Future of network marketing is still good despite recent companies such as Colored Street changing its compensation plan, and Epicure shutting down in 2025. In 2024, we saw Rodan and Fields, Seint and BeachBody giving up on the MLM model and Tupperware declaring bankruptcy but succeeding in network marketing is going to be much harder […]
Goal Setting in Network Marketing Done the Right Way in 7 Steps
Goal setting in network marketing is very important but most distributors approach network marketing goal setting the wrong way and set bad MLM goals. You’re going to discover how to set realistic network marketing goals and an action plan. Once we go through a breakdown of the numbers, you’ll be able to set achievable goals […]
Importance of Consistency in Network Marketing
Is your lack of Consistency holding you back?! —– Consistency Pep Talk —– Only One Choice The FIRST step towards making your goals happen is realizing that you have a choice to make You can either make excuses or make money but you can’t make both. So… It’s your choice? 1) Do you want to […]
Top 10 Network Marketing Books Recommended by Leaders
Importance of Network Marketing Books Network marketing books are a very important part of your network marketing success and a common question is what is the “must read” MLM book. Videos and blogs such as this list of Complete Guide to training in network marketing are also helpful but nothing replaces the importance of reading […]
Why Top MLM Leaders Switch Companies in Network Marketing
Top MLM leaders switch companies from time to time and often causes confusion especially to beginners who don’t really know how to get started in network marketing. The Pain and Disappointment When MLM Leaders Switch… I’m going to share with you one of my painful experiences of my MLM career. I had already been in […]