Failure is not an option. Evan Klassen reveals how defeat won’t hold you back from achieving your dream. Also, the universal rule that applies to business no matter what country you’re in
Who is Evan Klassen?
Evan Klassen was born in central Asia and into a life of war and poverty where having food and clean water was considered a “good day.”
He eventually moved to Germany and then later on to America where he started his life as an entrepreneur and MLM professional.
Today, Evan is a best selling author, speaker and earned his first 7 figures at the age of 28. He build organizations combined to over 50,000 distributors in over 24 countries.
Evan has co-authored 2 best selling books… Think and Grow Rich Today featuring Napolean Hill and Transform with Brian Tracy. He’s also a contributing author to the best selling book, The Miracle Morning for Network Marketing.
Favorite Quote
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change”
Must Read Book
Think and Grow Rich Today ft. Napoleon Hill
Transform by Nick Nanton ft. Brian Tracy
The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers by Hal Elrod
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
Recommended Online App
iBooks (On iPhone)
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Contact Info
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