Overcoming Your Fear of Prospecting in Network Marketing
Do you suffer from the fear of prospecting?
Before I share how to overcome that fear, did you know that every Monday night I host my MLM Nation Insider training where I focus on MLM sponsoring and help motivated distributors answer their questions and grow their network marketing businesses.
Here is a recent training that I did on how to overcome your fear of prospecting.
Fear of Prospecting in MLM
* This entire video from start to finish is related to ways to overcome the fear of prospecting but if you want to go to specifics, you can jump to (13:18 – 25:00) of the video
Ways to Overcome the Fear of Prospecting
Here is what’s covered in this training:
* Most important part about the fear of prospecting is from 13:18 – 25:00
What to do if a friend is already a customer already (:05)
The REAL COST of doing a MLM business and Why you must contact the people you know ASAP (1:33)
The 1 big aha moment at Simon’s first convention in 2004 that turned his prospecting already
How to Prevent Procrastination when You’re Prospecting (3:00)
Don’t Let Your Past Determine Your Present Prospect (5:00)
Danger of Prejudging Your Prospects (5:30)
Deadly Prospecting Mistake #1: Trying to Convince Everyone to Join or Buy (5:21)
How to Keep The Invite and Approach Simple So You Get Duplication (7:15)
Why You Should Invite Someone to a Phone Call or Video Before Meeting (10:50)
How Do I Overcome the Fear of Prospecting (13:18)
The Self Talk That Will Increase Your Confidence in Prospecting (18:00)
How To Prospect Doctors with Health Products (25:20)
How to Prevent a Negative Prospect from Ruining Your Presentation (31:30)
Importance of Getting Your Downline to Convention (36:22)
Do You Need Help In Your MLM Business?
If you want to increase your MLM sponsoring and have an expert help you, I highly recommend you to check out MLM Nation Insider.
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