Yebah S. asked me recently
What is importance of weekly audio podcast to team and best topic areas to talk about?
Start a podcast?!!!
For 99% of you…
Never start your own podcast!
I'm going to share w you 5 things you should be focusing on instead
—– Lesson of the Day —–
5 Things You Must Focus On Each Day
First let's get back to the question about podcasts…
Podcasts are content and good content can establish you as an Authority.
You can talk about whatever you want…
but make sure you provide value.
Value can be education or entertainment
For 99% of you out there
you should NOT bother to start a podcast!!
Because it takes tremendous amounts of time to record and edit
not to mention all the other technical work to upload to servers, etc.
If you want to create content,
simply just record and upload on social media instead.
Or better yet, do live videos
Keep things simple!
In fact…
Until you're earning over $10k a month
90% of your time needs to be focus on these 5 things…
which I call THE DMO (Daily Method of Operation)
THE DMO is your daily routine of mandatory things you must do in order to be successful.
Here’s THE DMO and Your Daily Checklist
Here is what each number and letter stands for
3 → Create 3 Pieces of Content
5 → Meet 5 New Contacts a Day
5 → Invite 5 People to Look at a Presentation
5 → Follow-Up With 5 Prospects that You Sent Invites To
3 → 3 Prospects to Watch a Video or Attend a Presentation or 3 Way Call
Watch the video to learn more about The DMO
Don't waste your time on creating podcasts!
Focus your time on working THE DMO instead
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
Knowledge V'S Action
Knowledge is worthless unless you take Action on that knowledge
If knowledge was the missing link, then everyone would be successful‼️
Almost everything you want to learn can be found free online today.
It’s taking action on what you’ve already learned that is the key to success
Go find someone to hold you accountable so that you can take consistent action on what you already know.
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
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MLM Nation Mastermind is a unique mastermind for network marketers who want to get to the next level faster
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