How to start network marketing is often done the wrong way because people spend too much time on training and it causes overwhelm.
The best way on how to start network marketing is to take fast action ASAP in first 24 hours before buyers remorse, rejection or other obstacles come up.
7 Steps to Achieving Fast Results in Network Marketing
1. Take Fast Action ASAP and Send Out The Invite Script (first 24 hours)
2. Work the Income Producing Activities (first 24 hours and on going)
3. Update Your Social Media Profile (First week)
4. Learn to Sell the Dream
5. Sell Your 3 C's
6. Don't Prejudge Your Prospects
7. Stay connected with Your Team
I go into these details below but first… before we begin…
Congrats on Doing Something Different!
I congratulate you for taking the step to change your life because just by joining, you’ve already done something most people won’t do.
You stepped out of your comfort zone to try something different and that deserves encouragement and praise!
How you start network marketing will be one of the most rewarding things you do and is so worth it.
MLM is an awesome profession and I'm super grateful for how it has blessed my family and I.
I’ve been in this profession for 21 years, and it has given me the time flexibility to spend with my kids, play baseball with them, and enjoy moments I never thought possible when I was stuck in a job so network marketing success is possible but not easy.
Outline: Network Marketing Tips for Beginners
How to Start MLM Business (first 24 Hours)
The best and easiest way on how to start network marketing is to take FAST ACTION within 24 hours after you sign up.
You may think you need to go through all MLM trainings first (and those are important) but TAKING FAST ACTION IN THE FIRST 24 hours without knowing everything is SO IMPORTANT to your success.
The reason is because people buy your excitement and energy and often that is MORE important thank your knowledge and that's why there's a famous saying
“Enthusiasm on fire is better than knowledge on ice.”
The reason you don't have to go through any network marketing trainings or worry about not knowing what to do is because you will leverage your team to help you.
Send Invitation Messages in First 24 Hours
There is only ONE thing you should do once you sign up and that is to send out invitation messages to at least 10 contacts.
It's also the only thing you train a new distributor to do to get fast duplication.
This is the invitation script you use and you want to send this out to as many people as possible in first 24 hours
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
This network marketing invitation script is simple, gives people an option to say “No” and works very well
If someone says “Yes. What is it?”, then you send them a company video or even better, do. 3 way call and have your upline talk to that person ASAP.
The quicker you do this, the better because you're excited and have courage.
You must do this before doubts, rejection or second thoughts sabotage you from taking fast action.
Network marketing is exciting when you can send out 100 invites within 1 week but on other hand, MLM will be super boring and even miserable if you take forever to send out invites.
While you send out these invites, you can then go through all the important network marketing trainings but make sure you take immediate action first!
Network Marketing Tips for Beginners (Your First Week)
After you send out the invites,, then you get started working on these
1 ) Update your Social Media Profile
Don't do this the wrong way.
Make sure you know how to use social media for network marketing
2 ) Work THE DMO
This is one of the best MLM tips for beginners.
Start working on the income producing activities immediately!
You need to get going ASAP before you get discouraged or the fear of rejection creeps in.
The rest of this article will go more into detail but make sure you have sent out at least 10 invites,
You're Selling a Dream
Most people think they’re selling a product or service, but the truth is, you’re selling a dream.
Don't forget that the reason you joined network marketing is because you dream of the lifestyle it can give you and that DREAM is what you're really selling.
You might wonder: How can I sell the dream if I’m not successful yet?
It’s the classic chicken-and-egg problem.
The reason you think like that is because we're all programmed since childhood that things happen in order.
For example, you have to finish middle school before you go to high school…
or you can only go to college after you graduate from high school…
or you have to take an entry level position before you get promoted to vice president.
But in business it's different!
You get to skip levels and don't need to do things in order.
You get to skip levels such as Mark Zuckerberg started his company before he finished college or Elon Musk started a space company without any previous experience in that field. In fact, SpaceX was almost bankrupt after years of failures but Musk continue to confidently sell his vision.
It's the same way in network marketing.
How to Start Network Marketing and Recruit When You're New
A common question is,
“How to start network marketing and be able to recruit people if I'm new and never had success?”
But how can you be “successful” if you haven’t recruited and built a large team?
Every successful leader has always faced this situation.
In MLM, you don't need previous results but what you do need is vision and conviction.
You're not selling a product.
You're selling a Dream.
If you have a hard time understand these MLM tips for beginners regarding selling the dream, then this video will be helpful on how to start network marketing business right.
Even if people think you’re crazy, your belief in your vision will inspire others to join you.
This confidence is key, and it’s what helps you sell the dream.
MLM Tips for Beginners on Your Mindset and Self Concept
If you struggle to see yourself successful this section will help.
Your self concept is your self identity and how you see yourself.
You must see yourself as a Leader who will make it happen.
You're never going to make it if you have doubts and uncertainty because you'll easily let obstacles stop you and also no one will join someone who's not confident.
When you visualize and see yourself as a leader, you'll show up and become more consistent and take more action.
If you have a hard time seeing yourself as successful here is a Network Marketing Training on Mindset that will inspire and help you come up with reasons why success is your destiny.
How to Start MLM Business by Selling Your 3 C's
It’s not how much you're making in network marketing that will determine whether someone will join you.
MLM Beginner Tip: People are always buying the 3 C’s and here is what they stand for
1) Change
How have you changed?
2) Commitment
How committed are you?
3 ) Consistency
Prospects won't be impressed if you're not consistent and showing up everyday
Network Marketing Training on Your Contact List
Here are some additional network marketing tips for beginners regarding your contact list.
A key component to succeeding in MLM is your contact list and how quickly you can reach out to them and send them this invitation script
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
The Importance of Speed
One of my mentor was sharing network marketing tips for beginners and this was one of the best advice I've heard and I still remember this 20 years later.
She said,
“If it takes you a year to send out the network marketing invitation message 100 people, network marketing will be miserable!
But if you prospect quickly and send out the network marketing invitation script to 100 people in two weeks, it’s exciting!”
The sooner you invite and get through your prospect list, the sooner you’ll see results.
Below are some mistakes to avoid if you want to start MLM business the right way.
Beginner Mistake #1: Prejudging Prospects
I made this network marketing mistake when I started and it was one of my worse moments in MLM
Never prejudge your prospects because you never know who will actually be interested.
One of the best MLM tips for beginners that I can share with you is that generally the people you expect will be interested will disappoint you and the people you least expect will surprise you and join you.
Beginner Mistake #2: Having Intention to Convince Everyone
Another common mistake people make on how to start network marketing is that they approach their contact list with the intention to sponsor everyone!
Your goal isn’t to convince people, it’s to let them know what you’re doing because most people won’t join right away but everyone will eventually join, buy or give you a referral if you do network marketing follow up correctly.
Think of it like if you had a traditional business.
If you just opened a new sushi restaurant today you would tell everyone even if they didn't like Japanese food.
It's the same when you start your network marketing business. You let everyone know by using this network marketing invitation script
For more MLM tips for beginners, here is a complete list of the 5 worse prospecting mistakes to avoid.
Getting Started: Use a Simple Invitation Script
When reaching out, use this proven MLM invitation script:
“I’m working on something exciting that may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
Don't change up the words because there's a lot of reasons why this network marketing invitation message works so well
Most people will say no, but some will say yes.
If they ask for more details, avoid going into sales mode and telling them what it is because it will bring up objections.
You lose if you talk!
Instead, use a company video, a team resource, or use this 5 Step Template to create your own video that converts
Remember that the more you talk, the more you lose because your prospect will always think they have to do what you do.
Optimize Your Social Media Profile
One of the first things you must do when you start network marketing is to update and optimize your social media profiles.
Social media is a power tool but you have to learn how to use social media the right way for network marketing.
Here are some important network marketing tips for beginners regarding social media.
You DO NOT sell on social media.
If you just post links to your products and become a “commercial” you will immediately turn off people and no one will join your business.
Instead, social media is used to potentially start a conversation.
You want to get people curious and ask you what to do.
Here is a complete social media training on why that is important.
Here's How to Update Your Social Media for Network Marketing
If you want to start network marketing business and get fast results, do these ASAP.
1 ) Use a clear, professional profile picture.
2 ) Add a cover image that reflects what you do.
3 ) Update your “About” section with your current role.
Your consistent activity and change will make people curious and eventually interested.
This video gives you examples of how top MLM leaders use social media for MLM
Once you've updated your profile, here is a complete guide on how to use social media for network marketing
Work the Daily Income Producing Activities
Your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) is a list of daily income-producing activities.
3️⃣ → Post 3 Times on Social Media
5️⃣ → Meet 5 New Contacts a Day
5️⃣ → Invite 5 People to Look at a Presentation
5️⃣ → Follow-Up With 5 Prospects that You Sent Invites To
3️⃣ → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call
You can go to this detailed training on each of these 5 income producing activities
Treat your MLM business like a job and If you’re consistent, you'll achieve network marketing success but if you treat it like a hobby, you'll get hobby income.
Network Marketing Tips on Overcoming Rejection
Here are some quick MLM tips for beginners that’ll help you overcome network marketing rejection
1 ) You’re the Messenger and not the Message
If they're saying “No”, remember that they're just saying “No” to the message and not rejection you.
2 ) Your “Lack” of Success doesn’t mean your Prospect will also be like you
This is especially true if the person is smarter and have more influence than you do!
3 ) You’re ALREADY More Successful than your Prospect
You’re already more Successful because you got started and you’re going in the right direction
Here are some more mental tricks that'll help you overcome network marketing rejection
Staying Connected When You Start Network Marketing
Network marketing can feel lonely without a support system and that's why staying connected with your team is crucial.
Ways to Stay Connected in your MLM Business
- You must have a mentor that you can give you feedback immediately
- Find an accountability partner or mentor
- Attend team trainings
- Attend your company convention
- Participate in network marketing events to stay motivated and learn.
Lead Yourself and Grow Personally
The most important step in network marketing success is learning to lead yourself and this means you must invest and grow yourself everyday.
This involves ongoing network marketing personal development to improve skills and mindset.
Go read the recommended network marketing books, listen to the network marketing podcasts and attend the events.
Key Skills to Develop
Book the network marketing training hub so you can consistently learn new skills each day such as:
Emotional detachment from rejection
Thinking like a leader
Network marketing personal development is the foundation of success in your MLM business.
How to Start Network Marketing Training Video
This video one of the best MLM training for beginners:
Get Started with Simple Online System for Network Marketing
Network marketing success boils down to these seven steps:
1. Lead yourself
2. Sell the dream with vision and conviction.
3. Build and work through your contact list.
4. Use a simple invitation script.
5. Optimize your social media presence.
6. Work the Income Producing Activities consistently.
7. Stay connected with your team and mentors.
By following these steps and focusing on personal growth, you can achieve your goals in network marketing.
This is the network marketing training for beginners.
If there is something specific you want to learn, go to the Network Marketing Training Hub
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio