Network Marketing Income Producing Activities: THE DMO
The only 5 network marketing income producing activities that make you money. Otherwise known as THE DMO. What they are and how you do them everyday
Training Outline of Why You Need The DMO
If you want to skip ahead, go directly to the proven 3-5-5-5-3 network marketing routine, otherwise known as “THE DMO.”
If you're not sure why routines are necessary for recruiting and duplication, then this blog will explain why these 5 network marketing income producing activities grow your MLM business faster.
In MLM, we talk about systems a lot and a checklist is the foundation of every system.
Every business has checklists and your MLM business needs one as well.
Successful leaders also have a network marketing routine they stick to everyday.
The DMO (Daily Method of Operation) is your checklist of income producing activites that’ll help you grow a successful MLM business online.
It helps you stay focused and creates duplication.
A Network Marketing Checklist That Simplifies Things
It’s not just businesses like McDonald’s or your network marketing business that needs a checklist…
But everything that runs successful and smoothly in life has a checklist.
You probably have a checklist when you run errands.
Writing things down makes things less overwhelming and less stressful.
Checklists keeps you focused and on track.
If you’ve ever tried going to Costco without a checklist you’d probably end up buying tons of things you didn’t really mean to buy!
It’s the same with your network marketing business.
If you don’t use a DMO Checklist, you end up wasting tons of time and also don’t have duplication.
The Network Marketing Routine Creates Duplication
If you wake up your team in the middle of the night and asked them what are the 5 things you must do each day to build successfully online, what would they say?
If they can’t answer that question, then you need to implement The DMO.
Not only does The DMO help you stay focused and on track but it helps create duplication.
Most new distributors have been programmed and trained since birth to follow a checklist and To Do list.
In school, they’re taught to complete assignments (a checklist of projects)
At jobs, they’re taught to work on specific projects (checklist)
Many distributors are not productive with their time because they lack a DMO checklist to follow.
If they don’t know exactly what they need to do, then they’re struggle and you’ll never have any duplication.
Why Your Why and Vision Is Not Enough
Your Why and Vision is VERY IMPORTANT but the problem is that most distributors don’t know anything about Vision.
Do they teach how to have Vision in schools?!
Do they teach how to have Vision at jobs?
Most people don’t know anything about Vision.
And even if they do, the Vision lacks clarity.
Before network marketing, the only “Vision” I knew was that I had Lasik eye surgery and I had 20/10 vision!
Vision is hard to teach and a concept hard to understand.
But fortunately following a checklist is easy to follow.
A daily DMO checklist is easy to do because your new reps are used to follow checklists.
Here are some helpful DMO resources:
– Download the DMO Cheatsheet and Phone Wallpaper
– Details of the Famous 3-5-5-5-3 THE DMO Network Marketing Routine
Start Using THE DMO's Network Marketing Routine Today
You’re already using checklists and have a routine in parts of your life today so start using the THE DMO today.
If you find this blog helpful, please comment below.
Simon Chan
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio