Gregg Scott and Lenika Scott share what it takes to be successful in network marketing. The mindset it takes and how to copy how top MLM leaders think because the more you grow up, the more you can go up!
Learn to create 2 more hours in your day using my Extreme MLM Productivity regimen so that you can work on your business and still have time for your friends and family.
Who are Gregg and Lenika Scott?
Greg and Lenika Scott are proud parents of 6 beautiful daughters. They got serious with direct sales in 2008 and since then have built not 1 but 2 businesses that produced millions of dollars in sales.
They’ve built teams of over 250,000 people and along the way have helped many reach 6 figures and Millionaire status.
Favorite Quote
“People will always forget what you say, people will always forget what you did… but they’ll never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou
“Success doesn’t happen overnight. It comes from the small things that are consistently done over time.” -Lenika Scott
Must Read Book
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell
Recommended Online App
Recommended Prospecting Tool
Inviting people to a ‘private’ call
Contact Info
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