Social media is one of the best tools for building your network marketing business and you're going to discover 5 steps to using social media for MLM businesses.
All top leaders in 2025 use social media for network marketing!
Social media allows you to meet new people, connect with them on a personal level, and share your business in a way that feels natural and makes it so much easier for you to finish the daily income producing activities.
However, most people do online mlm marketing the wrong way by pitching their products and come across as salesy, instead of consistently posting things of value that gets people to trust and buy.
Table of Contents: Social Media Network Marketing Tips
Purpose Of Social Media in Network Marketing
Before we talk about what to do online, let's about about a good goal to have for social media.
If your intention is to sell on social media, then you're doing it the wrong way.
The purpose of using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and LinkedIn is not to sell; but to potentially create a conversation.
Conversations can create prospects and prospects can lead to a customer or business partner.
The key to success is using social media to share your life, create curiosity, build trust and to potentially create a conversation about your network marketing business.
If you want to grow your business and connect with more people, here is a step-by-step guide on how to use social media the right way.
Step 1: Optimize Your Social Media Network Marketing Profile
Your social media profile is your new MLM business card.
When someone looks at your profile, it should make them curious about what you do.
It should not feel like a sales pitch but instead, it should feel like you are someone they would like to get to know better.
3️⃣ Online MLM Marketing Tips to Create Trust so People Buy from You
Trust is everything because only buy from those they feel they know, like and trust.
1 ) Trust Them First
Easiest way to trust others is with social media
Let them know who you are.
Be real and be vulnerable.
Share pictures, feelings and your emotions.
Not just the good stuff.
But the tough situations as well
When they click on your profile, do people feel they know who you are?
2 ) Build a Connection Through Commonality
The key to being a good communicator is connection and this is created when you share something you have in common.
If you think back to the people like and the ones you spend the most time with, it's because you have something in common.
A good communicator is able to find commonality quickly.
Here are 3 online mlm marketing tips on relationship building.
a ) Keep Your Message Short and Sweet
Most people type too long and no one reads long messages
b ) Always Ends With a Question
This keeps the communication flowing
For example:
“I had an awesome day. How is your day?”
c ) When you start the message, start with commonality.
Example: Mention a post they shared or a sports team you both have in common.
You can use this to better connect with prospects,
and it can be implemented in warm markets or cold markets, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn, or whatever platform you use.
3 ) Be Consistent
Show up everyday.
If you’re not showing up everyday in your business,
Then WHY WOULD someone trust you?
Use social media to let people know you’re active and excited about your business everyday; even on days when you don’t have results
You don’t need to have wins everyday.
You can simply share your journey and what you’re going through.
If you’re not sure what to share, here's how to come up with ideas on what to post
How to Create a Winning Profile for Your MLM Business
1. Use a clear and professional photo of yourself. People connect with people, not logos or product pictures.
2. Write a short bio that shows your values and what you are passionate about, like helping others or living a healthy lifestyle.
3. Avoid mentioning your network marketing company name or listing your MLM products.
If someone can figure out what company you're with just by looking at your profile, they may Google it and lose interest before you ever get the chance to connect with them.
They may also join someone else!
Your goal is to make your profile inviting and interesting so people want to reach out to you and ask you what you do.
Remember that the goal of social media is to potentially create a conversation that can lead to your network marketing business.
Here are real examples of how MLM Leaders using social media for network marketing
Step 2: Tips on Social Media Network Marketing Content
What you post on social media matters and will determine whether someone will be curious or turned off by network marketing.
Your network marketing content is your chance to show people who you are and why they should connect with you.
What you post should inspire, entertain, and educate while staying authentic and if you struggle with ideas on what to post, this AI tool will be helpful to you.
Applying the 80/20 Rule for Social Media MLM Content
80% of your social media posts should focus on sharing your life, interests, and values.
The other 20% can be related to your network marketing business, but even then, it should be about creating curiosity, not selling.
You should never let people know what MLM business you're in. Just make it generic.
Social Media Posts for Network Marketing
Here are are some network marketing post ideas that'll help create curiosity for your network marketing business.
• Share your personal journey and the positive changes you have experienced
You don't need results to share your journey because you can Sell Your 3 C's.
Your Change, Commitment and Consistency!
• Post about your hobbies, family, or things that bring you joy. Let people see the real you.
• Offer tips or advice related to your industry, like health, wellness, or personal growth.
Make sure you check out this AI tool that'll help you create social media posts 10 times faster
The goal is to make people feel like they know you because when people feel like they know you, they are more likely to trust you.
Step 3: Use Social Media to Expand Your Contact List
If you want your business to grow, you need to constantly meet new people.
Use the CLAM Formula on social media to meet unlimited people online.
Join a Facebook group, follow an Instagram hashtag, etc.
Afterwards, you:
C → Comment on a post
L → Like a post
A → Add the person who posted as a friend (or follow them)
M → Message the person you added and introduce yourself
Facebook Prospecting: Live Demo
Here's a video with live demo on using Facebook for network marketing
Instagram Prospecting: MLM Social Media Demo
Here's a video with live demo on using Instagram for network marketing
3 Rules to Powerful MLM Social Media Messengaing
Follow these 3 Rules to Being a Powerful Communicator to connect with person
1 ) Compliment
Compliment them about what they posted
2 ) Commonality
Talk about something you have in common with that person
3) Ask Them a Question
Ask a them how long they’ve been doing ‘X’ thing that’s related to that group (for i.e. if it’s a marathon training group, ask them how long have they have been running marathons)
For example, if you are in a group for parents of young athletes, you could say, “Hi! I saw your post about your child’s baseball team. My son plays, too, and I loved your tips. How long has your child been playing?”
This video goes more into details on how to message someone on social media
The key is to make it about them and build a genuine connection.
Step 4: How to Use Social Media for Network Marketing Invites
Once you have made a connection, it is time to ask if someone would be open to learning about your network marketing business.
This is where a lot of people get nervous, but it does not have to be complicated. You just need to be honest and direct.
Use Proven Network Marketing Invitation Script
Use this simple MLM invitation script:
“I am working on something exciting. It may or may not be for you, but would you be open to taking a look?”
This works because it creates curiosity without being pushy.
It also gives them the option to say “No”, which makes the conversation feel more comfortable.
If they say “no”No”, thank them and move on.
If they say yes, send them a short video or invite them to attend an offline network marketing presentation.
Step 5: How to Do MLM Social Media Follow Up
Most people will not say yes the first time you ask them to look at your network marketing business.
That is why network marketing follow up is so important.
MLM follow up is not about nagging if you really believe that your business and products/services can help someone
How to Follow Up After Sending Initial Video:
1. After you send someone a video, ask them,
“What did you like best about it?”
This keeps the conversation positive.
2. If they do not respond, follow up with something like,
“I know life gets busy. Just checking in to see if you had a chance to watch the video.”
3. If they are not interested in your MLM, thank them for their honesty and let them know it is okay.
For example,
“I appreciate you letting me know. No worries at all. Can we still be friends?”
The key is to stay professional and respectful.
Sometimes the timing is not right for them now, but because you handled the conversation well, they may come back to you later.
Here are a complete list of Network Marketing Follow Up Scripts that will be helpful
LinkedIn Network Marketing Recruiting Tips
LinkedIn is a great way to meet good prospects especially if you come from a corporate background but you need to know some important differences.
Key Differences to LinkedIn and Other Social Media Platforms
– More corporate and business
– You must be more direct because people don't spend much time on that platform
– You can't waste time by chit chatting back and forth
– After the initial message, you should use a phone call instead of continue to message
The reason you need to call on the phone is because that's how business is generally done in the corporate world
Best Type of People to Target on LinkedIn
Your LinkedIn MLM recruiting efforts will work best if you had experience in the same industry as the person you're reaching out to.
For example,
If you worked at Nike and you reach out to people who also work at Nike or other shoe and apparel companies.
Not only would you be able to relate to that prospect better but the prospect will also feel more connected to you because you came from the same industry.
LinkedIn Network Marketing Script
I looked at your work background and I’m working on something that can be potentially very lucrative for you if you’re the right person.
If you’re interested, we can schedule a quick 5 minute phone call to talk about it
Watch this video for more LinkedIn MLM recruiting tips
Facebook Network Marketing Tips
Here's a step by step on how to prospect on Facebook
You can also apply this Facebook MLM tips to other social media platforms as well such as Instagram, Tiktok or LinkedIn
1 ) Brand and Market Yourself
People only buy from those they know, like and trust and Facebook is a great way for you to connect with old and new contacts
The first step is to post consistently
The easiest type of content to post is to share what you've learned
You can also copy what other top leaders do when they share who they are
2 ) Finding New Prospects
Here is a video demo on using THE CLAM Formula to find new Facebook MLM prospects.
3 ) Reaching Out to Prospects on Facebook
You can use Facebook messenger to invite prospects
Here are 3 tips to help you approach people better and get them to look at a presentation
Make sure you let people know
- Who you are
- How you know the person
- What you want
This training goes more into detail
4 ) Use Facebook Messenger to send the Network Marketing Invite
Use this proven script when you approach prospects
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
Don't change or add works because there is hidden psychology that makes this script work really well
5 ) Sending a Video Presentation
Once someone is interested to learn more you can send a short video.
If your team doesn't have a video
then here is a simple 5 step template to creating your own video using your phone
You can also use the Facebook ATM Method.
6 ) Use 3 Way Edification
Always use a 3 way text or phone call if possible
There are many advantages to getting a third party and people will join quicker
Always use a 3 way whether it's a phone call, Zoom, text, messenger, etc.
Here's a training video on how to prospect online in network marketing using 3 way calls / text
7 ) Work THE DMO
That is a brief overview on how to prospect on Facebook.
In order for these Facebook MLM tips to work though, you have to be consistent and work the list of incoming producing activities everyday
Remember to stay consistent and you'll eventually get results on Facebook.
Things are not going to happen overnight especially if you're new and have not been consistent with posting online.
Facebook and Instagram Stories
Remember this Golden Rule:
Increase Curiosity, Decrease Alarm
Always create curiosity and decrease alarm!
You create alarm when you pitch and sell so never do that!
Instead you want to let people get to know you and create curiosity.
Curiosity → Conversations → Customers!
Stories are a great way to create curiosity which leads to conversations and ultimately to potential new customers!
You can do anywhere from 3 – 8 Stories a day.
Most of the Stories should let people get a behind the scenes look at what you're doing.
and 1 out of the 5 can be a story of you using your product and service and showing how it has changed your life
Don't show the name of your product because you don't want people to Google it.
Instead you want to create conversations and get into the inbox
3 Ways to Engage with People on Stories
1) Add a Slider or a Poll to your story so they can ask for more Info
Add the Slider so people can easily slide and learn more
You can also add a Poll
Afterwards you can message and give them info about your product
If you don't use a Slider or a Poll then you can…
2) Engage with Them Directly!
You can see who has engaged and reach out to them directly
When you message them, you can use a variation of the Magic Script
“Thanks for looking at my Stories. I”m working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
3) Opportunity to Offer Promos or Discounts
If you have a special going on,
this is another way to engage with those that looked at your Stories
One of my 1 on 1 coaching members ran a product promo and thanked everyone who watched his stories and offered a discount and was able to convert 10% of his viewers into customers
If you don't have many online friends, you can use the C.L.A.M. Formula to increase your followers
When it comes to social media, remember that
You always want to:
Increase Curiosity, Decrease Alarm
How to Deal with Fake Prospects On Social Media
Fake prospects are people on social media who pretend to be interested and comment on your posts.
They may even pretend to be interested in your business but their real intention is to convert you and have you join their business instead!
Which in my opinion is… a SUPER LAME strategy!!!
Your Goal on Social Media
Important Reminder: Your goal on social media is to potentially create a conversation.
If you have that goal in mind, it'll help you post better content and also prevent you from being disappointed that people who engage don't become interested in your business
Any Type of Social Media Engagement is Good!
Be grateful to these “false prospects” for what they do.
They engage and help you with the social media algorithm
Any type of engagement is better than no engagement at all (especially true if you're starting out new)
The more they engage, the more your posts will be seen by others.
So don't be angry nor bitter if they don't respond to you.
They've helped you already by engaging in your posts
So What, Who Cares… Who's Next!
Don't waste your time and mental energy trying to figure out why these “false prospects” do what they do.
It just drains you and puts you into a negative state.
focus on your next prospect and work on THE DMO and list of income producing activities.
Remember that prospecting is a sorting game.
If they're not interested, they just saved you time and sorted themselves and you move on.
Dealing With Other Negative Marketers Who Try To Recruit You
If they're trying to recruit you, just congratulate them on their business and move on.
Never fight fire with fire and waste time arguing that your business is better or do a swap (I'll buy your product if you'll buy mine)
This video will teach you how to deal with other network marketers trying to recruit you online
Remember your goal is to create curiosity on social media.
Curiosity → Conversations → Prospects → Customers or Distributors
🛑 3 Reasons Why You Should NOT Waste Time Building an Online Store, Website or Create a Funnel Online
This topic doesn't necessarily relate to social media but is a frequent question.
Beginners often think having a network marketing website with an online store to sell products is a good idea… but it's a terrible one.
Network marketing on social media is way easier and cheaper than building a MLM website.
“Don't! waste your time on building an online store”
Here are 3 reasons why
1 ) It Can Be Expensive to Build a Site
Building a full online store and network marketing website is very time consuming and expensive.
Out of over 800+ top leaders that I've interviewed on MLM Nation podcast,
there is only 1 leader that I can think of that has an online store to sell his products.
And it is NOT easy for him.
I know a few years back he spent over $8,000 to have his store built and then recently I talked to him and found out that he has to spend another $5,000 to update it.
Plus it's a full time job to manage it and that time should be better spent on working the income producing activities.
A lot of companies that sell online services may make it sound like it's easy but it's not.
If Clickfunnel for network marketing worked, then all the top leaders would be doing it but 99% of top leaders do NOT
2 ) You Need to Spend Even MORE Money to Advertise
Even if you had an online store, you'd still need to spend $$$ to advertise it otherwise you will get zero traffic.
This same leader I know must spend at least $2,000 – $3,000 in advertising every month and that is just a wild guess. (it's probably even more)
He also has to worry about constant hackers…
All that time and money that you spend should be spent on the income producing activities instead
7 Reasons Why You Should Not Do Online Advertising for Network Marketing
I highly recommend you DO NOT advertise to generate leads online for your network marketing business.
Here are reasons why I don't recommended it
1 ) Less than 1% of Leaders Do It
There's a saying that copy what leaders do and out of over 800 top leaders interviewed on MLM Nation
there were probably less than 10 people who actually did their own advertising
2 ) You Can't Advertise Network Marketing
Almost all platforms prohibit any advertising about network marketing and home businesses.
The only way around this is to advertise content and helpful tips around a certain subject
3 ) You Must Put Out Consistent Content Each Day
People who see your ad will click on your profiles and websites to see if you're trustworthy.
People will not trust you if you don't have daily consistent content
You have to get people like you and trust you and if you're not sure what to post everyday the easiest content to create is to teach what you've learned
and since you have to post everyday…
You might as well get free leads instead by using The CLAM Formula!
4 ) You Need a Website
No one will trust you if you don't have a website with consistent content
It costs money and time to build a site
5 ) You Need to Have a Big Budget
It's not even worth considering doing online advertising if you don't plan to spend at least $500 a month
Your first month may also lead you to zero results since successful advertising requires constant adjustments and testing.
6 ) Takes Tremendous Amount of Time
By now you probably realized it takes tremendous amounts of time and money to setup a successful ad campaign that generates leads and we didn't even talk about converting those leads!
If you can't close them,
then all that time and money will go to waste!
7 ) Get Free Leads Instead
Instead of spending all that money and time do what top leaders do
- Post valuable content on social media everyday
- Use The CLAM Formula to get free leads online
Demo on how to Get Free Leads on Facebook
Demo on how to Get Free Leads on Instagram
3 ) It is Not Duplicatable
Building an online store and advertising it is 100% NOT duplicatable so you'll never get the freedom you want from the business.
None of your team will be able to do the same thing and even if they do,
they'll be competing against you when it comes to advertising and getting traffic to the site
Recap: Don't Create a Network Marketing Website and MLM Funnel
99% of top earners do NOT use Clickfunnel for MLM or other funnels to grow their network marketing business (even though they may create one to generate other side income such as from coaching)
Why Clickfunnel for network marketing isn't worth it
1 ) Requires TREMENDOUS amounts of time and tech work
2 ) Needs a full website with content
3 ) Requires landing pages, thank you pages, etc.
4 ) Need extra software and services to host web pages (more money)
5 ) Need to spend advertising to generate traffic to the webpage (even more more money)
Even if you advertise $500 a month on ads,
there is no guarantee that your Clickfunnel for MLM will work!
and then you'll have to spend more time to fix it
and advertise more to test it out again.
Just say you get a customer or signup,
you generally DO NOT get your investment back from that sale or signup from the amount of ads you spend unless you have a separate product or course to sell
There are exceptions and if you want to know, reply back and ask me
Use the social media to get free leads instead
Focus on the simple ways to generate leads
and not on funnels nor online advertising
It's way harder than you think
and is the reason why leaders don't do it.
Not to mention…
It's not duplicatable!
Focus On The Income Producing Activities Instead
Network marketing is supposed to be simple and duplicatable.
Spend your time on the only 5 things you need to do to build a successful business instead of spending tremendous energy, time and money on creating websites and funnels.
Summary: How to Use Social Media for Network Marketing
Using social media for network marketing is very powerful when done the right way.
It's NOT for selling products or trying to convince people to join your MLM but instead it is to potentially create a conversation.
MLM social media works best when you use it to give value, create curiosity, build curiosity and show people that you can help them.
Start by making sure your profile reflects who you are and what you stand for.
Then, post network marketing content that adds value to people’s lives.
Be consistent about meeting new people and starting conversations. Finally, do MLM follow up with posture and respect.
If you stay consistent and focus on serving others, you will see results.
Social media is not just about growing your business because it is about making a positive impact on others.
Which of these steps will you start working on today?Additional Social Media Network Marketing Resources
Here are additional MLM training to help you:
Beginner Training
How to Start Network Marketing Training: Complete Guide for Beginners
MLM Nation Podcast
Listen to MLM Nation podcast as top leaders share how they use social media for recruiting.
Since 2015, this network marketing training podcast is always inspiring as leaders share their network marketing success stories.
Social Media Network Marketing Course
Here's a shortcut to getting results on using social media for network marketing.
Get 5 new prospects today with the Online Recruiting Fast Start System
Not only will you get results quicker but you'll be more confident.
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio