Different Approaches for the 3 Types of Prospects
Most distributors make Deadly Mistake #5 and approach and present to all their prospects the same way.
It is important to talk to different prospects differently.
For example, you would talk to your boss different than the way you talk to your best friend from high school.
If you haven't done yet, please go learn about Deadly Mistake #5 so that you don't make that mistake.
3 Steps
You don't need to be a good talker nor have good sales experience.
Today I'm going to share with you 3 steps and also how to talk to your S Prospects; the people you know that are more successful than you.
On a sheet of paper or on your computer or iPad, make a list of all your contacts.
Remember to include everyone and don’t make any of the Deadly Mistakes #1 – 3.
This training assumes you have plenty of contacts to talk to.
If you've ran out of people to talk to or burned out your contact list, fortunately it's easy to fix.
After you have written the names of everyone you know, you are going to go over each contact briefly and next to their name you are going to either write S, O or W.
Remember who the S, O or W are.
You will write an S to them if they are more Successful than you.
You will write an O next to their name if you are On the Same Level as them
And lastly,
You will write a W next to their name if they Want to Be Like You or Worse than you.
Start contacting your list and we always contact the S first.
Importance of Talking to the S Prospects First
It is important to note that the S group will be the ones that grow your business the FASTEST!
They are smart and have good contacts and it is important to talk to them first.
Why should you contact them first?
There are 4 reasons why you should contact Successful Prospects first
1) The “S” are open minded and won’t be negative.
S types have been successful and the reason they are where they are in life is because they are open minded to opportunities!
They may not join you but they will always find a few minutes to listen.
Also, even if they don’t join, they will never be negative and make fun of you.
They will most likely be supportive that you are taking action and doing something to make your life better.
Often the negativity comes from the W or the O and that’s why they are stuck where they are in life and why the S are successful.
2) The “S” are well connected and knows tons of people so even if they don’t join you, they may give you referrals if you ask for them.
3) If the “S” do happen to join, you may have found a superstar.
The S will help grow your business super fast because they are driven, smart and well connected.
4) Talking to “S” first will also give you the confidence to talk to the others and that confidence will give you the posture to get the O and W‘s to follow you.
For example, if you talked to a vice president of a corporate company already, it will be much easier to talk to your younger cousin that just finished college.
Also, after talking to an S that is supportive, the negativity that comes from a W will not hurt as much.
Negativity from someone that pumps gas at a gas station won’t bother you after you have talked to a corporate vice president that encouraged and supported you.
How to Approach and Talk to the S Prospects
The key to communicating with your prospects is to have:
– confidence
– excitement
– urgency
– promote your upline or team
When you contact a S type, you get straight to the point and they appreciate that because they are very busy.
Sample Script On How to Approach S Prospects
I’m working on something exciting.
Our company is expanding and we’re looking for smart business minded people and you’re one of the smartest and most successful people I know.
It may or may not be not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?
You just have to communicate with confidence, enthusiasm, urgency and promote your upline leader.
Here is how a sample conversation would look like if I am contacting my friend Keith who is a successful businessman and owns his own restaurant.
Phone rings
Keith: Hello
You: Hi Keith, this is Simon! How have you been?
Keith: Good. How about you? What’s going on?
You: I’m working on something exciting.
Our company is expanding and we’re looking for smart business minded people and you’re one of the smartest and most successful people I know.
It may or may not be not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?
And that’s it!
It’s as simple as that and remember:
Your goal is to SELL the MEETING and NOT the business.
Get them curious so that they will agree to the meeting (phone call) with your upline.
When you use this script, either 1 of 2 things will happen:
1) Keith will say ok and if he does, then you will go do the 3
way call and let your upline do the talking and presentation
2) Keith may ask you to provide more information and you will use the Effective Presentation Formula and give him a quick overview of the business but insist that he has to talk to your upline to get more information.
Review: What to Say to the 3 Types of Prospects
Here are Additional training that teaches you how to Approach and What to Say to the 3 Types of Prospects
Approaching the S Prospects and What to Say to Them
Approaching the O Prospects and What to Say to Them
Approaching the W Prospects and What to Say to Them
Make sure you always approach these 3 types of prospects differently.
Your Most Valuable Prospects
Your S contacts are the MOST valuable resource you have.
Not only do they have the right attitude but they know tons of people.
Even if they don't join, they can refer you to potential superstars and other people that can be good contacts.
Remember to always contact your S contacts first!
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio