You must be consistent and send out network marketing invitation scripts or messages everyday if you want to be successful in direct selling.
Sending out network marketing invites is one of the top 5 income producing activities that you must do everyday in your MLM DMO.
Simple Network Marketing Invite Script: “The Magic Script”
If you need to know ASAP on how to invite people in network marketing, here is a proven MLM invitation script that'll get people interested
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
It's called the Magic Script and it will work for anyone and you can use this network marketing invitation message to start a conversation or to transition a conversation from small talk to business.
For more advanced training on how to invite in network marketing for different types of warm market and cold market strangers, you can skip to different sections of this prospecting guide.
Outline: How Do You Introduce a Network Marketing Opportunity?
How Do I Invite Someone for Network Marketing Opportunity with the Magic Script
Here's the simple MLM invite you can use for anyone.
“I'm working on something exciting. It may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
It's a MLM invitation simple and has been proven to work for many of the people I've coached and our Purpose Driven Networkers
Video: How to Invite Someone for Network Marketing w the Magic Script
Why Does This MLM Invitation Script Work?
There are 3 reasons why MLM Invitation Message works well for prospecting in network marketing.
1 ) It Creates Curiosity
People will be intrigued and want to know more because everyone loves to be in the loop.
2 ) It triggers FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
They’ll wonder why it may or may not be for them.
People wanna know more!
3 ) It's not pushy and gives people a way out
By asking
“Would you be open to taking a look?” i
This network marketing invitation message gives your prospect a chance to say “No” and people appreciate that
Don't Customize or You're Ruin this Network Marketing Invitation Script!
Here's the key
Only use these three exact sentences.
Trying to “customize” it will just ruin your prospecting success.
People like simple texts that are easy to read and understand.
It's not a big deal if they're not interested because you'll move on to the next person.
Remember, it’s all about sorting and not convincing.
If they say “Yes”, then send them a company video explaining everything.
3️⃣ BIG Mistakes Made When Introducing a Network Marketing Opportunity
Here are 3 of the biggest network marketing recruiting mistakes when it comes to sending out the MLM invitation script
1 ) Have Wrong Intention with the MLM Invite
The first big mistake is thinking you have to convince everyone to join when you send out the invitation for a presentation.
Your goal is NOT to convince them to join.
If you think like this, it will add to pressure, increases the fear of rejection and make you procrastinate.
Your intention when you introduce someone to network marketing is to simply let them know about your business and to collect a decision.
It's not to convince them to join!
2) Taking Forever to “Build a Relationship” with Someone You Know Before You Send the Network Marketing Invite
Getting stuck building rapport and taking too long to send the MLM invitation script is one of the worse mistakes in network marketing.
NEVER spend days, weeks, or even MONTHS chit chatting back and forth with someone before you invite people in network marketing.
Reasons You Should Send the MLM Invite Quickly
1 ) Causes Mental Stress and Overthinking
Building rapport causes mental stress because you don't know you overthink and don't know when is the perfect time to pop the question!
2 ) Decreases Your Income Producing Activity Level
Overthinking will prevent you from doing your daily income producing activities and ultimately will discourage you because you won't make any money.
People are too busy now and don't like the fake chit chat.
It feels fake and you also feel worse.
If you have an old friend that you haven't been in touch with, skip ahead and learn how to invite them to look at your presentation.
3 ) Mindset and Belief
You may feel bad by sending out a MLM invite quickly such as:
“That feels wrong, they're going to think I'm using them”
“I don't want them to think I'm spamming them”
“Shouldn't I build a connection first?”
If you ever felt that, you are not alone. Here's how you overcome that.
How to Get Yourself to Invite Quicker
Remind yourself that you are helping them!
If you discovered a pot of gold that you will share, would they be angry at you for telling them about it ASAP?!
If you're not confident that you're really helping them, then you need to do some training and work on your 4 beliefs in network marketing.
Remember that you are helping them and they should be thanking you!
3 ) Not Using a Tool and Talking Too Much During MLM Invite
If someone says “Yes” after you send out the invite, the next step is to send a network marketing video or get your prospect on a 3 way call or text.
Do NOT go into sales mode and start talking and selling!
Even if you're the best salesperson, you will turn people away because they don't believe they can do what you did.
When you talk too much, you just proved to your prospect that they can't do network marketing and be successful.
Advanced Training on How to Prospect in Network Marketing
The Magic Script works for everyone and I recommend you to use that network marketing invite especially if you're new and just getting started.
For those who are more advanced, here are network marketing invite scripts you can use for different types of people that will increase your chances of success in prospecting.
We will talk about the different ways to invite people you know in network marketing.
3 Types of Warm Market Prospects
Your contact list is the MOST valuable resource you have.
It is your Gold Mine and you MUST invite them even if you don't think they would be interested.
However, not everyone on the list is the same relationship level.
There are basically 3 types of people that you know and you will have better prospecting success if you approach them differently.
Here are the 3 Types of People and to make it easier to remember, you can use the acronym SOW which stands for
S – Successful
O – On the Same Level
W – Worse than You
It is important to talk to different prospects differently.
For example, you would talk to your boss different than the way you talk to your best friend from high school and the same applies when you introduce a network marketing opportunity.
MLM Invite Script for “S” Prospects (Successful)
Who are “S” Prospects?
The “S” Prospects are ones that are more Successful than you.
These are people who you look up to and are more successful than you are.
They are your “S” prospects.
They are most likely more advanced in their careers, make more money or could be your boss.
They often can be successful business owners or have great careers already.
Examples of “S” Prospects
- Anyone that has a better career than you do
- People who make more money than you do
- Professionals such are doctors, lawyers
- CEO and people high up in corporate ladder
- Community leaders (Church pastor, head of Parents School board, etc.)
** Note that when we say Successful, we just mean in career and finances. It doesn't mean in other areas in life.
For example. you could be a better parent than someone who is making more money but that person would still be more “Successful” since we are talking about career and money.
Importance of Inviting “S” Prospects First!
It is important to note that the “S” prospects will be the ones that grow your business the FASTEST!
They are smart and have good contacts and it is important to talk to them first.
Why should you contact them first?
4 reasons Why You Should Introduce Network Marketing to “S” Prospects First
1) Successful people are open minded and won’t be negative.
“S” prospects have been successful and the reason they are where they are in life is because they are open minded to opportunities!
They may not join you but they will always find a few minutes to listen.
Also, even if they don’t join, they will never be negative and make fun of you.
They will most likely be supportive that you are taking action and doing something to make your life better.
Negativity usually comes from your close peers (“O” Prospects) and people who are Worse than you (“W” Prospects”) and that’s why they are stuck where they are in life.
2) The “S” are Well Connected
Successful people have a big contact list so even if they don’t join you, they may give you referrals if you ask for them.
3) “The S” Will Grow Your Business Faster!
If the “S” do happen to join, you may have found a superstar!
The S will help grow your business super fast because they are driven, smart and well connected.
4) You Gain Confidence When You Introduce a Network Marketing to a “S” Prospect
Talking to “S” first will also give you the confidence to talk to others and helps you overcome the fear of rejection.
That confidence will give you the posture to get the “O” and “W” to follow you.
For example, if you talked to a vice president of a corporate company already, it will be much easier to talk to your younger cousin that just finished college.
Another benefit for sending out a MLM Invite to a “S” prospect first is that once a “S” prospect supports you, the negativity that may come from others won't hurt as much.
Negativity from someone that pumps gas at a gas station won’t bother you after you have talked to a corporate vice president that encouraged and supported you.
Invite Tips for Successful Prospects
The key to success is to have:
– Confidence
– Excitement
– Urgency
– Promote your upline or team
When you contact a “S” type, you get straight to the point and they appreciate that because they are very busy.
Invite Script for Successful People
Here is an invitation for presentation sample to successful prospects.
I know you're' busy so I'll keep this short.
I’m working on something exciting.
Our company is expanding and we’re looking for smart business minded people and you’re one of the smartest and most successful people I know.
It may or may not be not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?
If they say “Yes”, then you must connect them with your upline and do a 3 way call / text
Importance of Using Your Team and 3 Way Call / Text
It's important to use a third party because that person is more Successful than you and won't really respect nor listen to you since they're more successful than you but will pay attention to someone they don't know.
If they ask for more information, just say:
I know your time is valuable, so to save you time, it'll be quicker for a quick 5 minute phone call with your team leader.
“S” Prospects are Your Most Valuable Prospects
Your S contacts are the MOST valuable resource you have.
Not only do they have the right attitude but they know tons of people.
Even if they don't join, they can refer you to potential superstars and other people that can be good contacts.
Remember to always contact your S contacts first!
Never Try to Convince a “S” Prospect if They Say “No”
The Successful people you know is your most valuable resource so don't burn that relationship.
If they tell you “No”, just thank them and move on.
They've given you their valuable time already and if you try to convince them, you'll just annoy them and they will just end the relationship with you.
You want to thank you and keep the relationship good so that you can send out a network marketing follow up script to them them for referrals later on.
MLM Invite Script for “O” Prospects
Who are “O” Prospects?
“O” Prospects are ON the same level have the same level of success as you have.
They are normally the toughest people to impress because they know you too well!
Examples of “O” Prospects
- Current close friends
- Close friends from the past
- Your peers at work who see you all the time
- Close family
Note that some of your “O” contacts may be Successful and could be S prospects but they are “O” because they are either too close to you or they are your peers.
For example, if you are a successful doctor and your friend is also a successful doctor then your friend is a “O” because both of you are on the same level but if he was a doctor and you were only a store clerk, then he would be a “S.”
So the type of prospect is all relative to their relationship with you.
Example of How You Introduce a Network Marketing Opportunity to Close Friend
Here is a story of how I invited a close friend and recruited my first leader in my 7 figure MLM business.
I had a friend John that was an “O” Prospect
John and I were good buddies from college and he knew me too well.
He trusted me but the problem was that even though he respected me, I could never be respected to make a good business decision because in the back of his mind, he always remembered when I was a bad student back in college and would cut class or copy his homework.
It is hard for some people to forget the past and in my case, John always remembered how I never studied and got a C+ in physics. (By the way, I studied my butt of and aced the final and that was the only reason I got a C+ and not a F for that class. But John only remembers the C+ and cutting class and not how hard I studied for the final.)
So regardless of what I say to John, he would have doubts when I introduced to him my network marketing business.
That is why edifying and using the upline is MORE important than ever when you prospect your “O” prospects.
John did eventually join my network marketing business but only after he did a 3 way call with my upline and my upline presented to him.
Invite Tips for Close Friends and Family
They won't listen nor respect what you have to say but they will always be happy to give you advice and their opinion.
That's why they're also the most negative prospects!
They're always going to have doubt and be negative when they hear it from you but they will be open when they hear from someone else.
Prospecting Tips:
1 ) Don't Present. Ask for Advice and Opinion Instead
2 ) Use Upline or Team Member
3 ) Even though you're just asking for their advice and opinion, close friends and family often become interested once they learn about the business from someone else.
The purpose of asking for a favor and opinion is to get them to take a look
4 ) Don't sell them!
Don't go into sales mode and present to them. You'll only annoy them and lose them and they won't respect what you have to say.
You must get them to hear it from someone else.
MLM Invite Script for “O” Prospects
Can you please do me a quick favor?
You’re one of my most trusted friends and I need your advice and opinion and it’ll take just a few minutes.
I’m working on something exciting. Could you please take a look and let me know what you think?
If they say “Yes”, then you send our a quick network marketing video followed by a 3 way call / text.
If they say “No”, then you thank them for giving you their opinion. The timing isn't right for them and set a goal to send a network marketing follow up in 6 months.
Importance of Using Your Team and 3 Way Call / Text
They will never listen to what you have to say so you must have a stranger talk to them instead after the video
If they ask for more information, just insist on the 3 way call / text and you can say they're not allowed to buy nor join anything, you just want their advice and opinion.
Summary on Prospecting Family and Close Friends
Close friends and family often disappoint us are normally the toughest people to “impress” and prospect because they know you too well.
They have seen the less impressive parts of you and that can cloud their judgement when evaluating a great business opportunity from you.
They want to support you but they don't believe in you because they know you've done other things that haven't been successful.
But you can still convince them. Remember to:
1 ) Ask for Their Advice and Opinion Instead
Everyone loves to give advice and opinions and especially from family and close friends!
2 ) Disregard Their Advice and Opinion
They most likely will NOT be supportive and may even be negative
Important thing is to disregard what they say.
One ear in… one ear out.
Your real goal isn't to get their advice.
Your real purpose was let them know what you're doing and collect a decision.
3 ) Get Them on a 3 Way Call / Text and Talk to Someone Else
After they're done with their feedback
Get them on a 3 way call with your upline or another team member
They won't listen to you but they will listen to someone else.
A good analogy is with your own children.
Often they won't listen to you but they will listen to someone else that will give them the same advice.
So get your close friends and family to listen to someone else
Video: How to Use 3 Way Calls for MLM Prospecting
MLM Invite Script for “W” Prospects
Who are “W” Prospects?
The “W” prospects are worse off than you or want to be like you.
The “W” prospects admire you and respect you and you have influence over them so they will listen to what you have to share.
Examples of W Prospects
- Someone who is not as advanced as you in their careers (for i.e. your secretary)
- People who make less money than you do
- People less educated than you
- Younger family members
- Subordinates at work
You are more successful than them in some area of life and that’s why you have influence on them.
Prospecting Tips for “W” Prospects
With the “W” prospects, you don’t need to ask them if they would be open or not.
Be Assertive and Demand They Must Take a Look
You demand them and tell them they must take a look!
You tell them what to do and you do it with confidence and assertiveness like the way you normally would in other situations.
These warm market prospects will listen to you and do what you tell them because they look up to you and respect your decisions.
Many network marketing distributors prospect these people the wrong way when they get timid and ask them for permission because this is opposite of all their previous interactions with them!
Humans like consistency and any type of inconsistent behavior always makes people suspicious and distrusting.
Examples of Recruiting Mistakes with “W” Prospects
Just imagine if your former boss that you respected all of a sudden became timid and asked you for permission to take a phone call.
Your old mentor that you looked up lost his confidence and nervously asked you for permission to check out this business opportunity
How would you feel?
You would feel awkward and their behavior would confuse you. They went from always being confident and assertive to being timid and nervous.
Their inconsistent behavior would make you distrust them and increase your doubts about what they were going to pitch you.
So remember the behavior always has to be consistent.
Talk to your W like the way you’ve always talked to them!
MLM Invite for “W” Prospects
You just command them to look at the video.
Tell them it’ll help them and they need to look at this
Here's the network marketing invite script:
I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you but you need to take a look at this because it’ll help you.
If they say “Yes”, then you send our a quick network marketing video followed by a 3 way call / text.
If they say “No,” then you just move on. You put it in your calendar to send out one of the network marketing follow up scripts in 6 months time.
Remember to always be confident and talk like the way you normally would to these prospects.
Any lack of confidence or nervousness breaks trust and creates doubt.
For the next section, how do you introduce a network marketing opportunity to an old contact that you haven't been in touch with?!
Network Marketing Invitation Script for Old Contacts You Haven't Talked to Recently
These are people who you haven't been in touch for a long time. It can be years or even decades!
The worse way to do this is to do some fake chit chat after years of not talking to them.
You're going to feel bad doing this and they think less about you when they think the only reason you're reaching out to them is to prospect them!
The best prospecting approach is to be straight and direct.
Prospecting Tip for Old Contacts
Instead of fake chit chat, a smarter way is catch up with them is to check them out on social media and engage in their content.
When you do so, the algorithm will most likely start showing your online content to them and they will get to see what you are doing.
If you post consistently and give value, they'll be curious about what you're doing and be open to learning more when you send the MLM invitation script to them.
MLM Invite Script for Old Contacts
I’m busy and would love to catch up with you later. Can I ask you a quick question?
They usually will say “Yes” or what is it and then you reply,
I’m working on something exciting.
This may or may not be for you.
Would you be open to taking a look?
If they say “Yes”, then you send them the network marketing video or do a 3 way call / text.
If they say “No,” then thank them and genuinely say that you two should catch up soon.
I go more into detail on how to use this MLM invite script in this video
Video: How to Prospect People You Haven’t Talk To In A Long Time
Last part of our advanced training will be focused on cold market prospecting.
3 Types of Cold Market Prospects (Strangers)
Cold market prospects are people you don't know and you must reach out to them because they're a key part of your network marketing business.
Overcoming Obstacle: I'm Not Good at Meeting Strangers
You're already good at meeting cold market because everyone you currently know at one point was a stranger.
So the truth is you can been good at cold marketing prospecting!
But if you want to know how to introduce a network marketing opportunity to someone you don't know, you first have to understand there are 2 types of cold market prospects.
1 ) Strangers You Meet Online
Once you know how to use social media for network marketing you'll discover you have unlimited number of people you can send the network marketing invite to.
You can use the CLAM Formula to connect with these people and then send them the Magic Script:
“I'm working on something exciting. This may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
The key to success for social media recruiting is having a good social media profile and to consistently post things of value so that people feel they know you, like you and trust you.
2 ) Strangers You'll See Again
These are people you bump into that you'll most likely see again.
- The same people you see in the gym
- The same grocery store clerk
- Someone you meet at church
- Another parent you meet at school
- A new coworker in your office
Because you'll be seeing these people again and again, you can take time to get to know them so that they have a chance to know you, like you and trust you before you send the network marketing invite to them.
This will increase the chance they will be curious and take a look.
How to Build Relationships with Cold Market Strangers
The key to being a good communicator is connection and people will feel connected with you if they feel they have something in common with you.
Think about close friends or people you like.
You like them because you have something in common.
A good communicator is able to find commonality quickly.
3 Simple Rules to Build Relationships with Cold Markets
1 ) Keep Your Message Short (1 – 2 sentences)
Common mistake is people type or talk too much. You want to keep it simple.
2 ) Share Something In Common
For example, mention a social media post they shared or a sports team you both are fans of,
3 ) End with a Question
This will keep the conversation flowing.
For example, if you see the same person at the gym every time,
I love how you always show up at the gym. I do my best to come everyday around the same time. How often do you workout?
You can use these 3 relationship building tips to better connect with any stranger or even with your friends.
Here is video that goes more into relationship building for network marketing
Remember that people like people who are in common
so establish that commonality as quickly as possible
Use F.O.R.M. for Relationship Building
You can also use F.O.R.M. for cold market prospecting and relationship building.
These are great talking points so that you get to know each other.
F – Family
O – Occupation
R – Recreation
M – Message (What they like to tell people or what they want to be known for)
You can build a relationship but make sure you don't make the mistake and of taking weeks and months to send them the network marketing invite.
3 ) Strangers You'll Never See Again
There are people you'll see once and may never see again.
- Someone standing in line in front of you
- A restaurant server
With these people you MUST prospect them right away because you’re not going to see them again.
Do NOT make the mistake and try to build rapport and a fake relationship.
It’s very awkward.
You use the DIRECT approach.
Cold Market Invite Script
Here is a script you can use for the person that's standing in line in front of you:
This is a random question. Our company is expanding in this area and we're looking for people who want to earn an extra $500 – $1,000 a month. Do you know anyone?
Most people will say “No” but some may ask you, “What is it?” and if they do,
You ask for their phone number and best time to reach out to them.
We're both in a rush now but if you can give me your name and the number and the best time to reach out to you, we can setup a quick 5 minute call.
If they refuse to give you their number, then do a gentle take away.
It's ok. I totally understand. This is not for you then. Have a nice day.
Posture and Confidence is Important!
Confidence and having the right posture is important.
Cold market prospecting will not work if you're needy, desperate or lack confidence
Imagine they have to impress you to get a job instead of you trying to get them to join.
That means, if they say “No”, then you just move on. You don't keep talking and try to sell.
It also means that you won't accept an email address if they don't want to give you their phone number.
The best way to visualize this is you're a human resources director and hiring for people and these people want a job and have to do their best to impress you.
MLM Invite Script for Servers
People who serve you fit into this category of people that you'll never see again.
Examples are restaurant servers, someone at the gas station, a store clerk, etc.
You compliment them and use this network marketing invite:
You’ve been great and I love your service.
Wait for them to respond and then,
By the way, our company is expanding in the area and looking for people like you. Would you be interested to earn an extra $500 – $1,000 a month and it won’t interfere with what you’re currently doing?
If they say “Yes”, the key is to NOT to present to them and do NOT send a video immediately!
Get their phone number and the best time to call them.
If they don’t want to give you their number, then you must have posture and kindly say
“No worries then. This is not for you.”
The Key is to NEVER present on the spot nor send a video immediately or else you look salesy, desperate and needy.
Your Action Steps
Use this network marketing invitation script anytime and anywhere,
even in casual conversations.
Remember, the goal isn't to convince anyone.
You're simply getting people interested and allowing them to choose whether or not they're open to learning more.
So, give it a try!
Just copy and paste this MLM invitation script five people today and see how it goes.
“I'm working on something exciting. It may or may not be for you. Would you be open to taking a look?”
Trust me, it's magic, and it works!
Here are some additional resources on how to prospect in network marketing
Network Marketing Recruiting Tips to Convince People to Join You
How to Recruit 5 People If You're New or Struggling
Top 10 List of Network Marketing Books
5 income producing activities that all leaders do everyday
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio