Michelle O. asked me
How to duplicate yourself to your team?
Today you’re going to learn how to get your team to take action and duplicate
—– Lesson of the Day —–
How to Duplicate Yourself to Your Team
Before we focus on duplication,
let's talk about the first step to leadership
and that is…
You Set the Example!
You have to make sure YOU are setting the example.
That means you have to be working the income producing activities everyday
and do everything that you want your team to do.
If you're not doing anything, then chances are your team will not do anything!
So the first step to duplication is to set the example
Best Way to Teach and Train
The most effective way to train someone is to
have them watch you do THE DMO (income producing activities
Think about your job or something that you've learned in the past
chances are you learned by watching someone do it
you didn't learn by attending a training or reading a manual.
That's why setting the example is so important.
Keep It Simple
Make sure you keep things simple.
Use a tool and teach your team to use tools
We have a tendency to make things complicated
and once you do that
people will stop doing things.
Remember the rule that
Any lack of clarity or feeling of overwhelm will make people STOP entirely!
you have to understand there are 4 types of downlines and you have to be smart when it comes to working with them
Make sure you only work with those that deserve your time.
How to Train Someone New
Keep it simple
The only thing you really need to teach them is to send a simple script to their contacts.
Here is a helpful video on how to train someone new
Remember to set the example!
If you want your team to grow,
YOU must be working The DMO everyday
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
This Never Works
You know you need to make sales so stop overthinking
“Hesitation never cashed a check!”
If you want to get results
take action ASAP‼️
Here’s a good rule.
The moment you think about a person,
→ Reach out to them before seconds is up!
Have someone in mind?
→ Take action now!
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
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