Uncovering Your Real “Why” That Drives You
It’s been 2 weeks since I came back from my 2014 Implementation Bootcamp in Australia and I was still jet lagged.
Normally I recover in 2 – 3 days but this time it took forever.
No matter what time I would go to bed, I would find myself up at 230am wide awake.
I would lie in bed and want to get my daily 7 hours of sleep but no matter what I did, I would be alert and full of ideas and new projects.
So I just got up and do what I do best in the early mornings.
Which is to “work.”
Except that I don’t consider it work because I love what I do.
Work and pleasure has slowly merged the same thing.
So I’m writing this at 5am and some would say that I “work hard” but to me getting up early to write is just as fun as when I used to get up early on Saturdays to watch my Saturday morning cartoons.
Work is fun and I guess that is a test of whether you will be successful as an entrepreneur.
Unless you have a deep passion and commitment in what you do, it’s hard to be successful.
To be really successful in MLM your why has to be MORE than just the money.
When I say “really successful” I mean earn over 6 figures in passive income.
Note that I say passive income because there is a big difference in difficulty between earning 6 figures of passive income versus active income.
You really have to have a big VISION and you can’t get that if your don’t have a bigger purpose in life than just to live in nice houses or drive fancier cars.
Your WHY must be greater than just money and materialistic things.
Cause those things are shallow and when things get tough in business and you are tempted to quit, it’s easy to just settle for your current living conditions.
Your WHY must be a greater motivator and often the greatest motivators are NEVER about money.
It’s the same reason why the richest people in the world are NEVER driven by money.
Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin and Larry Page (founders of Google) could have retired years ago but they still work harder than any of us.
They have a bigger vision to change the world.
Or they may also have a deep inner desire (whether it is pride or competitiveness) that drive them to “play” everyday.
We can say they are always working but they will tell you they are “playing” in this game to achieve their vision.
My Original Why Was Never My Real “Why”
I do admit that when I first started out as a MLM distributor my “Why” was a simple and shallow one.
Like many new MLM distributors, I thought my WHY was to become successful so that I could move out of my tiny apartment and purchase a house and enjoy the finer things in life.
That WHY wasn’t a really strong motivator and I ended up earning no money in my first 2 months of my MLM business.
The only thing I earned was the skepticism and ridicule of my friends.
And that was when my WHY slowly changed and how I started to have success.
The “Why” That Drove Me to Success
My WHY eventually evolved into deeper emotional feelings.
I became driven to prove my negative friends wrong.
I became motivated so that I could make my mom proud.
I was inspired to share my story among thousands and help others to achieve the success I did.
I was excited to have the opportunity to create a lasting legacy that I could pass along to my kids.
I became fulfilled every time someone said “Simon Chan was the one that helped me get started”
I was happy to know that my MLM business would allow me to fulfill my purpose to having a positive impact on as many people’s lives as possible.
I was grateful that I could be a father and spend quantity and quality time with my boys.
Those were the REAL WHY that drove me and converted work into play.
Once I found the emotional triggers that got me going everyday, I no longer needed to motivate myself to work harder.
Instead, every morning I looked forward to playing more.
MLM became fun.
Life became more fun.
So what drives you?
What is your REAL why?
Hint: It’s never about the materialistic toys nor money.
Please share below what drives you every day.