Learn to Develop a Passion for What You Should Be Doing
I’m going to share with you one of my top tips on how I stay super focused and productive every day.
People say that I have amazing discipline, but to me, it’s simple to do once you know my secret.
Keep reading…
There are things that we like to do.
There are also things that we know we SHOULD be doing.
Doesn’t it suck that most of the time we don’t like to do the things we SHOULD be doing?
We have all these goals for our businesses, careers, and personal lives, but we find ourselves distracted because we prefer to spend our time doing other things.
Here are a few examples.
You know you should exercise more, but you like to stay in and just bum around instead.
You know you should be prospecting and building your business, but you like to relax and watch a good movie instead.
You know you should be investing time in self-development to make yourself better, but you prefer to waste the ten minutes on Facebook instead.
Our Problem: It’s Not Our Passion
Here is our common problem.
The things that we should be doing are RARELY our passion.
We’d rather be doing ten other things than what needs to be done in order for us to get to the next level.
For example, to be successful in MLM you must stay focused and do the Five Core Daily Production Activities everyday, but it’s so easy to waste time on social media or get caught up in the latest news gossip.
However, what if we had a PASSION and LOVE to do the things that we need to do?
Over the years, I’ve developed a huge passion for what I should be doing.
In other words, work is never work. Work has become play for me. 🙂
It’s the reason I woke up at 5am on Christmas Day so that I could write my monthly Insider’s Circle newsletter and connect with some prospects before the kids woke up for Christmas.
To me, that wasn’t work. That was fun!
Top Performers Pursue Their Passion
All top performers have a passion for their career.
They simply love to do what they do.
Whether it is an athlete that wakes up everyday at 5am to workout, or a concert pianist who practices ten hours a day, they have a passionate pursuit of their goals.
Passion is necessary because without it, we won’t be willing to put in the extra work that it takes to be successful.
What if we simply had the passion to do what we are supposed to do so that we can stay disciplined and achieve our goals?!
How to Create Passion
This is the secret to how I stay disciplined and willing to do what it takes everyday to be successful.
I learned early on to develop a passion for doing the things that SHOULD be done.
How can you do that?
It’s actually pretty simple.
Passion is created when you just go out and practice and become very good at what you are supposed to do.
The cool thing is that you naturally start liking to do the things that you get good at. In other words, enjoyment is a predictor of success. Because you like something, you want to pursue it, which leads to success.
Just think back to when you were a kid. The things you liked to do were the things that you were good at.
The solution is simple.
Just make a decision to get good at what you are SUPPOSED to do.
When I started my MLM business over ten years ago, I was terrible at prospecting and sales.
I was insecure. I had no sales skills, and was terrified to even pick up the phone and dial.
However, I had no choice, and had invested money into the business already. I had made the decision that I was going to give my MLM business at least five years before I would consider quitting.
So even though I was terrible and made no money in my first two months, I decided to go out and get better at prospecting.
One snowy, winter day in late December as I pulled up in my parent’s driveway in New York City, I got so angry at myself for my lack of success that I made a decision to work on my skills so that I could start making money.
Instead of running away and not doing anything about the problem, I decided to get good at prospecting and sales.
I made the important decision on that cold evening to do two things:
1) To study and become good at sales, and
2) Apply what I learned daily and prospect everyday, consistent with my 553 Prospecting Routine.
That night, I went online and purchased my first book to teach me how to sell. That book, Zig Ziglar’s Selling 101, got me started on my journey to become a master salesman. Eventually, after two years, I had read almost every single sales book that they sold on Amazon.
If you want a shortcut and summaries of all the books, check out my S.O.W. SPONSORING SYSTEM. It is a simple and duplicatable system that anyone can learn. It has helped me become a top sponsor over the years. The entire training system contains over 14 hours of training materials and scripts. Click Here to Learn More.
The amazing thing about learning is that, as long as you do something consistently over time, you will get better and better each day.
The more I read and the more I prospected each day, the better I got.
Before you know it, prospecting will become fun and you will look forward to it.
I was working my MLM business part time and would LOOK FORWARD to coming home each day to make prospecting calls.
I had developed the PASSION to prospect.
Later on, I took this new discovery and applied it to my public speaking skills as well.
I always grew up hating to speak in class. In college, I would be the disrespectful student that would just sit in the back of class and eat my lunch everyday. I would just give up on the class participation grade.
After my success with prospecting, I started to apply the same formula to stay disciplined and to do the things that I SHOULD be doing.
I joined Toastmasters, and took a few courses on public speaking. I soon enjoyed the experience.
Today, I LOVE speaking in front of groups and being able to have a positive impact on others.
I even applied this formula to yoga.
I had learned the benefits of yoga years ago, but had hated doing it because it was very painful for someone that was inflexible as me.
After I purchased a few DVDs, read yoga magazines, and started doing yoga everyday, I started to like it.
Today, I love yoga, and it feels awkward and weird if I skip a day.
Simple Formula to Creating Passion
It’s a very simple formula to create a passion for what you should be doing.
It’s worked for me, and it was why I writing and working on Christmas Day didn’t feel like work. To me, that was just pure fun!
Now, it’s up to you.
Write down three things that you know you SHOULD be doing so that you can achieve your yearly goals.
Go for it!
Once you have passion for doing what you should be doing, you will have success!
Simon Chan
P.S. Go get my MLM Meetings Mastery course if you want detailed tips and strategies on how to run more profitable MLM opportunity meetings.
From webinars… to 1 on 1 meetings… to home meetings… to luncheon meetings… to hotel meetings, and much much more, MLM Meetings Mastery is a complete A to Z guide on everything you need to know to convert more prospects into distributors.