If you can handle what life throws at you, you can handle network marketing. David Greene share why it’s important to be persistent. Also why it may be too early to leave your day job Who is David Greene? David Greene has over 25 years of network marketing experience. It all started out in January […]
124: 1 Consistent Action I Used To Become The #1 Earner In My Company by Madra Jones
There are people who don’t have a lot of hope. Madra Jones shares why it’s so important to be the solution people are looking for. Also the ‘Single Mother’ routine i used to build my business Who is Madra Jones? Madra Jones is a single mom, college dropout, former salon owner and esthetician when network […]
Bob Heilig on How to Dominate with Your Personal Brand
Challenges are always going to happen. Bob Heilig reveals why It’s not what happens to is, it’s how we respond to it. Also they key to marketing your business Who is Bob Heilig? Bob Heilig was in the medical sales industry for 10 years before he realized that working for someone else wouldn’t give him […]
122: Traits Of Successful People That Others Don’t Have by Dana McGrady
Always show up, look like a leader, be the person you’d follow up the mountain. Dana McGrady shows us how to be a leader of leaders. Also how to really treat your business like a business Who is Dana McGrady? Dr. Dana McGrady is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine with 2 clinic locations in Florida […]
121: How To Train New Leaders And Duplicate The Process by Sarah Falk
Keep ongoing lists both on your phone and computer. Sarah Falk reveals how to always stay on track with what you need to do. Also how to duplicate leadership Who is Sarah Falk? Sarah Falk graduated from Baylor University with a bachelors in bioinformatics. However after having kids, she ended up being a stay at […]
120: The Power Routine For A Stay At Home Parent by Heather Johnson
If you’re looking at your day the night before and plan it out, it’s much more effective than doing it the next day. Heather Johnson shares why you can get more done and be more efficient when you’re organized Who is Heather Johnson? Even though this is Heather Johnson’s first real experience in network marketing, […]
119: The S.E.R.V.I.N.G Culture Designed To Grow Your Team Fast And Strong by Chris Medina
Your why is your anchor. Chris Medina reveals the bigger the why, the easier it gets to withstand challenges in your business. Also how to approach immigrants with no money and why they make good prospects Who is Chris Medina? Chris Medina is an immigrant from the Philippines and worked as a registered nurse for […]
118: How To Overcome Unsupportive Friends And Family by Dave Daughtrey
If it’s to be, it’s up to me, you have to make it happen. Dave Daughtry explains why we should never base tomorrow successes on yesterday’s failure. Also why you should attend every opportunity meeting Who is Dave Daughtrey? Dave Daughtrey has over 34 years of MLM experience and has earned over $50 million in […]
117: 2 Things That Cause People To Change For The Better by John Abbas
You have to have the mindset that getting a job is not an option. John Abbas reveals why breakthroughs usually come at a breaking point. Also why you should stop looking for ‘great’ people and first become great yourself. Who is John Abbas? John Abbas owned a restaurant in Las Vegas before he discovered network […]
116: How Email Hurt My Business by Gabi Steiner
The biggest benefit of our business is that you can share this opportunity with people you like. Gabi Steiner share why we can choose who you want to work with. Also how we grew our business 300% in 1 year Who is Gabi Steiner? Gabi Steiner is from Germany and has over 22 years of […]
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