Close a customer sale or getting your network marketing prospect to join can be one of the hardest things to do especially if you don't come from a sales background.
There are many types of closes but the best way to close is to get a prospect to convince themselves.
How do you do that?!
Watch this video or read more below.
Overcome Skepticism by Asking Open Ended Questions During the Close
Prospects after often skeptical.
They may doubt our intentions, question our claims, or simply tune us out.
How can we overcome skepticism and get our prospects to convince themselves to join or buy?
From the prospect's perspective, “Whatever you say is a lie” because you're just trying to make money off of me.
But the good news is…
Whatever the prospect says to himself is true.
How does this work?!
The answer lies in asking questions.
By guiding your prospects to think critically and take ownership of their decision-making, you can help them overcome doubts and make a confident decision.
Instead of making them feel that you are trying to convince them, you ask open ended questions that make them feel they have ownership in the decision.
Examples of Open-Ended Questions are any questions that start with Who, What, Where, Why and How.
Examples of Open Ended Questions During the Close
Instead of telling prospects what they should do or why they need our products or services, we can guide them to convince themselves by asking certain questions.
Here are some examples of how to use questions to close your prospects
Example 1
Instead of saying “This business will help you spend more time with your family”
When you say that, they don't believe you because you're saying it and they know you're trying to sell them.
Instead, ask them,
“How will this business help you spend more time with your family”
When the prospect answers this question, they will convince themselves and also has ownership in that decision.
Instead of making them feel you convinced them, they will feel that they came to the conclusion themselves.
Example 2
Instead of telling prospects the importance of having another stream of income, ask them
why they would want a second income stream?
This allows them to think and generate their own reasons.
Example 3
When someone is hesitant to join a business, ask them,
why they would want to do it if they have a good job already.
This creates a sense of disagreement in their mind, and they will start to generate their own reasons for joining.
Example 4
Instead of telling prospects they can do this part-time or full-time, ask them,
“With your commitment and dedication, do you see yourself doing this part-time or full-time?”
This allows them to think about their personal situation and come to their own conclusion.
Example 5
Instead of telling prospects about the benefits of your product or service, ask them how it would benefit them.
For example,
“If you were to try this product, how would it help you get healthier?”
This approach allows them to start thinking about the benefits and how they can apply them to their own lives.
By using asking questions that guide the prospect to the sale, you can help your prospects become more invested in the process and increase your chances of closing the sale or recruiting a team member.
Remember, the art of persuasion is about guiding prospects to convince themselves. By asking questions and focusing on their needs, you can build trust.
The Art of The Close: Prospects Never Lie to Themselves
As we wrap up, we hope these examples have shown you the power of asking questions when you close prospects for your network marketing business.
When you ask the right questions, prospects are more likely to convince themselves and take ownership of their decision.
Here's a video that goes more into detail about this
Remember this rule.
According to the prospect, whatever you say is a lie. But whatever they say is true
So instead of telling them, ask them questions so they will say what you wanted to tell them.
Action Step: How to Close and Get Prospects to Convince Themselves
To take advantage of this closing strategy for your network marketing business, you need to list out the benefits of your products and services.
Here are your Action Steps
1 ) Make a list of at least 20 benefits of your business, products, and services.
2 ) Practice putting these benefits into questions so that the prospect will say what you wanted to say
Remember the key is to ask questions so that your prospect will convince themselves.
Once you have done that, you can start asking questions to help your prospects take ownership of the decision-making process.
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Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio