We are living in the “Upgrade Culture”
According to the latest stats and surveys:
– Every 3 years, we upgrade and get a new car.
– Every 5 years, we upgrade and move into a new residence
– In Asia, every 6 – 12 months, people upgrade to a new mobile phone
We love upgrades and constantly want the next best thing. We upgrade and get better computers… we upgrade and get bigger TVs… we upgrade to the latest operating systems… We read and talk about the latest gadgets that we want.
However, are you looking into the MOST IMPORTANT upgrade?!
And no! It is not the latest iPhone 4S (though I want one and will be getting one)
The MOST IMPORTANT upgrade is YOU!
It is TIME for you to get a MENTAL UPGRADE!
… and sad to say… most people spend more time researching and talking about their material upgrades that don’t last instead of looking at upgrading themselves which will give them a permanent improvement.
How are you upgrading yourself as a person?
What personality traits can you improve on?
What skills do you need to learn so that you can be more successful in your career and business?
Take some time today and upgrade yourself mentally. Read a book… or attend a seminar… or connect with your mentor. You deserve it!
Upgrade yourself and you will soon find yourself being able to afford all the other material upgrades that you want.
What upgrade are you going to do today?!
Joel Sanjay says
Awesome Simon.
Bùi Anh Tuấn says
I should be upgrading myself more concentrated on everything I do. I am usually distracted when doing my jobs or everyday activites.
I need to improve my calculating, EL, analyzing… skills
simonwchan says
Key is to focus! Try logging every 15 minutes and write down what you do. If you get in the habit of doing so, it will help you focus and not waste time on things that are not productive
Patricia says
Its true everyone wants a upgrade, including you want a iPhone 4s. Nobody wants a downgrade, whether in job, education…and etc
Alfred says
Nice reminder…I’m constantly upgrading my life…like now I’m concentrated on upgrading my physical body… too much belly fat deposited in my tummy makes my personality a little bit turn off…I’m on diet & w/ the help of nutrimeal, I learned to control my appetite.
Thanks for the advice.
simonwchan says
Congrats on the focus and discipline for your diet! 🙂
Michael Ward says
Great blog my friend! I am currently upgrading myself by reading Awaken the Giant Within…great read.
michele says
I totally agree with you Simon, but I would add that in updating oneself, one should ask the question: why do I need all these techno updates; just to keep-up-with-the Joneses? Too many people–and even more sadly for the ones who supposedly have taken the time to rethink themselves–have forgotten the small things in life for which they should be grateful, and have become worshipers at the alter of materialism. They have forgotten what the difference is between what one actually needs and what is simply excess.
simonwchan says
Yes! I totally agree… it is sad that our “capitalism” takes advantage of our built in greed to want more and more and more and to consume more! There are so many things that we do NOT need… but then again, if we all stopped buying, the entire economy will crash!
Also, sadly… there are some new material techno UPGRADES that we do need… cause many of those gadgets allow you to work more efficiently and also work “more”. In this day in age where speed matters (for example, email communication, Facebook marketing, Twitter and replying to your customer needs through social media, etc), you need every advantage that you get since if you don’t do it, the competition is!.. and soon you will be out of business or out of a job.
Julius says
I really love to upgrade, currently I’m focusing and searching the right Ups who can help me upgrade my leads and capture it. XTRM Zambo.