The third step to your daily DMO is to invite 5 people.
So remember…
These are the daily ACTIONS you need to be taking consistently to grow your business:
Overview of an MLM DMO
3 → Create 3 Pieces of Content
5 → Meet 5 New Contacts a Day
5 → Invite 5 People to Look at a Presentation
5 → Follow-Up With Any 5 Prospects
3 → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call
MLM DMO Step 3: Invite 5 People to Look at a Presentation
This is simply asking five people whether they’re open to taking a look at your business.
Now this is not about whether they’re going to join or not, this is simply just asking them.
Most distributors waste too much time building rapport and “building a relationship” with cold market online prospects.
That is not to say building relationships are not important…
But it is important to be direct and invite quickly and not waste time because when it comes to cold market and especially people you won’t see again, it’s a numbers again.
That’s the great part of this MLM DMO.
You have to ask 5 people a day whether they’d be interested to learn about what your business/products and there’s no way you can hit that daily number if you waste time just chit chatting and not getting to business.
An Invite can be as simple as,
“I’m so excited to be part of this group of people who are changing lives and making a difference, it may or may not be for you but would you be interested to learn more?”
Remember, as you continue with your invites, the more you do it, the better you’ll get and will be able to tell what’s working and what is not.
Avoiding This Invite Mistake
Maybe this has happened to you…
Where you spend days, weeks, or even MONTHS chit chatting back and forth with your prospect and taking too long to invite them.
Meanwhile, internally you're debating on when's the right time to pop that ‘special invite question'.
Getting stuck ‘building rapport' and taking too long to invite is one of the most common invite mistakes!
It can slow down your daily income producing activities, which ultimately, can discourage you because little action leads to little to no results.
Remember, when it comes to your cold market invites- it's a numbers game.
Again, that is NOT to say building relationships isn't important, or that you should mindlessly fire hose people…
For example, some common internal concerns may be:
“That feels wrong, they're going to think I'm using them”
“I don't want them to think I'm spamming them”
“Shouldn't I build a connection first?”
If you ever felt that, you are not alone.
On this Simon Says episode below, I break down this invite mistake and teach how you can invite quicker without having feeling you're ‘using your prospect'.
Remember – It’s About the Activity, and NOT the Result
When you FOCUS on the activity, and not on the result of ‘getting that person in’…
It takes the pressure off when inviting and following up with your prospects.
The fear of rejection starts to decreases (not disappear) because you’ll soon learn that you’re not focused on the result.
If you get five ‘No’s’, five people not replying back to you…
That’s okay, you’re gonna move on!
Your requirement every day is to focus on the activity and not the results.
And before you know it, the happiness and success compounds exponentially because you’ll be getting the results that you wanted.
Simon Chan
P.S If you’ve felt stuck, struggling to stay consistent with your daily income producing activities… It’s NOT a matter of “trying harder”, or doing more personal development to help you focus and get results. Check out this video and see what top leaders in this industry DO DIFFERENTLY to stay consistent each day.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio