In this special episode Simon Chan answers 3 of the most popular questions asked by network marketers
1) How long should I wait before I invite someone to look at my business without feeling I'm being “a fake” and using them?
2) How can I stay authentic on social media and still attract people to my business?
3) How can I be more consistent in my business?
Who is Simon Chan?
Simon Chan is a business coach and speaker who helps network marketers earn a part time income of at least $1,000 a month by helping them defeat overwhelm, create consistency and get results online.
Simon started in network marketing in 2003 and built a million dollar business with over 200,000 distributors by pioneering Online Duplication. He retired from building in 2013 to be a full time trainer and founded MLM Nation. Here is his complete bio
Outline of Answers to Questions On Show
Question 1: How long should I wait before I invite someone to look at my business without feeling I'm being “a fake” and using them?
- Don't get stuck in rapport stage
- Why quick direct approach is better
- Quick and direct is more duplictable
- Objections that will come up with you spend too much time
- Invite after 2 – 3 interactions
Question 2: How can I stay authentic on social media and still attract people to my business?
- Create content that inspires, educates and entertains
- Create curiosity and decrease resistance
- You are already good enough! (don't need experience)
- 3 Types of Experts
- What is someone's 3 second impression of you
Question 3: How can I be more consistent in my business?
- Consistency Makes Anything Possible
- Consistency Creates Mastery
- Start small
- Set a specific time each day
- Treat it like a job
- Use a timer
- Accountability
Recommended Resources
Simple way to stay consistent with GO DMO
Use Simon's 5 Step Plan to get your next customer or rep in less than 28 days
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Contact Info
Simon Chan on Facebook and Instagram
Simon Chan is a business coach, podcaster, speaker and best selling author who helps network marketers recruit and build a team by staying consistent with a Simple Online System. Full bio