Goal setting in network marketing is very important but most distributors approach network marketing goal setting the wrong way and set bad MLM goals.
You're going to discover how to set realistic network marketing goals and an action plan.
Once we go through a breakdown of the numbers, you'll be able to set achievable goals in network marketing.
Step by Step Outline: Goal Setting in Network Marketing
Power of Setting Short Term Goal Setting in Network Marketing
Instead of setting yearly goals, focus on 12 week Goals because this timeframe creates urgency and ensures consistent action. For example:
When we have a big time frame, we tend to slack off because there is no urgency.
Not doing much for a month isn't that bad because you have 11 more months of the year left but when you only have 12 weeks, one month is 33% of the time wasted.
A shorter timeframe prevents procrastination. You won’t fall into the trap of thinking, “I have plenty of time to work on this later.” Instead, every day will count.
Step by Step to Proper Goal Setting in Network Marketing
Here is a good goal setting MLM exercise to do before you even think about setting your network marketing goals.
Take a moment to reflect on this past year and ask yourself:
What went well this past year and what didn't go as planned?
Also ask yourself:
What actions from three months ago led to your current results?
Success in network marketing doesn’t happen overnight and is a result of consistent effort.
If you’ve had good results, it’s likely due to work you put in 6-9 months ago.
On the other hand if you’re not where you want to be, consider how consistent you were with your Daily Method of Operation (DMO)
This is the important list of income producing activities such as posting on social media, meeting new contacts, etc.
Step 1: Determine Your MLM Income Goal
Here are important questions you must ask yourself when doing goal setting MLM exercise.
Ask yourself what is the income goal you want to achieve by the end of the 12 weeks?
An example would be, “I want to earn $1,000 a month by end of the 3rd month”
Step 2: Determine Your Network Marketing Volume Goal
Another thing to consider during goal setting in network marketing is about sales volume.
How much volume (amount of products sold) do you and your team need to generate in order for you to hit your income goal?
If you don't know this number, you can ask an upline mentor or get that answer from your MLM compensation plan.
For example, if your goal is make $5,000 per month, you might need $25,000 in team sales volume based on a 20% commission structure. (or $6,250 in sales weekly to make $1,250 a week)
Step 3: What's Your Current Repeat Sales Volume?
How much products are sold from repeat orders?
This volume can come from downlines autoships or customers who buy every month.
For example, you may discover that you get $1,000 worth of repeat sales every month from your 5 downlines and 2 repeat customers.
Step 4: Find Out Much New Volume You Need
Once you have your repeat order sales volume, you can determine how much new volume you need to hit your MLM goal
Required: $25,000 monthly volume
Repeat Orders: $1,000 you get
That means you need $24,000 a month in sales
Step 5: Determine Average Sales Volume Per Signup
You can determine these from any previous sales and signups you've made. If you haven't had any results yet, then you can ask an upline for these numbers
What’s the average volume of sales that is generated every time someone signs up as a distributor or customer?
For example, in one company that I did consulting for, $150 worth of products were sold every time someone joined as a distributor.
Once you know that number, you can find out how many new people your team needs to signup in order for you to reach that goal
Example from Above
Required: $25,000 monthly volume
Repeat Orders: $1,000 you get
Need: $24,000 sales volume
Average order of $150 means you need $24,000 / $150 = 160 signups!
That number may be scary but it's the real number of signups you need. 160 new signups every month
If that target is too far fetched, then you'll need to adjust and set a more realistic MLM goal of maybe $1,000 a month and then run the numbers again
You have to do this breakdown otherwise you'll do goal setting MLM the wrong way.
Step 6: Determine the Number of People You Need to Reach Out
This is one of the most important steps and reveals how much of THE DMO and Income Producing Activities you have to do each day.
So how many people do you to contact in order to get a signup?!
Ratio: Presentation to Signup
A good rule is 1 out of 5 people who sees a network marketing presentation (or company video) will join or signup.
This number will get lower and things will get easier as you get more experienced and invest in personal development.
Ratio: Invites / Approaches to a Presentation
This is how many people you have to approach using a network marketing invitation script before someone agrees to watch your company presentation.
A simple rule would be 1 out of 5 who you send the invite script to will agree
The final number is finding people who you can approach with the invite script to
Ratio: Cold Market Contacts to Invite
You can meet people in local communities but using social media for network marketing is the quickest way to meet people is using The CLAM formula on social media
You may have to CLAM 5 people before one person replies back and engages with you
Recap of Numbers
Let's go over the numbers again and summarize
1 out of 5 people you CLAM on social media will connect w you
1 out of 5 people you engage will be interested to learn more after you send the invite script
1 out of 5 who sees a network marketing presentation or company video will join or buy
So in this exercise, (5 x 5 x 5) we determined that you need to CLAM 125 people before you get a customer or signup!
And going back to the previous volume breakdown where you determined you needed 160 signups, that means you'd need CLAM 20,000 people in order to reach your goals! (160 signups x 125 CLAM / signup)
Scary numbers but I just used this an example to show you how to think and plan.
It will get a LOT easier as your skills get better and you develop a routine.
Step 6: Create a Routine
Goal setting in network marketing fail because of a lack of new routines.
You can't expect to achieve your MLM goals being the same you.
How will you create the time to achieve your goal?!
What's something you have to stop doing in order to have the time?
Also ask yourself what habits you have to adopt?
Step 7: Get Accountability
We're all human and will slack you.
All top leaders including myself and accountability partners and coaches and so do you.
Get someone to hold you accountable today.
Apply the 7 Components of the Consistency System to Guarantee Success
You have to apply all 7 Components of the Consistency System for success in your goal setting in network marketing.
1 ) Have a Checklist
You must know exactly what you need to do
2 ) Create and Schedule the Time
You must have a routine or else it's not going to happen
3 ) Determine the Strategy
How are you going to do the income producing activities?
4 ) Choose Your Environment
You must have a place that is free from distraction
5 ) Tracking
Track your numbers
6 ) Your Consistency Toolbox
Use apps that help you stay consistent
7 ) Get Accountability
Go here for a Free Cheatsheet of The Consistency System
Goal Setting MLM Mistake: Relying On Your Team
One of the most common mistakes in goal setting in network marketing is relying too heavily on your team to achieve your MLM goals.
While duplication and teamwork are important in MLM, your personal production is the foundation of your success.
If you set your goals based on what you expect your team to do, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment!
People have Different Level of Commitments
You can't control what others do or what happens to them.
You can only control what you do!
The reality is that 80-90% of your downline likely won’t take consistent action because many will remain as customers or may not work the business as actively as you’d hope.
This isn’t a reflection of you.
It’s simply human nature.
Focus on Personal Production in Your MLM Goal
People have different levels of commitment, and most won’t match the drive of a network marketing leader even though they say they want it badly.
If you expect your team to perform at the level you need to hit your goals will lead to failure in reaching your network marketing goal.
Instead, take control of your own destiny.
Your goals should be built around your personal production, not your team’s.
For example, if your goal is to generate $5,000 in monthly volume, plan to produce the bulk of that volume yourself.
Any contributions from your team should be considered a bonus, not the main strategy.
This approach ensures you remain in control and avoid the trap of “management mode.”
When leaders fall into this trap, they spend all their time training, motivating, and managing their team while neglecting their own income producing activities.
Focus on The DMO and your consistent action will inspire others to take action and pursue their own goals in network marketing.
How Your Goals in Network Marketing Get Easier
Your goals in network marketing will get easier as you grow and invest in yourself in network marketing personal development and listen to the podcasts, read the recommended books and get coaching.
Your skills will also get better as you stay consistent in doing the income producing activities everyday.
Overcoming the Temptation to Quit Network Marketing
Network marketing is not easy and you will be tempt to quit but just remember my favorite quote:
The temptation to quit is when success is right around the corner
The breakthroughs always happen after the breakdowns!
So never never never quit!
Free Skills Training in Network Marketing
If you're stuck or struggling, here is the Complete Guide to Skills Training in Network Marketing that will help you
MLM Nation Podcast on Goal Setting MLM
Recap of Setting Proper MLM Goals
If you need further help w coaching and accountability you can check out The Consistency Champions
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio