Duke Tubtim shares network marketing tips and one of them is that you must be serious about your MLM business and look like you’re going somewhere. He reveals why people will jump on board with you when you look like a train about to leave the station. Also why you should celebrate quick ‘wins’ Who […]
MLM Podcast: Expert Insights & Strategies to Grow Your Business
Listen to the top MLM podcast designed for network marketers who want to grow their business. Gain expert insights, hear inspiring success stories, and learn actionable strategies from industry leaders. Discover how to recruit effectively, lead your team with confidence, and stay motivated through powerful interviews and training. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced leader, these episodes will help you level up your business.
105: How I Built A Massive Global Business by Joanne Ward
Wherever you go, you’ll find the same old excuses. Joanne Ward reveals why you must become a master of relationships. Also what I say when I meet strangers Who is Joanne Ward? Joanne Ward is a wife and mother of 2 kids. She has over 5 ½ years of MLM experience and is one of […]
104: Why Top Leaders Switch Companies by Kevin Latmore
The biggest problem in MLM is that people don’t do enough. Kevin Latmore shares why the biggest scam in network marketing is NOT sharing this opportunity with other people Who is Kevin Latmore? Kevin Latmore has over 12 years of MLM experience and has earned over $4 million in career earnings. He has built 4 […]
103: How To Respond To The Pyramid Objection by Jackson Parr
Work hard, put time into your leaders and don’t quit. Jackson Parr reveals why most people quit before they develop into a professional. Also why people REALLY buy from you Who is Jackson Parr? Jackson Parr is a Gen Y superstar from Gold Coast, Australia. He’s only 27 years ago and has seen his life […]
102: 10 Techniques And Skills You Must Learn To Become Successful by Rafael Rojas
Rafael Rojas reveals why it’s so important to show people you care before they will ever care to enroll with you. Also what it took to earn $28,000 in only my first month Who is Rafael Rojas? Rafael Rojas came to America 30 years ago and didn’t speak a word of English. He spent his […]
Jessie Lee Ward’s Crazy and Unbelievable Stories and Legacy
Jessie Lee Ward was a dear friend and a very successful but controversial network marketing leader who unfortunately passed away in Sept. 2023 from cancer at only 35 years old. It was very sad how she passed and I’m going to focus on the good memories and her legacy. I’m going to share a few […]
Armand Puyolt: Unbelievable MLM Success Before the Age of 20
Armand Puyolt shares his MLM story and the keys to achieving success in network marketing in one of our first episodes of MLM Nation podcast. This interview was done back in 2015. Since then Armand has launched his own network marketing company and also recently just purchased Business for Home. Armand reminds us that this […]
099: The Game Changing Secret Ingredient For Your Business by Darin Kidd
Darin Kidd reveals why the longest way to success in MLM is a short cut. Also the secret to duplication that will save you from burning out Who is Darin Kidd? Darin Kidd has earned millions in network marketing and has built teams of over 100,000 distributors. He himself has personally sponsored hundreds of people […]
098: The Simple 3 Question Prospecting Script by Travis and Summer Flaherty
The difficult challenges in life pushes us to a different path that will take us to where we want to be. Travis and Summer Flaherty share why business usually fails when you stop doing the little basic consistent things. Who is Travis and Summer Flaherty? Travis and his wife, Summer Flaherty are known for their […]
097: The Powerful Duplication Technique That Sold Over $1.7 Million In Product In Only 60 Days by Jeremy Reynolds
It’s more about moving people than moving product. Jeremy Reynolds reveals why we must put people first above all. Also the very moment that changed my life Who is Jeremy Reynolds? Jeremy Reynolds is a Master Distributor for his company and has been featured with the late Stephen Covey, who wrote the 7 Habits of […]
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