Stormy kept going.
She learned that the vision never changes, only the people do.
Biggest Lesson Stormy Wellington Learned
Stormy learned that confidence comes from action.
You do not build confidence by reading books or listening to audios. You build it by doing the work.
She also realized that people follow those who lead with confidence and authenticity.
She learned to detach from the outcome. If someone said no, she moved on.
Her mindset became, “Whoever tells me no, I feel sorry for them.”
She knew she had something valuable, and she focused on finding the right people.
Million Dollar Question for Stormy Wellington
If she had to start over with no contacts, what would she do?
She would go to Walmart and Target.
She would compliment people, start conversations, and use the Three-Foot Rule.
She would focus on making real connections before ever mentioning her business.
Favorite Quote
Money loves speed. Go fast!
Recommended Books by Stormy Wellington
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson
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Recommended Prospecting Tool
Contact Info
Stormy Wellington on Instagram
Viral Post “Low Vibrational Plate”
Key Lessons from Stormy Wellington
- Confidence comes from action. You must do the work, not just study it.
- The people will change, but the vision stays the same. Betrayals happen, but keep moving forward.
- Network marketing is about relationships. The more people you connect with, the more success you will have.
Your Action Steps
1. Talk to people every day. Use the Three-Foot Rule to start conversations.
2. Detach from the outcome. If someone says no, move on to the next person.
3. Be consistent. Success does not happen overnight, but small daily actions will build momentum.
The secret to MLM success is simple. Keep showing up and taking action!
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio